To some it matters to some it dosent
posted by lightman at 01:21 PM on August 15, 2006
This should be titled Brokeback Sports Filter Thread
posted by lightman at 08:55 AM on August 11, 2006
Take a poll......(without reading the link) How many people know who this guy is or what his sport is?
posted by lightman at 08:48 AM on August 11, 2006
Quite possibly, one of the best things ever said............. • Dec. 10--During a 24-17 loss to Seattle, Bengals coach Sam Wyche grabs the on-field microphone and exhorts fans to stop throwing snowballs by yelling: "You don't live in Cleveland, you live in Cincinnati!"
posted by lightman at 07:50 AM on August 10, 2006
If we win there, take care of business with Iowa, PSU, and Mich. We will be playin for another National Championship. We are hiring Maurice Clarett for our scouting team, so if you see a dude with a kevlar vest and 4 or 5 guns, dont worry. Too bad we dont play the Irish, we need another tune up game. Although Cincinnati will be tougher
posted by lightman at 04:05 PM on August 09, 2006
I thnk they screwed up hiring this guy, when Al Sharpton is available.
posted by lightman at 03:36 PM on August 09, 2006
Which would be better? A middle reliever with a 5.00 era making about a mil a year or a punter making about a mil a year. Either way, if you figure actual hours worked you would make something like 5 grand an hour. Tom Seaver is the Man
posted by lightman at 03:35 PM on August 09, 2006
This is fun. I work a very stressful job, and I laugh out loud at these threads. Dude, the whole "look it up" thing is a joke. Ever watch any Will Ferrell movies? I was just bustin balls, like real guys do. Sorry if you got your feelings hurt or for the "unintelligent discourse". But this is SPORTS, where Beer drinking is expected, belching and farting encouraged, hookers welcomed. Geesh, IF you two even have a girl, she probably makes you tuck your sack back and wont let you pee standing up. So enjoy your personal copy of Brokeback Mountain and if at all possible grow some testicles. Oh, and for the record....... Notre Dame still sucks balls and OHIO STATE will keep their #1 rating. Hugs and Kisses Your Friendly Neighborhood Sports Guy
posted by lightman at 03:31 PM on August 09, 2006
Name a team (if the could afford the salary) that wouldnt want A-Rod on their roster. Not a fan or a hater, I dont know that much other than he is a very good player. This is America, where you have the right to make as much money as you can. There are a very very few percantage of people that wouldnt have done the same thing if they had the chance to make that kind of money, legally. Wjile the rest of bitch about his salary and playoff performance, he will retire with some of the best stats of anyone to play the game, a sure Hall of Famer, and will live the rest of his life in financial security. I could deal with that.
posted by lightman at 01:15 PM on August 09, 2006
I like this concept, this will automatically prevent Cleveland and Pittsbugh fans from attending games. This will make the Bengals run to the Super Bowl more enjoyable
posted by lightman at 01:12 PM on August 09, 2006
Maurice was at a fund rasing event for Smith and Wesson raising money for local gangs and showing the importance of bullet proof vests. He liked the feel of the vest and forgot to take it off as it was very comfortable. He had just finished dropping off the last of his church group and was pulled over for a minor infraction. I have it on good authority, the cops that pulled him over are originally from Michigan. The guns were planted as part of a conspiricy against poor Maurice.
posted by lightman at 01:10 PM on August 09, 2006
I see your response, but all I can read is blah blah blah At the end of the year when you are playing in the Tampax Bowl against Bob Jones University, we will be in a BCS bowl. This is common knowledge. Look it up.
posted by lightman at 12:24 PM on August 09, 2006
Maybe they should follow the Duke program. Ho's and Beer
posted by lightman at 04:46 PM on August 08, 2006
OK, more on Notre Dame #1 - In order to be #1, you need a defense that can stop your average High School Team. #2 - You had to take your running back and make him a linebacker, whats up with that? #3 - Your best receiver is a better baseball player than a football player. Maybe he should carry a bat. #4 - Isnt it about time for a uniform change #5 - Just give up, it's not gonna happen. #6. - Notre Dame will lose to Michigan, and Michigan sucks. #7 - Do you honestly call games against Army, Air Force, and Navy an actual game. #8 - Charlie Weiss is probably saying "Damn! why did I leave New England" #9 - Rudy is too old to play now #10 - Whats up with the golden dome, that thing needs painted.
posted by lightman at 04:44 PM on August 08, 2006
Notre Dame #1? Are you kidding me? A candy ass schedule At best, they are a number 10
posted by lightman at 09:18 PM on August 07, 2006
I'm glad they got booted. They sound like annoying whiney bitches
posted by lightman at 08:27 AM on June 12, 2006
Who really cares? Variety is the spice of life, etc... Not a soccer fan, so I don't watch it. Also not a bowling fan, don't watch it either, etc... You don't have to like everything and we are not going to agree. So...........World Cup fans, enjoy the next month, have a great time, etc... I will be watching baseball, which some soccer fans think is very boring, etc...
posted by lightman at 08:24 AM on June 12, 2006
That stuff happens everywhere. I have been a Cincinnati Bengal fan all of my life. The 1980's were fun, the 1990's were the most painful for a sports fan. Bengal fans were hard to find, even in Cincinnati. Now all of a sudden everyone in the surrounding area is a fan. Those types of fans are referred to as PLASTIC
posted by lightman at 04:14 PM on June 02, 2006
Tressel is the best thing in Ohio since Woody Hayes. I hope he stays for a long time
posted by lightman at 09:48 PM on May 19, 2006
Okay, here’s a quick poll........... You need someone to run your company, and you have three candidates: A. Ted Kaczynski- The Unabomber B. Bud Selig C. Ken Lay – Former Enron CEO I'm thinking Ted, would be my man.
posted by lightman at 07:05 AM on May 16, 2006
I would love to see the Cav's upset the Pistons, dont think it will happen, but what a great story. As far as the "guarantee", he was trying to motivate his team, but it backfired. Shit happens, get over it.
posted by lightman at 06:58 AM on May 16, 2006
The Dolphins are the leagues new Raiders, pretty soon they will start signing all the wife beaters and other legal problems. Marcus Vick at QB? I don't think so, too short, too stupid. As far as Ricky, does it really matter? He's out the entire year, he will be doin bong hits and eating Hostess fruit pies on Sunday.
posted by lightman at 06:53 AM on May 16, 2006
What I want to know is what dumb ass actually would pay for this type of thing? I am a loyal Cincinnati fan (Bengals and Reds) I endured 12 years with the Bengals and he Reds havent exactly been to good since 90. Shit happens, things change. The Reds are doing well (for now) and the Bengals are solid playoff contenders.
posted by lightman at 08:35 PM on May 04, 2006
The one thing I like about Tiger is the fact he dosent make a public jackass out of himself. Look at other guys with talent that continue to be "assholes with money" Those values came from having a good family base.
posted by lightman at 03:49 PM on May 03, 2006
Reggie can wear the number 5, as long as he makes it possible for me to live in a million dollar home for rent as low as an apartment.
posted by lightman at 01:13 PM on May 03, 2006
P.S. If you are found positive for steroids, then your penis will be cut off
posted by lightman at 01:03 PM on May 03, 2006
I think charging the mound should be encouraged and the hitter can use his bat. So the pitcher won't be defenseless, he should be able to carry some sort of weapon, like a knife or a tazer gun. If there is a full out brawl, then the team with the last man standing wins the game. Vince McMahon can be the new commish.
posted by lightman at 12:59 PM on May 03, 2006
Lighten up, was just joking about the whole marijuana thing. No kidding there is a difference between a felony and weed. My point being...... You need your team focused on ball, not distractions. Vick, Williams = distractions. Personally, I could give a sh**, not a Dolphins fan.
posted by lightman at 12:51 PM on May 03, 2006
It was proably the girls fault. She said no and asked him to leave. However, if you are an NBA player that translates into, go ahead and do whatever you want. This is common knowledge.
posted by lightman at 07:28 PM on May 02, 2006
Do you know why people from Ohio State put their trash in clear plastic bags? So people on the east side of Wa. State can go window shopping.
posted by lightman at 07:23 PM on May 02, 2006
Is Kobe his team mentor?
posted by lightman at 07:18 PM on May 02, 2006
Marcus Vick and Ricky Williams............. Maybe Lawrence Phillips and Mark Chamura are available too.
posted by lightman at 07:15 PM on May 02, 2006
It's about time. Aside from Brent Musberger, he is anti-Ohio State. Which is the same thing as being anti-American
posted by lightman at 06:44 AM on May 02, 2006
Leinart signs a large contract
I feel your pain bonds, as a Bengal Fan I lived through the 90's and the early 2000 years with Mike Brown making spectacular choices for the Bengals, without thniking too hard, I can throw you; akili smith, ki-jana carter, dan wilkinson, david klingler. Then to top things off our coaching staff. However, you guys seem to be heading in the right direction, if Warner is haelthy and plays to his ability, your offense will be tough.