Cheerleader continues cheering after breaking neck: I couldn't find the video for this but her fall was kind of scarey. It was cool to see her cheering as they were rolling her out of the arena. Tough girl.
posted by dbt302 to basketball at 01:38 PM - 20 comments
Here is the video. Quite the fall. Yes it does wingnut, kind of like a cheerleaders Rudy.
posted by jojomfd1 at 02:03 PM on March 06, 2006
I first heard about this accident this morning on Chicago radio. The video seemed almost surreal. I hate to admit it, but I chuckled a little while watching it (not that the potentially grave injury was funny, just her continuing to cheer).
posted by willthrill72 at 02:12 PM on March 06, 2006
Not to sound mean Yeah, 'cause you would never cheer anybody getting hurt, right? Shit, that would just be mean.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:12 PM on March 06, 2006
It is hard to see the pyramid in the video, but it looks a lot like one we did on college, where the top falls back blind into the catchers on the floor. We never thought twice about NOT making the catch. I have to wonder if she lost balance and fell early, not that it matters, the spotters should have had undivided attention on her. I am glad to see she was able to move, and she is truly a gamer to keep not only her spirits, but those of her teammates as well, up. And yes ying yang mafia, it is, but I appreciate the flashback to discussion of skating....all is good.
posted by elovrich at 02:31 PM on March 06, 2006
Isn't the job of a spotter to catch people?
posted by rcade at 02:36 PM on March 06, 2006
She was suppose to fall forward but lost her balance and fell backwards. It could have been a lot worse.
posted by dbt302 at 02:42 PM on March 06, 2006
The only way it could have been worse is if Brooks Oprik was invoved.
posted by chrisly13 at 03:40 PM on March 06, 2006
I bet College Cheerleader Celebrity George W. Bush would have caught her.
posted by Hugh Janus at 03:50 PM on March 06, 2006
And yes ying yang mafia, it is, but I appreciate the flashback to discussion of skating....all is good. I don't agree but I'm not going to get involved in that arguement (and obviously someone has to agree given that my original post has disappeared). However, I do think that it is a great story.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:10 PM on March 06, 2006
I don't know if cheering all the way out the door was necessary to let everyone know she was alright. It could have just been part of the loopieness that comes with a concussion. Glad to hear she is going to be OK.
posted by njsk8r20 at 05:29 PM on March 06, 2006
Best part of the article: she wanted to see the tape of the last four minutes of the game to see how her team did. Cheerleader or no, that, my friends, is what being a sports nut is all about. You break your neck at the game, miss the last five minutes and are going nuts wanting to see how the game ended. She should be the Sportsfilter mascot.
posted by Joey Michaels at 06:22 PM on March 06, 2006
My medical background comes in here, but I thought the EMT's should have told her to be still. If she had a more serious neck injury moving her arms around like that could have caused more damage.
posted by AirJordan337 at 06:34 PM on March 06, 2006
Good call, AirJordan337. The training is always the same: with any head injury, assume a neck injury as well, and take proper precautions until you get to the hospital.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:45 PM on March 06, 2006
I don't know if cheering all the way out the door was necessary to let everyone know she was alright. It could have just been part of the loopieness that comes with a concussion. Or with being a cheerleader...
posted by dusted at 07:00 PM on March 06, 2006
Too Chez! dusted
posted by MICHIGANDER at 07:24 PM on March 06, 2006
Shit, that would just be mean. I forgot that you were such a saint. My bad. That's what I love about you, always the encouraging word...
posted by wingnut4life at 07:26 PM on March 06, 2006
Usually I have a bad attitude about cheerleading as a necessity for sports, but I am finally impressed. Get well quickly, Kristi. You are more of what sports should be.
posted by Bud Lang at 07:50 PM on March 06, 2006
Get well soon, Kristi. Wingnut: Don't shoot the messenger. Your previous comments were callous.
posted by scully at 08:21 PM on March 06, 2006
Uh, I think Michigander means "touche". Unless he's implying that, I guess, dusted spends too much time at home. Yeah, this was a cool story. Now, if she had been autistic, and come back in the 4th quarter suited up to score the winning basket- that would have been a great story! :) But glad to hear the team won, and that she'll be ok. The team pretty much had to win after something like that... how could you face your coach, or fellow students, if you choked after an inspiring display of fandom and team spirit like that!?!
posted by hincandenza at 08:34 PM on March 06, 2006
I saw the clip on CNN. That was a pretty rough fall, but she was a gamer. Not to sound mean, (I'm saying that knowing it will come out that way) but the whole thing reminded me of a corny cheerleading movie where this girl just gets beat all to hell trying to cheer, and she just keeps going, and going, and going...