Bengals Fans Can Call 'Jerk"'Hotline: Tired of the drunks and nasty language during the Game? If you're a Bengals fan you can use your cell phone, call the Jerk Hotline, get the offenders investigated and maybe even run out of the stadium, all while the game is being played. Sounds like a great idea to me and it might cut down on fights and just generally boorish behavior from troublemakers.
posted by commander cody to football at 01:44 AM - 30 comments
On the one hand it sounds like a good plan. But it'll never work, people will continue to be jerks, and this will probably lead to the jerks calling the hotline giving out about their "friends" as they have a laugh.
posted by Fence at 03:19 AM on August 09, 2006
Not sure how widespread this is, but it's not new. During my recent visit to fenway for two games before the first pitch was thrown they announced a number you could call if any fan was interfering with your 'enjoyment' of the game. At least in my section the ushers were very proactive, so I have no doubt, for at least clear cut cases, it would work.
posted by justgary at 03:34 AM on August 09, 2006
It doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, as long as the stewards have the sense and the will to apply the policy properly and effectively. For instance in England it's illegal to make racist taunts at a football game, but many people have reported that despite them informing stewards of offences in the crowd often the stewards take no action. Whilst rowdy and drunken crowds can be a problem at sporting events this woman appears to be overreacting somewhat: I'm going to mar my son for the rest of his life by having him come to this game,'" And finally a question from an English perspective, what's a "personal seat license"?
posted by squealy at 03:58 AM on August 09, 2006
And finally a question from an English perspective, what's a "personal seat license"? A gigantic fucking ripoff, that's what.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:51 AM on August 09, 2006
Its a good idea. Makes me proud to be a Philly fan, especially after they put in the courtroom.
posted by GoBirds at 05:16 AM on August 09, 2006
A gigantic fucking ripoff, that's what. Thanks TBH. Actually I think some English football clubs operate those, Arsenal and Chelsea spring to mind. Also the new Wembley Stadium, if it's ever finished.
posted by squealy at 06:09 AM on August 09, 2006
But what if someone thinks you are being a jerk when in reality you are just being really loud. Not profane, not drunk, just really loud.
posted by steelergirl at 06:10 AM on August 09, 2006
Yeah, I hope that the enforcers bring their brains along. If I'm merely cheering for the opposing team, I don't think I should get this used against me by some overly partisan hometown fan.
posted by alumshubby at 07:10 AM on August 09, 2006
Can Bengals fans call the hotline on one of their players?
posted by Bernreuther at 07:15 AM on August 09, 2006
I was thinking the same Bernreuther. Wondering if we could have had one in Florida a few seasons ago. "Hi, there's a guy that's really ruining my enjoyment of the game. Yeah. His name? AJ Feeley."
posted by Mr Bismarck at 07:27 AM on August 09, 2006
Mr. B: Like Fiedler was any better. Marino in a wheelchair at age 90 will be better than Fiedler or Feeley. (Hell, Marino in a wheelchair at 90 will likely be more mobile than Marino on foot was at 30...) (Also, can we have a jerk line for spofi? :)
posted by tieguy at 07:57 AM on August 09, 2006
Tieguy, we have a Jerk line for SpoFi. It's called "Hey Gary! Help!"
posted by ctal1999 at 08:44 AM on August 09, 2006
Welcome to the SportsFilter Help Line. For political discussion run amok, press one; For "Your team sucks, my team rocks," press two; For "That's not a sport," press three; For completely incoherent writing style interfering with your enjoyment of the site, press four...
posted by The_Black_Hand at 09:26 AM on August 09, 2006
I thought jerk lines were $5.99 a minute.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 10:15 AM on August 09, 2006
Pretty scary...Not that I support boorish, obnoxious behavior, but aren't we becoming just a bit self-righteous to make such judgements? If the behavior is threatening, then fine. If it offensive, then it becomes a free speech issue. What enforcement powers does the "jerk" line/court hold? Where does the line get drawn? Believe me, I have seen the Raider Nation at its worst, but we are skating a very thin line.
posted by quaybon at 11:35 AM on August 09, 2006
Pretty scary...Not that I support boorish, obnoxious behavior, but aren't we becoming just a bit self-righteous to make such judgements? Not really. It depends on the competence of the people involved. But fans have always had the option of finding an usher. Now you can do it from the comfort of your seat.
posted by justgary at 12:23 PM on August 09, 2006
FYI: The team expects some crank calls to the jerk line. "You can get a lot of abuse with these things," Bedinghaus said. "If you get 6,000 people calling this line - 'Hey, Ben Roethlisberger is a jerk' - then it becomes less effective. The thing to remember is we have caller ID on this line. So if you're crank calling, we are going to be able to ID who you are." ----------------------------------- Anyway.... It's past time. The Bengals security sucks, as can be seen when Doofy McDrunkass "stole" the ball from Brett Farve last year.
posted by LostInDaJungle at 01:00 PM on August 09, 2006
Does that mean we'll get to see even more people with cell phone stuck to their ears, instead of watching the game?
posted by t money at 01:10 PM on August 09, 2006
I like this concept, this will automatically prevent Cleveland and Pittsbugh fans from attending games. This will make the Bengals run to the Super Bowl more enjoyable
posted by lightman at 01:12 PM on August 09, 2006
Then the stands would be damn near empty, wouldn't they?
posted by bperk at 01:39 PM on August 09, 2006
Sounds like a good idea to me. Hopefully it keeps asshole fans at home.
posted by T$PORT4lawschool at 02:29 PM on August 09, 2006
No comment here, until Goodell brings the NFL to LA.
posted by Joe88 at 04:10 PM on August 09, 2006
I thought it was a good idea and I hope other teams use it. I just hope they find a way to hire and train the right security people so it's not just used against out of town fans. Unless of course they support the Yankees...oh...and da Bears.
posted by commander cody at 09:44 PM on August 09, 2006
I remember December of 03. Bengals v Browns, if the Bengals won they had a shot at the playoffs. They didn't make the playoffs, but before the second quarter was done the Bengals and Browns fans in the nosebleed section I was in were in a throwdown brawl. Some guy threw a beer at another guy and then the mania ensued. It was surreal. I flagged down an officer of the law and soon enough they were in there swinging their batons and regulating on the asses of the drunken idiots. If any stadium needs this, it's possibly Paul Brown stadium. I hear Eagles fans are dicks too.
posted by insomnyuk at 09:45 PM on August 09, 2006
That said, Go Bengals, it's our year.
posted by insomnyuk at 09:46 PM on August 09, 2006
Good post,Black Hand. You made me laugh out loud. Kind of like I do when Bengals fans seriously state that their team can go to the Super Bowl this year...Must be a cellphone in Cincinnati calling me in to the Sports Filter cops as I speak...
posted by judgedread at 10:30 PM on August 09, 2006
Hey,Bernreuther you stole my thunder my thoughts exactly.The Bengals team has alot of jerks.bunch of wieners
posted by kckurtbusch at 12:18 AM on August 10, 2006
Quite possibly, one of the best things ever said............. • Dec. 10--During a 24-17 loss to Seattle, Bengals coach Sam Wyche grabs the on-field microphone and exhorts fans to stop throwing snowballs by yelling: "You don't live in Cleveland, you live in Cincinnati!"
posted by lightman at 07:50 AM on August 10, 2006
Bengals coach Sam Wyche grabs the on-field microphone and exhorts fans to stop throwing snowballs by yelling: "You don't live in Cleveland, you live in Cincinnati!" Oddly enough, almost 1,000 Cleveland fans attending the game were found the next day, driving around Cincy, looking for their houses....
posted by LostInDaJungle at 03:41 PM on August 11, 2006
Sounds like something that will pass fairly quickly.