I just hope NASCAR doesn't get wind of this imagine what they'll start doing with all of the cheating going on in the garages
posted by TAZ29 at 08:26 PM on September 13, 2007
they do it so the hair doesn't get stuck in the chain. Same with the balls.
posted by TAZ29 at 04:50 PM on May 17, 2007
Philly has already been through T.O. We'll take the pass on K.J.
posted by TAZ29 at 07:45 PM on May 02, 2007
black hand as I remember Jr. made the chase last year. He even finished 6th in points.
posted by TAZ29 at 10:36 PM on April 27, 2007
So OK everyone has come to the conclusion that this idot is a DUMBASS. Now don't you think everyone also understands that drinking and driving is wrong? Not everyone always makes the right choice , but we don't come here to be preached to either. Just enjoy the banter
posted by TAZ29 at 06:59 PM on April 03, 2007
This all has me dazed and confused.
posted by TAZ29 at 09:28 PM on March 06, 2007
Heres the thing that everyone has seemed to look over. How much of a slap in the face would it have been to Jack Rousch, if Mark would have won in a chevy the first time out of the box, after not being able to do it in his Ford in the 19 years they spent together. I was pulling for Mark , but was just as happy to see Harvick win his first 500. So why would he have just followed Martin to the line as other suggested that he should've done?
posted by TAZ29 at 07:03 PM on February 19, 2007
which ever route she decides to take she loses. If she signs JR then she lost her stake in the company. If she doesn't she loses him , bud , fans, endorsements, and becomes a museum in two years. I hate to say it but she's got her TA TAS Stuck in a ringer.
posted by TAZ29 at 06:40 PM on February 13, 2007
What i would like to see is an announcer who unbiasly calls a game. You are broadcasting to everyone not the winning teams fans. Just look at the Eagles - Saints game and Darrell Johnston. He was pulling for the Saints the whole first half, and even on the half time show, they asked if he was aware that two teams were playing? The second half he called a total different game. Call the game, not who you want to win.
posted by TAZ29 at 04:13 PM on February 02, 2007
He could tell buy the bid 2.2mil ay
posted by TAZ29 at 08:31 PM on December 26, 2006
urallcloolis I don't make millions either so my picture also isn't on the cover of S.I. It goes along with the stature. If he doesn't like being on the lime light get a real 9-5 job. Then his life won't be talked about. So what he can throw a ball. I can build houses can he? NO would I be treated different?
posted by TAZ29 at 05:34 PM on December 22, 2006
He shouild be glad that they aren't charging him as a sexual predator for exposing himself.
posted by TAZ29 at 03:34 PM on December 22, 2006
When I was 22 / 23 I would go to clubs and if I had to much I would call a cab. I was only a carpenters helper with no money, but I had responsibility even in a drunken state. So it appears to me that if you can afford a Bentley than you should be able to afford a cab if not a fleet of them. Celeb status makes you no better or above the law. Treat him just like any other Tom, Dick, & Harry would be.
posted by TAZ29 at 03:31 PM on December 22, 2006
at $995C for a 5 night stay but all dates are blocked out
posted by TAZ29 at 10:14 PM on December 06, 2006
Does the name Erin Crocker ring a bell she runs in both ARCA and Busch series. I also rember a bunch ado about Bill Lester making the cup race. This article seems a one sided factless stab at NASCAR.
posted by TAZ29 at 08:27 PM on November 08, 2006
Can I trust my mechanic?
posted by TAZ29 at 07:26 PM on September 28, 2006
But if you don't have the cup guys you don't sell seats nor do you get full fields. Just look at the race when you had a 71 year old that made the field which by the way only had 41 cars not 43 since alot of cup guys didn't come. Your dambed if you do and dambed if you don't. I don't know about anyone else but I'd much rather see the cup guys then a bunch of 71 year olds running around the track.
posted by TAZ29 at 02:11 PM on August 19, 2006
You want to make Hockey good? Stop protecting the damn goalies, if they come out of thier crease to make a play on the puck hit them. That area is blue and the rest of the rink white for a reason. So if they are standing in the white and makeing a play lay them out. Make this change and you will see more goals scored. As it is now they can come out to the blue line with the puck and you can't check them. We don't need a trapiziod behind the net. Lets play the game like it should be played.
posted by TAZ29 at 08:18 PM on August 12, 2006
Times are different now. Look atbhow hard it is to repeat or even threepeat in any sport. The talent that is pulled now a days as well as the money up for grabs makes it as hard as hell to keep any team together for any length of time. But then again look at the Tour De France and anything can happen if Lance can do it SEVEN times in a row.
posted by TAZ29 at 08:09 PM on August 12, 2006
The guy maybe retired but he still knows how to wheel a car around the track. Even if he doesn't make the top 10 watch how many cars he finishes ahead of. I guess that all those drivers behind him should retire, since an old, retired dog like Ricky beat them.
posted by TAZ29 at 09:31 AM on June 04, 2006
I agree Kahne won because of Riggs misfortune
posted by TAZ29 at 08:39 PM on May 29, 2006
It was Harvicks race to lose , and lose it he did. Jr.'s team made all the right calls and took advantage of someone elses misfurtion. He was there all night and ran a great smart race
posted by TAZ29 at 07:33 PM on May 07, 2006
Instead of a BLACK 3,there will 3 BLACK cars. I like it
posted by TAZ29 at 07:06 PM on April 25, 2006
Maybe his car was attached to a bungee and that is how he shot through the field. It seems that his car was no putter.
posted by TAZ29 at 04:49 PM on April 24, 2006
toss up between Jagr & Ricci [also known as a man witch]
posted by TAZ29 at 08:32 AM on April 23, 2006
it seems some people like the new rules since it is thier chance to be part of the game. last time i checked a ref. was just apart of the rink. same as a football ref. is apart of the field. so chill out and no stupid calls. if something is border line let it go. they aren't paying by the call or do they?
posted by TAZ29 at 06:27 PM on April 21, 2006
A hooking is a hooking. I just hope that they call both teams. Not as in the past where one is called and the other team is ignored.
posted by TAZ29 at 10:20 PM on April 19, 2006
Dale was not a victim of the bump and run. He came down to block Marlin and then was hit by Schrader as he was about to hit the wall. He didn't give himself the name INTIMIDATER this was the meadia. He got that name because drivers hated having the BLACK 3 behind them because the knew what would happen. But it was pure skill that allowed him to get into such positions to be a contender for the victory. As for the King all seem to forget that Nascar ran 58 or so races back then and not everybody showed up back then ,but Petty always did. This helped with his Stats when he would be out there running with the guys who basicaly would be your ARCA drivers today.
posted by TAZ29 at 07:40 AM on April 16, 2006
Birds of a feather. Is he up for an ear tuck too? Wonder why other drivers have no respect for either of them off track. Maybe Biffle's girlfriend should pay him a visit too.
posted by TAZ29 at 09:54 AM on April 15, 2006
they should encorage this type of activity. They could even get Johnsons baby oil to sponsor it.
posted by TAZ29 at 07:40 PM on April 12, 2006
Now what kind of a guy lets his woman do his fightin for him? Is Biffle a Whiffle? two words GREGG BIFFLE
posted by TAZ29 at 07:37 PM on April 12, 2006
Could a morbidly obese goalie shut out an NHL team?
and after the puck entered the crease everyone would just push you into the net and the line would be exsposed resulting in a goal.