Stanford Knocks Off No. 2 USC: Coming back from a nine-point deficit in the fourth quarter, the 41-point underdog Stanford Cardinal went into Los Angeles and ended a 35-game home winning streak at USC, ranked No. 1 in the USA Today coaches poll and No. 2 by AP. Quarterback Tavita Pritchard, making his first collegiate start, threw a 10-yard touchdown pass on fourth and goal with 49 seconds remaining.
Not a very good moment, especially for sports in LA. Another Stanley Cup seems somwhat far, same with a World Series and an NBA title. They were our only hope. All national title game hopes are now gone. Good thing my Rockies won last night, at least something good happened. For hockey fans, the LA Kings had a meltdown of historical proportions last night.
posted by SFValley_Dude at 11:56 AM on October 07, 2007
A terrible loss from my guys but given all the defeats and near misses in the Top 10 this season this is far too soon to rule out a climb back into the BCS title game. After the offensive problems the last few weeks last night was no real surprise, Booty and the receivers are just not in gear and that means the defenses can and have focused on shutting down the run. The Trojans need to practice the passing basics and prepare for the Cal game hard, real hard.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:13 PM on October 07, 2007
I agree with billsaysthis. It's been a wild season so far and predictions have fallen by the wayside. The only thing I've heard from sports analysts is that there will be no team undefeated this season. I'm not so sure that they're wrong with that. USC falls while the Irish finally win one and LSU came close to losing. I'm happy for my Buckeyes, but I'm not predicting anything for them...yet.
posted by lil'red at 04:03 PM on October 07, 2007
usc ranked #10 now, I didn't think they would drop that low even though stanford was not a top 25 team.
posted by mflinn at 04:25 PM on October 07, 2007
I work at a restaurant in Palo Alto, and the whole place froze for the final 15 minutes of the game. Then everyone started going crazy. I think one thing I've grown to realize over the years is how great a system USC has, and how that system can make decent athletes look like superstars. Just look to the NFL for the mediocrity that is Leinert, White, Bush, and Mike Williams. All studs in NCAA ball, but none can rise up in the pros. I was actually talking with Chad Hutchinson last night, and we both agree that Booty is well overrated if he can barely succeed in USC's system.
posted by charlatan at 04:29 PM on October 07, 2007
Wow, USC lost a game and it made the top of the list. They will rebound and do just fine. The play that won the game should have been offensive interference, but no sour grapes here. SC will end up in the top couple if not at the top. How is everyone elses team doing this year? Would especially like to hear from the Golden Domers.
posted by urall cloolis at 06:31 PM on October 07, 2007
Representatives from LSU, California, Ohio State, Boston College, and South Florida would all like to speak with you.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:24 PM on October 07, 2007
To loose to a 40 point underdog and not drop out of the top ten??? That is the only thing I don't understand. If Stanford was a good team, maybe. But, what a joke. They were also lucky to beat an outmanned Washington team and that is why they were leapfrogged by LSU and knocked from their perch at number one. I think LSU is definately a class above USC. And, I seriously doubt if they will get to the title game (can you say Cal, Oregon, or Arizona State)? Even if they get to match up with LSU, it will be blowout city. Booty is not that good of a QB. The Standford program had only one win this year and to go to USC's turf and win, that was beautiful. I also agree with charlatan in these guys are good in Pac 10 play, but they don't make very good pro's. Bush is ordinary in the winless Saints program and Leinart is whinning about his lack of playing time after their team beat Pittsburg. What a goon.
posted by Mickster at 08:43 PM on October 07, 2007
LSU has to go to No. 17 Kentucky next week and has No. 22 Auburn at home the week after, but that's as tough as it gets for them. They've got a strong shot at running the table.
posted by rcade at 09:11 PM on October 07, 2007
I come back from work, take a nap, and wake up to discover that USC and UCLA both lost. Oh, what a night. Concerning USC, maybe it was Norm Chow after all.
posted by Newbie Walker at 11:10 PM on October 07, 2007
I live in Chicago. Anyone actually talking to Chad Hutchinson should remember that his short lived career was well short lived. Sorry.
posted by whodat at 01:49 AM on October 08, 2007
How is everyone elses team doing this year? Would especially like to hear from the Golden Domers. I can tell you that Notre Dame didn't lose this weekend to a 41-point dog at home. Nice deflection attempt, though. Your team lost. Everybody's does, eventually. Deal with it.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:29 AM on October 08, 2007
The loss by USC also seemed to be the turning point in the Auburn/Florida game. I thought Auburn should focus on the game on the field instead of what was happening in another game. I guess I was wrong.
posted by bperk at 07:22 AM on October 08, 2007
The loss by USC also seemed to be the turning point in the Auburn/Florida game. Don't you mean the LSU/UF game? When they announced what happened at LSU and everyone went berserk, Florida marched right down the field and scored so I don't think that was it. It was all those 4th down calls that won it for LSU.
posted by jmd82 at 08:18 AM on October 08, 2007
but given all the defeats and near misses in the Top 10 this season this is far too soon to rule out a climb back into the BCS title game. It would be a mountain climb to get back into the BCS Title game. There are going to be a lot of 1 loss teams, true...but not one of those 1 loss teams will have that loss to a team in which they were favored by FORTY-ONE points! That will not be lost on the voters when it comes to decide whether a 1 loss USC team gets a shot versus say a 1 shot LSU, Cal, etc (assuming they don't win out)
posted by bdaddy at 09:45 AM on October 08, 2007
pac-10 = overrated ... USC has been finding a way to blow it for a few years now.. just when you think they have the team to beat.. they go out and get beat.. at least they didnt wait till closer to the end of the season.
posted by jlh0837 at 09:50 AM on October 08, 2007
Even if they get to match up with LSU, it will be blowout city. Booty is not that good of a QB. Funnily enough, there was a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth in Tiger country when local product Booty decided to head west. LSU has to go to No. 17 Kentucky next week and has No. 22 Auburn at home the week after, but that's as tough as it gets for them. They've got a strong shot at running the table. Plus a potential rematch with South Carolina or Florida in the SEC title game. (Could be Tennessee as well.)
posted by holden at 10:33 AM on October 08, 2007
Ok, my bad. Booty is a great - great QB. One that has thrown 6 (count them) interceptions in the last two games alone. Yeah, looks like LSU really misses him. Their backup looks better than Booty. I just think it's a disgrace that they are still ranked so high. Should be ranked like 19 or 20. Vegas called it the biggest upset ever - according to Sports Illustrated. And the guy that whined about offensive interference, well that is just offensive.
posted by Mickster at 11:40 AM on October 08, 2007
All SC haters,hate all west coast teams, including the pros. The media will pull for any east coast baseball team. Nation wide media always shuns most westcoast teams. Most coverage is non existent, only the failures.
posted by papajohn at 01:33 PM on October 08, 2007
Ok, my bad. Booty is a great - great QB. One that has thrown 6 (count them) interceptions in the last two games alone. Yeah, looks like LSU really misses him. Their backup looks better than Booty. Whoa, tiger. I wasn't trying to suggest Booty is a great quarterback. I think it's funny (thus, use of the word "funnily") that LSU was so disappointed when they didn't get him. LSU is in better hands now (Flynn, Perriloux) and the past few years (Russell) than they likely would have been with Booty.
posted by holden at 02:36 PM on October 08, 2007
Vegas called it the biggest upset ever - according to Sports Illustrated. How quickly people forget about games that happened in the first week of the season.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:41 PM on October 08, 2007
My bad holden... I am from the Midwest and don't care about any of the West Coast / East Coast stuff. I actually can't stand Les Miles and he is a really good coach. He made a huge committment to OSU (Oklahoma State - don't worry - not a fan of theirs either), but the alumni spent millions on renovating the stadium to hold more fans and for upgraded the facilities and then bolted after a stellar recruiting class. I feel he bolted on young men that had committed to playing for him. I do think he is a really good coach and motivator. But, he is like Saban, he will stay a few years and leave. He has never been anywhere longer than the current 3 years at LSU. Many believe he will bolt for Michigan since that is where he played (I think). That was the report here. He had make OSU into a formidable opponent while there and had the keys to the castle. I just think he is pompous.
posted by Mickster at 02:48 PM on October 08, 2007
How quickly people forget about games that happened in the first week of the season. I think the logic behind "biggest upset ever" is simply due to math - the largest point spread where the straight-up win went to the underdog. Even without the point-spread math, I think a point could be made that this is bigger than Mich/AppSt. Stanford is probably not regarded much better than AppSt was, and this USC loss had a larger impact to the landscape of the BCS.
posted by littleLebowski at 03:07 PM on October 08, 2007
At the time, Michigan was thought to be a National Championship favorite as well. Furthermore, Stanford does have some advantage of playing in the same conference as USC. I understand the point spread argument, although I agree with YYM and still see the UM/ASU upset as bigger.
posted by bender at 03:35 PM on October 08, 2007
Like bender said, Michigan was ranked number five and was believed to be a contender for the national championship. Their losing had just as big of an impact on the BCS landscape as USC's losing, it just wasn't as clear at the time. Say Michigan had lost to Appalachian State on Saturday. Would Stanford's upset still seem bigger?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:48 PM on October 08, 2007
That all depends on what other hypothetical occurences may or may not have happened on Saturday, too. I'm thinking a rain of fifty-pound boulders on several major cities would make either loss seem inconsequential.
posted by Hugh Janus at 02:13 PM on October 09, 2007
That is probably true.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:29 PM on October 09, 2007
Can you imagine Parrie View U. #1 at the end of this season? The way these top 25 teams are being beaten as the season progresses, any thing seems possible lately.
posted by sportsbugger at 04:00 PM on October 10, 2007
Mario Daniels is starting tomorrow for the Trojans, Booty is out injured, and maybe if Carroll gives him permission to open up--something he hasn't had for most of the relief snaps taken until now--the team will use the change as a fulcrum to turn it around. Getting back into the BCS title game will require running the table (meaning a win over #2 Cal) and some big help to jump over Ohio St. Somehow I don't think South Florida or Boston College will get the call ahead of a one loss USC even if they remain undefeated.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:55 PM on October 12, 2007
That would be a very interesting situation. I believe the voters would still vote those schools higher if they remained undefeated. I don't know enough about the computer to predict what it would do though. Either way you're going to have people crying foul and calling for a playoff.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:22 PM on October 12, 2007
It is a beautiful thing and good for college football. However, USC will rebound no doubt.