Hidden: Stop crying and Get Over It.: Super Bowl XL This is for the Seattle crybabies and other excuse makers...print this out and give it to them, no need to say anything. 1. The Refs didn't give up the longest run in SB history...Seattle's defense did. 2. The Refs didn't bite on a 43 yd trick play, Randle to Ward for a TD...Seattle's defense did. 3. The Refs didn't allow Ben to scramble around on a 3rd and 28 and complete a long pass to the 2 yd. line...Seattle's defense did. 4. The Refs didn't miss two field goals, that was Seattle. 5. The Refs didn't fail to step out of bounds late in the 1st half to stop the clock in Pitt territory in a crunch time situation...Seattle's offense did. 6. The Refs didn't let the 1st half clock tick down from 48 seconds all the way down to 13 seconds before finally running their next play at Pitt's 36 yd line...Seattle's offense did. 7. And on this play, 3rd down, 53 yds away from a FG, it wasn't the Refs who tried and failed to go deep for a TD rather than a safer 5-7 yd play and timeout setting up a much easier FG attempt....that, again, would be Seattle's offense. 8. The Refs didn't get confused by Pitt's zone defense and throw an INT...that would be Seattle's QB. 9. The Refs didn't let a little physical contact intimidate them from catching 4 very catchable passes...that would be the Seattle TE Jeremy Stevens. 10. With approx. 20 seconds left in the game, knowing they need a TD and FG, in no particular order, and in easy FG range on 4th down, it wasn't the Refs who ignored the FG and elected to throw up a prayer trying for a TD...that AGAIN would be Seattle. And Seattle if you're Steel salty and steel reaching for excuses... 11. The Refs didn't constantly punt deep into the end zone, repeatedly giving Pitt the ball at the 20 yd line...that of course was Seattle. 12. It wasn't the Refs who received a Christmas gift wrapped easy INT lobbed in perfect position to return deep into Pitt territory...the lucky beneficiary of that break would be Seattle. 13. It wasn’t the Refs who got a break when a Steelers DB dropped an easy int early in the game...that too would be a break for Seattle. 14. It wasn't the Refs who caught a break when a Steelers WR dropped a very catchable TD pass...that break again would go to Seattle. 15. It wasn't the scapegoat Refs that received a break when a WR caught the ball, turned, stepped, was hit hard enough to cause a fumble, and then ruled INCOMPLETE...that would be of course, another chance for Seattle. (this was an interesting call considering that after Troy's famous overruled Int, the NFL stated that it WAS a catch. If so, than this definitely WAS a catch). 16. The Refs weren't the ones who caught a break when at the conclusion of a 2nd qtr play, as a Pitt DE was walking away, the Seattle Center blindsided the defenseless player, leveling him to the ground. This mysteriously unseen crime was again another break for Seattle. 17. It wasn't the Refs who got a break when Pitt QB Big Ben was blocked in the back as he pursued the DB who he'd tossed an int to...that again would go to Seattle. 18. It wasn't the Refs who stopped Seattle RB Alexander in a few key situations. That would be the Pittsburgh Steelers. 19. It wasn't the Refs who converted many of their 3rd downs yet stopped their opponent on 3rd down often...that would be the Pittsburgh Steelers. 20. And the very bottom line is this...On plays when there weren't any penalties...One team made plays and one team didn't. The end result was the final score, 21-10. Get over it Seattle, lose with a little dignity. Congratulations to the World Champion Pittsburgh Steelers.
The Great Wall of Text
posted by owlhouse at 11:24 PM on February 14, 2006
You said it all. GO STEELERS!!! We won fair and square and whoever does not like it. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!
posted by steelersfan73686 at 11:36 PM on February 14, 2006
This a stupid thread.
posted by everett at 11:37 PM on February 14, 2006
666 words 3641 characters including spaces. The devil made him do it. Got to be some sort of record. I nominate it for your consideration.
posted by geekyguy at 11:38 PM on February 14, 2006
This is absolutely ridiculous already. The horse is already dead. Great Pittsburgh, you state the obvious, won Super Bowl 40. We all know this. It was also one of the most poorly played games by both teams, and the officiating was equally bad against both teams. I'll fathom a guess over the next 5 years how many times will we all see Seattle and Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl. How about none? Enjoy it while you can.
posted by skooby717 at 11:47 PM on February 14, 2006
posted by everett at 11:51 PM on February 14, 2006
I've never made a call for the Banhammer, but I'm sorely tempted to now. A member since January 21, 2006, and you still have no inkling of how this site works? I didn't think such lack of perception existed in this world. Except possibly in my cat, who will often sit and wait so long for something to happen that she'll fall asleep. But she doesn't post here. Much.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:59 PM on February 14, 2006
Look your only sayin this cause your a Pittsburgh fan if the Refs where on the Seahawks side im sure youd be crying I did not read whatever you wrote (too long)
posted by houston9388 at 12:13 AM on February 15, 2006
The "GREAT" teams will overcome obstacles to win! The Steelers did it all the way through the play-offs. The Seahawks, a good team, just were not GREAT, THE STEELERS WERE THE BEST "GREAT" TEAM IN FOOTBALL THIS YEAR. Move on and get a life, crying time is over!
posted by stlrman1 at 12:21 AM on February 15, 2006
The Steelers did not have to overcome any obstacles everything shifted so that the Steelers had the easier downhill path while the Seahawks had to go up a steep Mountain all you Steelers fans are retarded if the Steelers had to play the Refs all you would be complaining
posted by houston9388 at 12:29 AM on February 15, 2006
houston 9388, sniffle, sniffle, boo hoo. Read what was wrote above. The refs didn't beat the precious squakhawks, they beat themselves.
posted by stlrman1 at 12:39 AM on February 15, 2006
GATORHAWK IS A GOD! Well said my friend! All the whinners and Steelers bashers can kiss my fat black and gold ass! Houston9388...try detox, it MIGHT help you!
posted by CountDracula58 at 12:39 AM on February 15, 2006
Fuck You
posted by houston9388 at 12:56 AM on February 15, 2006
whose crying? seahawk fans? there are only about 3 of them out there. I haven't met any anywhere. pittsburgh fans, enjoy your championship and stop being paranoid that people are discounting their win. that being said, you made some excellent points. just learn how to post.
posted by erkno11 at 12:59 AM on February 15, 2006
I can't believe we are still debating(?) this... but, if with the same bad officiating , the Seahawks would have won... would we be reading all this? Also, when words/logic/good arguement fail... resort to profanity.
posted by steelergirl at 01:08 AM on February 15, 2006
I can't believe this thread is still standing.
posted by chicobangs at 01:21 AM on February 15, 2006
Hey...count dracula....pick out a spot you're all ASS.
posted by Indycoltsj at 01:29 AM on February 15, 2006
Well at least we know now why all the fuss, It's their IQ the comment above tells all.
posted by stlrman1 at 01:31 AM on February 15, 2006
Well said
posted by syeater at 01:35 AM on February 15, 2006
Maybe Spofi's appearance on the Yahoo portal wasn't so great afterall.
posted by cl at 01:44 AM on February 15, 2006
Nah, cl. Threads this idiotic get deleted every day, and I suspect this will be gone down the memory hole shortly. (If it took some of the people in here with it, I wouldn't "cry'n" at all neither.)
posted by chicobangs at 01:53 AM on February 15, 2006
Gatorhawk, I'm a Steelers fan who's giving you some advice. 1. Please use the Return/Enter key more often. 2. Use the Preview button. There... Is that so difficult? BTW, the game sucked, regardless of who you were pulling for!
posted by slackerman at 02:23 AM on February 15, 2006
This thread is still stupid.
posted by everett at 02:48 AM on February 15, 2006
Hey GatorHawk, before this anal fissure of a thread gets deleted, READ THE POSTING GUIDELINES! Serenity now!
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:42 AM on February 15, 2006
You gotta be kidding me.
posted by rcade at 05:53 AM on February 15, 2006
Kidding you? This crap sat here for six plus hours. I wish you would charge a cover fee so I could really act entitled. ;) I'm so freakin' sick of people shitting all over this place. It is driving away the good contributors that have been here since the first year. We are losing voices that really contributed. Stick with the Metafilter model that inspired you to begin with. At least require an email that is verified for account activation.
posted by geekyguy at 06:10 AM on February 15, 2006
I hate the new people
posted by mick at 06:39 AM on February 15, 2006
Steelers rule, but this post sucks arse. Please delete and hang GatorHawk by the gates as a warning to others.
posted by scully at 08:32 AM on February 15, 2006
On the plus side, I'm sure the merchants pushing their Steelers warez through google are quite pleased these kinds of idiotic rants exist.
posted by YukonGold at 10:19 AM on February 15, 2006
I have to say GatorHawk even though what u typed was so long (true but long) the one word that sums all this crying up the best. DIGNITY. Seems to be a lack of that on this page. SAD
posted by 1_4_thethumb at 03:58 PM on February 15, 2006