Broncos' Darrent Williams Is Shot Dead: Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting in downtown Denver early Monday morning
posted by scully at 08:57 AM on January 01, 2007
Another nightclub dispute resolved gangsta style. What a waste.
posted by grinder at 09:25 AM on January 01, 2007
No motive given for the shooting. Another tragedy brought on by senseless violence. Why?
posted by Jaundiced Eye at 09:35 AM on January 01, 2007
posted by rocketman at 09:41 AM on January 01, 2007
He seemed like one of the good guys. We have some deep societal issues folks. My sympathies to his family.
posted by mikemora at 09:55 AM on January 01, 2007
Another nightclub dispute resolved gangsta style. Maybe, but police haven't released a motive. There's enough craziness on the roads on New Year's Day that it could be something else.
posted by rcade at 10:04 AM on January 01, 2007
Terrible. Didn't another Denver-based professional athlete get shot earlier in '06? A Nugget maybe?
posted by NoMich at 10:05 AM on January 01, 2007
A wager gone bad and a young man in his prime taken out at random. I don't think he was the target, the shooters just knew that there was a Bronco in the Limo and someone was going to pay for whatever it was that they lost. That's just my conspiracy theory.
posted by Psycho at 10:41 AM on January 01, 2007
Whatever the "reason"/cause, it's ridiculous, bullshit, senseless violence. And the real tragedy is the fact it will never end. When people place no value on life, some bad shit is gonna happen.
posted by dyams at 10:51 AM on January 01, 2007
posted by wingnut4life at 11:51 AM on January 01, 2007
Well said, dyams. What a waste!
posted by steelergirl at 12:07 PM on January 01, 2007
posted by scotsman at 12:25 PM on January 01, 2007
A player turning into one of the best corners in the game. It's too bad it had to end like this. The worst part is that these types of things happen everyday. Somethings gotta change.
posted by yachts360 at 12:43 PM on January 01, 2007
My thoughts are with Williams' family and friends. RIP
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 12:48 PM on January 01, 2007
Senseless... Peace, Brother Darrent.
posted by wolfdad at 01:30 PM on January 01, 2007
When you run your mouth like he apparently did your gonna get dealt with.
posted by urbighomie at 03:18 PM on January 01, 2007
When you run your mouth like he apparently did your gonna get dealt with. As though this comment isn't thoroughly ridiculous enough all by itself, here's a little something right in the article that kicks it up another notch: He said the argument didn't specifically involve Williams, according to witnesses. Given Criss's comments in the article, there's a particularly painful irony in the implication that Williams had managed to tear himself away from just the sort of crowd that killed him. Williams had two young kids, too -- rough story all the way around.
posted by BullpenPro at 03:39 PM on January 01, 2007
I found this quote interesting: Minnesota Vikings defensive tackle Kevin Williams played two seasons with Darrent Williams at Oklahoma State. "It makes you want to stay home and not go out to places when you see things like that," Kevin Williams said. Do you think he meant, " ...not go out to places where you're likely to be shot if you (or someone you happen to be with) offend someone else in the bar"? Given Criss's comments in the article, there's a particularly painful irony in the implication that Williams had managed to tear himself away from just the sort of crowd that killed him. Apparently, he didn't.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:43 PM on January 01, 2007
When you run your mouth like he apparently did your gonna get dealt with. Because of course, the proper response to a verbal altercation is to fire 11 bullets into somebody's car.
posted by rcade at 03:48 PM on January 01, 2007
Do you think he meant, " ...not go out to places where you're likely to be shot if you (or someone you happen to be with) offend someone else in the bar"? Maybe he meant you're less likely to get in trouble if you're a homebody. Which is true. Personally, I wouldn't want to be out at 3 a.m. on New Year's Day because of all the drunks. But that's not to hang any blame on Williams for an incident that's yet to be explained.
posted by rcade at 03:52 PM on January 01, 2007
While there are certainly places where a dangerous element is found more frequently and/or in higher concentration, I'm pretty sure that in any bar, if you pick the wrong night, you can run into just the wrong mix of alcohol, faulty logic, and accessible weaponry that Williams ran into. And there is no indication whatsoever that Williams' "crowd" was at all inclined to the type of violent behavior that they unfortunately unveiled in the assailants.
posted by BullpenPro at 03:55 PM on January 01, 2007
Because of course, the proper response to a verbal altercation is to fire 11 bullets into somebody's car. Sure, if you're a pussy. If there was an altercation that was escalating, whatever happened to fighting with your fists? Seems like something from a bygone era. Rest in Peace. My thoughts and prayers to your family and friends.
posted by t money at 06:27 PM on January 01, 2007
urbighomie,Man what kind of shit are you writing?Just because he ran his mouth he deserves to be dealt with?Deserved to be shot?How do you know he ran his mouth.Sounds like you may live in that kind of life style.Did you read the article?Just my thoughts,but I think it as a poor choice of words on your part.My thoughts and prayers go out to a young man in the beginning of what looked like a promising young career as a Denver Bronco and his family. Your exactly right for the above you wrote t money.
posted by Ghastly1 at 07:28 PM on January 01, 2007
The guy called out his teammates couple weeks ago .Repoters say he was arrogant and cocky you no these guys don't run alone when they go out the have there posse so if was a verbal altercation what was bunch of guys that are athletes arguing with one or 2 guys in a club after the just blew there a chance at the playoffs .It's called going to the car and grabbing the equalizer it's called being smart and not getting you ass whooped when your out numberd.
posted by urbighomie at 10:31 PM on January 01, 2007
How come Kemal kolenovic the boxer who tried to break up a fight then was ran over be one of the people involved doesn't have his own filter is it because he's less known probably ,he doesn't make as much money probably that's the problem i have with this .This kind of stuff happens all the time but because this guy is who he is and does what he does he gets his own sportsfilter to bad he had to die to get it.
posted by urbighomie at 11:43 PM on January 01, 2007
Welcome to spofi urabigdumbie, you may want to read these after all of that rambling above. .Repoters say It may also help if you put the period at the end of the sentence, and link to examples of these "reporters" articles.
posted by jojomfd1 at 12:39 AM on January 02, 2007
This kind of stuff happens all the time but because this guy is who he is and does what he does he gets his own sportsfilter to bad he had to die to get it. You mean all I had to do was get shot and killed to get my own Sportsfilter? Let me weigh this out.......die/get my own Sportsfilter/make everyone happy or.........Not die/keep posting/make everyone happier. Hmmmm??? Decisions Decisions.
posted by Bishop at 04:07 AM on January 02, 2007
what is the world coming to? Look at the posts in this thread, including your own, for a frightening indication.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:10 AM on January 02, 2007
The good thing about threads like this is that they inevitably entice at least one individual who doesn't belong on SportsFilter to make a very public jackass of him/herself. Then the rest of us have his/her number. That's the upside, such as it is. That this death happened is a sign of a sad and sick society; that we apparently have such a proliferation of armchair brawlers-cum-judges-and-juries, as evidenced in this thread, is perhaps even more of one. For those of you who are sitting back speculating on causes and passing judgment, listen to yourselves: you sound like bloated Romans watching a gladiator match. A human death is not a matter for armchair pontificating about realities that you've never experienced and situations you've never been in. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm sorry for Darrent Williams' death; I'm sorry he lived in a world where he had to hide at home or risk not only death, but the accusation that he brought it on himself. He did not. Rest in peace, and peace to his family.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:50 AM on January 02, 2007
I don't see how some of you rationalize this against something like "getting dealt with" or "shooting off one's mouth". Doesn't seem right to me. Seems terribly unfair and victim-blaming. To me, it seems like a man was murdered, along with the attempted murder of two others. You can coach it in whatever other terms you want, but I find if you start/end at the same place I do you're less likely to come to any truely embarrassing conclusions.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:28 AM on January 02, 2007
you sound like bloated Romans watching a gladiator match. That's a great analogy. It makes me almost laugh when people posting on this site act like they know the exact situation, how it went down, and how it should be handled, knowing full-well it's all inappropriate and stupid. I guess for the majority of the population it's about the culture, the movies, etc. we are bombarded with these days. You watch these assinine films and see people getting the shit kicked out of them, or getting riddled with bullets, and people ultimately come away thinking, "That's just life." It's not. For a minority of people (I'm talking only about numbers, not race), that may be how they live their lives, but for the most of us (especially all of us who have the time and ability to chat on Sports-related web-sites), we don't know about this type of behavior or witness it (unless it's on the news). You've got young people killing each other, and whether it be due to arguments, cockiness, whatever, there is no justification or explanation for it.
posted by dyams at 09:42 AM on January 02, 2007
Thanks dyams, Weedy, LBB and others- you know I dont agree with everyone, but hey thats the way life is sometimes. You didn't hunt me down and shoot me because my opinion differed. Or worse shoot someone else because they were near me and in your way. America is about opinions, and lots of different ones. Also the right to vote on which are best for us. We have the right to bear arms, but not the right to shoot people because we don't like them or whoever they are with. My prayers and best wishes go out to the Williams family.
posted by urall cloolis at 11:23 PM on January 02, 2007
There is a lot of this going around lately. Because of course, the proper response to a verbal altercation is to fire 11 bullets into somebody's car Only if You're a Policeman and one of the following occur: Big scary unarmed pro athlete isn't doing what he is told, or a group of young guys fit the stereo type of those who carry guns and they are at a strip club for a bachelor party. A total of 21 bullets hit the car the men were in as they left the strip club, police said. New York's mayor says police had acted fearing an armed "altercation". "Officers on the scene had reason to believe that an altercation involving a firearm was about to happen and were trying to stop it," Michael Bloomberg said The driver, Sean Bell, was to be married later on Saturday. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. One of his passengers, Joseph Guzman was hit by at least 11 bullets and is in a critical condition in the hospital.
posted by Bishop at 04:40 AM on January 03, 2007
There is a lot of this going around lately If you are referring to your aggrandized agenda, I'd have to agree. And the fact that this sort of thing occurs in far greater numbers among young professional athletes is no coincidence, where there's smoke, there's fire.
posted by mjkredliner at 08:35 AM on January 03, 2007
And the fact that this sort of thing occurs in far greater numbers among young professional athletes is no coincidence, where there's smoke, there's fire. That's pretty unfair, mjk. It is much more likely that they become a target for every thug who wants to prove themselves tough. No one goes to a club with a semi-automatic weapon unless they are looking for or expecting trouble.
posted by bperk at 09:07 AM on January 03, 2007
I suggest that the guilty party carried their piece with them to more than nightclubs.
posted by mjkredliner at 09:22 AM on January 03, 2007
There is a lot of this going around lately. Which "this"?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:37 AM on January 03, 2007
When people make comments that not only make themselves look like complete insensitive morons, it makes me cringe. Your telling me that a person that so happens to be a professional athlete that goes out for a night on the town on New Year's Eve with a bunch of his or her family/friends, deserves to get shot and killed just because they so happened to express how the feel verbally? I don't understand what this world is coming to when people can actually argue that the senseless murder of Darrent Williams was somehow justified because he "called out his teammates (a) couple weeks ago" and that "reporters say he was arrogant and cocky". So what if he was!! That doesn't make it right for some coward to take another human beings life and it makes you look totally ridiculous when you make it seem as if he deserved to die. No one's life is meaningless, especially one that was doing all the right things as far as: renting a limo in order to make sure that everyone got home safe & sound from a night of drinking instead of driving themselves home. How would you feel if someone decided to have you "dealt with" because you choose to "run your mouth" about something that was absolutely horrible like this. Think before you speak.
posted by BornIcon at 10:17 AM on January 03, 2007
In no way, shape, or form did I "argue that the senseless murder of Darrent Williams was somehow justified". I merely noted that this seems to occur much more to young professional athletes (and college ones, too, I might add) than it does to the public in general. Each case is totally different taken individually, but when looked at as a whole, it becomes plain that there must be some root cause for it. Darrent Williams' case is unique, and it is also the same in many ways as others. It makes me cringe Your labeling the murders of many of these athletes as being totally random makes me cringe.
posted by mjkredliner at 11:26 AM on January 03, 2007
Your telling me that a person that so happens to be a professional athlete that goes out for a night on the town on New Year's Eve with a bunch of his or her family/friends, deserves to get shot and killed just because they so happened to express how the feel verbally? No, I'm telling you that you and you alone are responsible for where you go and who you choose to hang with. If you choose to be out in a white Hummer limousine at 2 a.m. New Year's Eve night in a town where two other sports figures have been shot in the recent past, I'd say you're greatly increasing your chances of being shot yourself. What's insensitive and harsh about that?
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:37 AM on January 03, 2007
Nothing, in the abstract. However, neither you nor I have a mailing address in the abstract. Are you telling me a white guy in a Hummer limo in NYC at some trendy club has a high likelihood of being shot on New Year's Eve?
posted by yerfatma at 11:50 AM on January 03, 2007
That's what sucks about being an athlete. I seriously doubt that those black athletes in a different profession would choose to live in Denver. I bet they would rather have spent their New Years with people more like them, but they happened to be in Atlanta! There are crazy people everywhere. However, if you live in one of these cities without a lot of affluent black people, there are probably few quality clubs out there. So, you end up with some real questionable people at the clubs or you stay at home for the length of your contract.
posted by bperk at 12:13 PM on January 03, 2007
Whoa! Why are people that I wasn't even talking to acting all hurt an shit? My comments were actually directed at urbighomie and you could see that with his quotes that I pasted along with my statement (i.e. "called out his teammates (a) couple weeks ago", "reporters say he was arrogant and cocky", "dealt with", etc....) This is another case of people speaking before they think or actually read between the lines. My opinion stated that no one deserves to be murdered the way this young man was, period. Does it really matter if it happened in Denver, Atlanta or even New York? No, it does not. Even if it was at 2am in a white Hummer limo, this was a New Year's celebration and people around the globe were doing the very same as he was, celebrating the new year. What's so wrong about that? Please guys, just know that we're pretty much all in agreement with this. It was wrong and uncalled for. No one deserved to go out like that.
posted by BornIcon at 12:39 PM on January 03, 2007
Which "this"? I'll respond since you appear like a tigress waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting gazelle. There is a lot of this going around lately. Altercations leading to bullets being shot into cars ending in death or serious injury. /sighs and waits wondering what possible angle will be used to argue this point.
posted by Bishop at 01:02 PM on January 03, 2007
Well I don't know about lbb but I was wondering if the this meant: A) People getting shot B) Athletes being shot C) Black athletes being shot D) Cops shooting people It felt like it could have been any one of those.
posted by tron7 at 01:21 PM on January 03, 2007
/sighs and waits wondering what possible angle will be used to argue this point. Thank goodness you're not spoiling for a fight or anything. /sarcasm Bishop, you knew when you wrote that exactly what response you wanted, and what response you would likely get, given your history of robust discussions with The Bat. This just makes you look like you're trolling for a fight, which is something I expect from somebody with considerably less intellect than you.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:56 PM on January 03, 2007
Deadspin has a picture of Javon Walker in a bloody shirt. I won't link to it, but I will say that seeing that picture makes this seem a lot more real than just reading a newspaper article about it.
posted by SummersEve at 02:45 PM on January 03, 2007
Thanks SummersEve, I saw the pic and even read some of the comments being made at the expense of Darrent Williams' murder and have to say that those people are disgusting and beyond ignorant. I find it to be truly appalling how people can actually try to be either witty or funny when it comes to a situation like this when it's rather sad. People: Wake the fuck up and stop treating life like it's no big deal. Cherish every single moment that you have with the people that you care about and treat others with the same respect that you want for yourselves. Death is never funny.
posted by BornIcon at 04:41 PM on January 03, 2007
Are you telling me a white guy in a Hummer limo in NYC at some trendy club has a high likelihood of being shot on New Year's Eve? I wasn't aware Williams was white or was in NYC, and I don't think either of those factors are relevant to this incident. However, to answer your question I also don't believe I said a "high likelihood." I said I think you're greatly increasing your chances of being shot, especially in comparison with going out for a quiet dinner or heading to the bowling alley. I suspect for a white man in NYC driving around in a Hummer limo at 2 a.m. on New Year's Eve, it would depend on where the "trendy club" was located. IIRC, according to the original story (which for some reason is now not the link when you click the FPP), Shelter isn't located in a particularly good part of town. I just read this note from someone who was apparently at Shelter that night. If accurate, one of Williams's party was wearing gang colours and it may have angered members of a rival gang. The author also makes note of a friend saying he told Williams he liked his necklace "because of how nice and expensive" it looked. Are any of these reasons to be shot? No, again, they aren't. Are any of these possibly going to increase your chances of getting shot? Yes, I believe they might.
posted by wfrazerjr at 05:56 PM on January 03, 2007
TBH come on man. Am I ever allowed sarcasm? Do I have to hint to using it? I wrote that with the feeling of no matter what I write, it will be considered argumentative by some. Which is why I wrote "sighs and waits" figuring that someone asking "which this" was the one looking for disagreement. Please man, we are presented with a unique opportunity here at this moment. What opportunity you ask? The opportunity for everyone here to just post their thoughts without changing the subject of this thread to me. I mean their are 2 other people actually discussing some "what if's" concerning white vs. black in this issue and please note that I have no part of it. By addressing me directly you're doing what Gary just asked not be done. Wlliams is dead, nothing is worse than that. Except for someone actually hinting that he may have deserved to die because he A. went to a club on New year's eve. Or B. was secretly friends with Scarface, The Godfather, or some other mobb/mafia/thug figure who was set to be whacked that night, and he should have known better than to be around aforementioned bad guy.
posted by Bishop at 11:02 PM on January 03, 2007
Bishop, given your history of argumentative dialogue, especially with the aforementioned Bat, your sarcasm was difficult to detect. Apologies.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:32 AM on January 04, 2007
If accurate, one of Williams's party was wearing gang colours and it may have angered members of a rival gang. The author also makes note of a friend saying he told Williams he liked his necklace "because of how nice and expensive" it looked. Which of these makes it ok someone got killed? I have no idea what you are arguing here.
posted by yerfatma at 05:42 AM on January 04, 2007
If accurate, one of Williams's party was wearing gang colours and it may have angered members of a rival gang. The author also makes note of a friend saying he told Williams he liked his necklace "because of how nice and expensive" it looked. Red and blue are considered gang colors. Just about any team colors are bound to be some gangs colors (including the Denver Broncos colors). If you aren't in a gang, you don't generally pay careful attention to your color scheme because it is of no significance to you. It is almost impossible to keep up with it all anyway. In actuality, the one thing that most increased his chances of being shot was being young and black and hanging out with other folks who were young and black. That's pretty much it.
posted by bperk at 07:31 AM on January 04, 2007
Which is why I wrote "sighs and waits" figuring that someone asking "which this" was the one looking for disagreement. You figured wrong. It was a response to with your rambling prose and ambiguous phrasing (tron7 pretty much had the right of it; I was wondering, "Is he talking about people being shot at nightclubs, or football players being shot, or cops shooting people, or young black men getting shot, or young black athletes getting shot, or people talking about young black men getting shot, or...?"). Next time someone asks you a question, you might simply try taking it at face value. Now that you've clarified your "this", I agree: there is indeed a lot of "this" going around. As it happens, I read your comment after reading this on my morning commute.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:48 AM on January 04, 2007
Staggering numbers from your link LBB.
posted by louisville_slugger at 08:09 AM on January 04, 2007
That is an interesting article, lbb. This line in particular really drove home a point: Nationally, blacks are six times more likely to be murdered than whites, according to the US Justice Department. Ninety-four percent of all black murder victims are killed by black people. Bob Herbert, the black columnist for The New York Times, said it best: "If white people were doing to black people what black people are doing to black people, there would be rioting from coast to coast." Like was said above, staggering numbers (and ideas) to think about. And I do realize there haven't been any arrests, to my knowlege, in the Williams case yet.
posted by dyams at 01:32 PM on January 04, 2007
From LBB's link: "If white people were doing to black people what black people are doing to black people, there would be rioting from coast to coast." White and non-Black people are doing their share of it. Just so happens most of them are police, and as we know police are always right and never abuse their authority. So when they kill Black people it is usually justified with outstanding excuses like: Officers on the scene had reason to believe that an altercation involving a firearm was about to happen and were trying to stop it. What is that? Pre-crime from the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report? That's like giving someone the electric chair because you thought they were about to do something wrong. Where the hell is Constitutional protection? As far as a link on this thread indicating it's mostly Black people killing Black people, I would offer that while there is gang violence and Black on Black crime taking place, let us also keep in mind how murder, whether it be of children by their own mother, or of a wife by her own husband, is often falsely blamed on Black men. Now let's think about this for a minute. 94% of Black people are killed by other Black people. Are you fucking kidding me? Where did he get these numbers, from the Police? Well who the hell do you think they are going to say did it? How about we look at it like this, 94% of the time a Black person is killed, another Black person gets sent to jail for life or is executed. They should have made it a little more believable, like maybe saying 68% or something. 94% is almost like telling on themselves. Historically what do you think the percentages are as far as Black people being killed by Whites or Whites by Blacks. Anybody got those statistics?
posted by Bishop at 02:23 PM on January 04, 2007
You can go to DOJ's Bureau of Justice Statistics for all kinds of statistics on the rate of murder among race. I don't find those statistics even a little bit surprising. While police really suck and do kill black men, I don't think that mitigates the reality that young, black men are killing other young, black men at an alarming rate.
posted by bperk at 02:39 PM on January 04, 2007
Now let's think about this for a minute. 94% of Black people are killed by other Black people. Are you fucking kidding me? Where did he get these numbers, from the Police? Why don't you fucking ask the guy who wrote the column? His email's right there. Historically what do you think the percentages are as far as Black people being killed by Whites or Whites by Blacks. Anybody got those statistics? Define "historically".
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:48 PM on January 04, 2007
Historically what do you think the percentages are as far as Black people being killed by Whites or Whites by Blacks. Anybody got those statistics? Here Where did he get these numbers, from the Police? Here.
posted by bperk at 02:56 PM on January 04, 2007
Anybody got those statistics? Black on black murder is not a particularly new phenomonon, Bishop, but it does seem to be largely ignored by the black community as well as the white. Jim Brown speaks as much about it as anyone, and I tend to agree with much of what he says.
posted by mjkredliner at 03:10 PM on January 04, 2007
posted by SummersEve at 03:21 PM on January 04, 2007
Which of these makes it ok someone got killed? I have no idea what you are arguing here. I have no idea where you keep dredging up the idea that I think it's okay that Williams was killed. I don't, I've said that repeatedly and I wish you'd stop referring to it, because it's untrue. What I am arguing is that driving around at 2 a.m. in a Hummer limo wearing your bling and hanging with people in gang colours is more likely to get you shot than staying home or hopping over to Denny's for a Grand Slam. Your argument to that?
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:01 PM on January 04, 2007
Why don't you fucking ask the guy who wrote the column? His email's right there Sorry for not taking the bait, but that's actually who I was referring to. However I can see how you might have thought I was speaking directly to you, as I often respond to you that way.
posted by Bishop at 04:02 PM on January 04, 2007
What I am arguing is that driving around at 2 a.m. in a Hummer limo wearing your bling and hanging with people in gang colours Who the hell had "bling" on? If Brett Favre wears overalls and a red bandanna is he considered a blood? You're going in the wrong direction Wfrazerjr.
posted by Bishop at 04:12 PM on January 04, 2007
Your argument to that? My "argument" is that your comment could be restated, "You have a better chance of being killed for acting black than you do for acting white", which feels a bit judgmental to me. I know the counterargument is that "it's not 'black', it's 'thug'" or something like that, but it still feels cold to me.
posted by yerfatma at 04:21 PM on January 04, 2007
What if there's a razor blade in your "Moons over My Hammy"?
posted by SummersEve at 04:38 PM on January 04, 2007
Sorry for not taking the bait, but that's actually who I was referring to. However I can see how you might have thought I was speaking directly to you, as I often respond to you that way. AFAIK Steve Bailey doesn't read SportsFilter, so your comment was misdirected in being posted here. If you really did want to know the source of his stats, one more time, all you had to do was click. I really am curious if you read the whole column to get Bailey's conclusions, or just reacted to a number. I don't think the column is making the statement you seem to be hearing.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:31 PM on January 04, 2007
White and non-Black people are doing their share of it. Just so happens most of them are police, Dude. let us also keep in mind how murder, whether it be of children by their own mother, or of a wife by her own husband, is often falsely blamed on Black men. Dude. If Brett Favre wears overalls and a red bandanna is he considered a blood? Depends on whether or not he's wearing shoes.
posted by tselson at 10:34 PM on January 04, 2007
Dude Dude blah blah blah Well put. I see your point. Great addition to the thread. What's next? A calculation attempting to prove that I am really Al Sharpton? Might be time to lock this one up Admin, as they tend to go down hill from here. This went from a young man getting killed to Blacks are killing Blacks, what if he was white, he got shot because people in the limo had gang colors and bling on, then finally to the icing on the cake, LBB and myself arguing about how much we can't stand each other. I don't see this thread benefiting the sports community or the young man that was killed from here on out.
posted by Bishop at 12:36 AM on January 05, 2007
What I am arguing is that driving around at 2 a.m. in a Hummer limo wearing your bling and hanging with people in gang colours is more likely to get you shot....... wfrazerjr, it's a damn shame that you feel this way. I truly feel sorry for you for even making this comment. The reason I say that is becasue of your outlook on what "bling" is or about someone wearing what is percieved to be as "gang colo(u)rs." Let me explain something to you so you may be more aware about this: I was born and raised in Central Jersey. I love my hometown but have seen it dwindling down to being nothing more than a war zone. Gangs have started to show up around here the last few years and the murder rate has risen because of it. I'm Puerto Rican and grew up in a neighborhood that consisted of whites, blacks and latinos. I've never really had a problem when it come to dealing with people of different nationalities, it was actually a blessing for me to be raised around so many races. The point that I'm trying to make is that, as soon as these gangs started making their way around here, color(s) became this territorial thing. Same as in L.A., there are Bloods and Crips. What a lot of people don't know or say is that there are also another gangs called the Latin Kings and another called Netas. These gangs all have different color(s) that they represent themselves with (either, blue, red, yellow & black, ect...). The thing is, who do we, as civilians know what color(s) we're suppose to wear or not wear for the fear of being shot at? Or for that matter, can we not wear jewelry anymore because of the threats of being robbed, stabbed, shot at or worse yet, murdered for a Cuban Link? In this day and age, it's just very sad considering that not everyone that wears red, blue or the combination of yellow & black for gang representation. I may decide to wear blue because those are the colors of the Dallas Cowboys and I love to wear their gear or yellow and black because I so happen to like the design of the Pittsburg Pirates logo. I mean, com'on, I am the furthest thing from being a gang member and I'm sure that most of you out there are not as well. Even if someone is hanging out with an individual who happens to be wearing something that may represent a gang, does that mean that they meant to wear that in order to be identified as a gang member? Maybe, maybe not. That was not the reason explained to why Darrent Williams was shot and killed and no one really knows why, just the people that were there. As soon as people start assuming why a person was foolishly murdered, please get the entire story correct or the very least, understand exactly what your saying before you post it. By the way, someone was murdered at a local (New Jersey) Denny's just last year (August) because his order came messed up. Think about that one. A shame, isn't it?
posted by BornIcon at 06:50 AM on January 05, 2007
Wait, you two don't like each other? Guess I had that pegged wrong.
posted by yerfatma at 06:53 AM on January 05, 2007
That's funny yerfatma. I used to watch "Moonlighting". Great show.
posted by BornIcon at 07:07 AM on January 05, 2007
If she looks like that I may reconsider my position. What were the odds that this thread would end with a pic of the lead actors from moonlighting?
posted by Bishop at 07:48 AM on January 05, 2007
What were the odds that this thread would end with a pic of the lead actors from moonlighting? Zero, because your dancing fingers had to post this little gem: then finally to the icing on the cake, LBB and myself arguing about how much we can't stand each other. Oh, man...just shut up! Where did I argue about how much I can't stand you? Where did I ever say that I can't stand you? You're way down the list of annoying people in my life, small fry; you've got to go back to school to get on the "can't stand you" list. But you know, this really does exemplify your whole problem: It's all about you. Everything is all about you. Everything that's said is an attack on you -- because you can't ever recognize or acknowledge when people are agreeing with you. Everyone who doesn't agree with you, all the time, in every particular -- everyone who doesn't simply comment, "You're right, Bishop! 100% right! Attaboy!" -- must hate you. Every thread that involves an African-American person in the most peripheral way is all about you, and you are the sole arbiter of what is true and what is racist in all such threads -- because you own the topic. Well, to hell with that noise. Long before you showed up, I was tackling issues of racism here. So were others whom you've tarred with the racist brush simply because they wouldn't be Bishop-worshipers, and anyone who's been around and paying attention knows it. You've ignored the times that people have agreed with you, and made up these crazy fictions about what other people think of you. You're a sad specimen, Bishop, and you're welcome to your delusions except for one: I don't have some kind of a vendetta against you. You're just not that significant.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:55 AM on January 05, 2007
If this gets any worse, soembody's gonna get shot up in here.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 08:08 AM on January 05, 2007
Or worse....they might post something that resembles gang writing and then get shot at. Damn Microsoft making these pc's ever so realistic!!
posted by BornIcon at 08:17 AM on January 05, 2007
But you know, this really does exemplify your whole problem: It's all about you. Everything is all about you. That seems to be an Internet-wide phenomenon. It's why we're all here posting our own thoughts on matters.
posted by yerfatma at 08:33 AM on January 05, 2007
Might be time to lock this one up Admin, as they tend to go down hill from here. Now that's funny. I don't see this thread benefiting the sports community or the young man that was killed from here on out. Yeah, because the injection of some paraphrased story about a police shooting, in order to use this thread to bash police was really beneficial.
posted by tselson at 09:14 AM on January 05, 2007
Everything that's said is an attack on you -- because you can't ever recognize or acknowledge when people are agreeing with you. OK, before I respond, I want to make sure I get this one right. Are you agreeing with me in or last post or...... no? LBB, wow. I have never seen you this shook up before. I crack a meaningless joke and again who somehow come up with I'm trying to make threads about me. You must have over looked this plea : Please man, we are presented with a unique opportunity here at this moment. What opportunity you ask? The opportunity for everyone here to just post their thoughts without changing the subject of this thread to me. In any case, you may have went to far with that rant. I'm not sure what to say. you are the sole arbiter of what is true and what is racist in all such threads -- because you own the topic. Uhhh....Race was being discussed by other's. Not by me. Sure I added my 2 cents after the fact as did others, but the initial discussion about race was being had by 2 other members here. Not me. Any time I have found myself going off on someone like that, I was told to take it to email. Anytime I said, "shut-up" in response to someone, my post was deleted (for being solely argumentative and off topic). Maybe the members that have been around longer have a little more leeway, either way, the sad truth is, the only person who made this thread about me.....was you.
posted by Bishop at 09:14 AM on January 06, 2007
"Hours before the shooting, the Broncos lost to San Francisco 26-23 in overtime, eliminating them from the playoff race." Ouch. My thoughts go out to his family. 24 is too young to go.