New car no fun for most drivers.: NASCAR’s grand experiment, the Car of Tomorrow, took the next step last Saturday night in Phoenix, and it was not a big hit with many of the Nextel Cup drivers. “I could see the leaders almost the whole race, and it was like we all were just out there running the exact same lap times,” said Dale Earnhardt Jr. “It was a parade. I was bored".
posted by TelamarketersBeware to football at 01:11 PM - 8 comments
"Football" works too, 'cause they're both sports that I used to love but which I rarely bother to watch any more.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 01:48 PM on April 27, 2007
So what, Nascar is the new No Fun League?
posted by dezznutz at 03:04 PM on April 27, 2007
Originally, I thought the COT was going to be a bigger deal, but what is it really hurting? The same guys that made the chase last year are still racing well in the new car, and the guys like Dale Jr., Greg Biffle and some of the others who fell off the charts last year with the old car are still middle-of-the-pack racers. I'm still not crazy about the conformity, but not for the 'raciness' of the car. There was some fairly good racing there at the end in Phoenix. That three-wide pass by Stewart, who I hate with a passion, was a flat-out ballsy racing move, and one of the best I've seen in a while. Will it take some time to get used to the way the car behaves back in the pack? Sure. Will some guys have problems with it? Likely. But, as the article states, a lot of the young guys have never been through a "major change" like this. They'll just have to learn the new game, 'cause like it or not, NASCAR ain't goin' backwards. They've sniffed the legitimacy of major sportdom, and the big bucks that come with it, and they want to stay in.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:18 PM on April 27, 2007
black hand as I remember Jr. made the chase last year. He even finished 6th in points.
posted by TAZ29 at 10:36 PM on April 27, 2007
Car of Tomorrow for the Race Series of Yesterday... Just more in the line of making NASCAR completely generic.
posted by Drood at 12:44 AM on April 28, 2007
As a very casual fan, Nascar seems to be the perfect example of a successful product run by folks who just can't help tinkering with it. Kind of like the amateur painter that couldn't leave well enough alone and had to add one too many trees.
posted by SummersEve at 09:59 AM on April 28, 2007
I say let's give the COT a chance to work out the bugs. The same teams whining about the COT also whined about aero push ruining racing which help lead to the COT. I guess whining is an integral part of the sport.
posted by 1959Giants at 08:01 PM on April 29, 2007
Dammit. Rcade would you please change "football" to "auto racing" please?