What about a Team here in the NorthEast Say, Lake Placid NY? Bring back the old Red White and Blue!
posted by yachts360 at 03:30 PM on January 03, 2007
A player turning into one of the best corners in the game. It's too bad it had to end like this. The worst part is that these types of things happen everyday. Somethings gotta change.
posted by yachts360 at 12:43 PM on January 01, 2007
There shouldn't even have been any finalists. I'm a ND Fan, and Troy Smith devserved it 1000 times more than Quinn.I'm not saying Mcfadden didn't deserve it, because the SEC is the toughest in the Nation. Smith isn't as good as Vince Young and I think Quinn has a better chance in the NFL than Smith. Smith The Clear Cut winner Congrats man. Good luck in the NFL, I'll be rooting for you.
posted by yachts360 at 02:56 PM on December 10, 2006
"A-Rod......pretty nice guy" You must be a Boston Fan, that sucks too be you. Too bad your not gonna win for another 100 years. A-Rod is a good guy plays hard just gets alot of crap thrown back in his face.
posted by yachts360 at 06:53 PM on December 09, 2006
Sweet! Maybe he'll get the Ball after he gave me a Zero for my Fantasy Team.
posted by yachts360 at 03:35 PM on November 29, 2006
Man, what is this country coming too! We'll bring down our own built empire. No such thing as Morales anymore. It's a Shame.
posted by yachts360 at 05:34 PM on November 24, 2006
Morneau is a great player for many years to come don't get me wrong. I thought that he would win it. But I'm a Yankees Fan and I was a little dissapointed when I heard Jeter didn't win. I personally don't think Jeter will ever win one if he doesn't hit over 20 homers and 100 RBIs. Great average and SBs but I guess it's not enough these days. Better luck next year.
posted by yachts360 at 08:34 PM on November 21, 2006
Leyland deserves it, What about Larusa? He should have gotten some votes. Barely getting into the playoffs and running thru it.
posted by yachts360 at 04:36 PM on November 15, 2006
Rock Paper Sissors shoot! Pop your dead!
posted by yachts360 at 02:51 PM on November 15, 2006
Knight makes you step up your game. The players know what they are getting into when they play on Knights Court. They had a choice, go to another school if you don't like him! Deal with It!
posted by yachts360 at 02:48 PM on November 15, 2006
CASE SOLVED! When the Kid and The Parents say there is nothing wrong with it why Get on Knights Case? The Media makes the sitution alot worse.
posted by yachts360 at 02:46 PM on November 15, 2006
I play it all the time, Too bad I loose to my 11 year old sister. Embarrasing!
posted by yachts360 at 07:29 AM on November 12, 2006
I hope it all works out for him.
posted by yachts360 at 10:12 AM on November 11, 2006
AFC West that's the division we should be talking about. Not the NFC East. NFC East was the best division not no more.
posted by yachts360 at 10:10 AM on November 11, 2006
I'm not going to miss Sheff. Next up Barry Zito. Cashman get on the phone!
posted by yachts360 at 10:06 AM on November 11, 2006
Some good young Guns I hear they got. A starter and 2 Closers who played in the Minors. Not to Bad.
posted by yachts360 at 03:26 PM on November 10, 2006
We'll see. I hope your right.
posted by yachts360 at 02:59 PM on November 10, 2006
haha that's good!
posted by yachts360 at 02:47 PM on November 10, 2006
BREAKING NEWS Tigers get Sheff, Yanks well they get a whole load of crap. 3 RHP nonames.
posted by yachts360 at 02:42 PM on November 10, 2006
Mcnabb can't carry the Eagles by Himself. At least they have better records than my Steelers. We don't have a Prayer. Then Porter does something stupid and guarantee a win. It's ugly in Pittsburgh.
posted by yachts360 at 02:40 PM on November 10, 2006
What about a Michigan/Texas matchup in the BCS Championship? You can't count them out.
posted by yachts360 at 02:38 PM on November 10, 2006
Oakland is the worst Franchise in sports...The Flyers are a close second.
posted by yachts360 at 02:35 PM on November 10, 2006
It's crazy...Thank God The NFL plays the Next Day.
posted by yachts360 at 02:33 PM on November 10, 2006
I can settle for Bonderman. Anything is better than the old gessiers that we have in NY.
posted by yachts360 at 02:32 PM on November 10, 2006
Haven't heard enough of him? He's in the news everyday. We need to hear more about players that are actually doing something for their team like the Rookie Colston or Huard in KC.
posted by yachts360 at 02:30 PM on November 10, 2006
It seems like we hear more and more about planes everyday. Something's always going wrong.
posted by yachts360 at 02:27 PM on November 10, 2006
Hmmm....Throw him to the Canadiens like Ricky Williams!
posted by yachts360 at 01:43 PM on November 10, 2006
We aren't sharing Arod. But i'll give to your charity case Sheffield. I want some of that pitching though. VERLANDER!
posted by yachts360 at 01:41 PM on November 10, 2006
The BCS system stinks! I want a Playoff system. It needs to happen, it would draw in fans from all over almost like College Basketball.
posted by yachts360 at 01:38 PM on November 10, 2006
Throw in the towel already! Please don't say in 20 years this is going to happen again if you loose!
posted by yachts360 at 01:35 PM on November 10, 2006
It's too bad, It should have turned out Different. God Bless his Family.
posted by yachts360 at 03:38 PM on November 08, 2006
Were the U.S., we should be able to crush any competition overeseas. Of Course besides Soccer.
posted by yachts360 at 03:36 PM on November 08, 2006
Jater is the best SS in the Game of Baseball. This years American League MVP. Great Season Jeter, better luck next year.
posted by yachts360 at 05:25 PM on October 31, 2006
He was the Best! A true Dynasty!
posted by yachts360 at 05:22 PM on October 31, 2006
Give it too the Homeless Guy!
posted by yachts360 at 05:21 PM on October 31, 2006
Next Question.
posted by yachts360 at 05:19 PM on October 31, 2006
Next Question.
posted by yachts360 at 05:19 PM on October 31, 2006
This is crazy. Hard work and Motivation is the key.
posted by yachts360 at 05:18 PM on October 31, 2006
What an upset! That's all I can say besides I'm shocked.
posted by yachts360 at 06:29 AM on October 29, 2006
They could pull a Stephen Jackson and take out a gun.
posted by yachts360 at 06:06 PM on October 27, 2006
The Steelers will start a winning streak this week, and should make it into the playoffs. Defending SB Champs need some respect besides hearing that Big Ben is Overrated.
posted by yachts360 at 06:04 PM on October 27, 2006
I thought this was another T.O. contreversy. That's all that they talk about, it's getting old. But a Rat in a Salad that is sick. I'd sue also.
posted by yachts360 at 06:01 PM on October 27, 2006
The Baby Bulls are the team of the Future, I don't know if it will be this year but man they are looking good.
posted by yachts360 at 06:32 PM on October 25, 2006
Two Words. Martin Brodouer. Enough Said.
posted by yachts360 at 06:31 PM on October 25, 2006
I always wondered why he was so big. I wouldn't want to get hit by that monster.
posted by yachts360 at 06:28 PM on October 25, 2006
Keep the games here. They have Soccer. Football is an American Sport.
posted by yachts360 at 06:26 PM on October 25, 2006
They'll win the series. That pitching staff is pitching great. The Tigers are having problems hitting and It doesn't look like it's gonna get better anytime soon.
posted by yachts360 at 06:25 PM on October 25, 2006
Lemieux meeting today with K.C. officials.
Lake Placid? Bring Hockey Back to where the Most memorable Hockey story took place.