Woods acquires Jupiter Island property for $38 million: Based on a normal mortgage for the rest of us.... 20% down - $7,600,000, Interest rate - 5.75%, Monthly Payments - $177,400, Average cost of a house in the US - $193,000. Someone has way too much money.
AIDS in Africa? World hunger? Saving the rain forest? Just some suggestions. Or he could spend it on increasingly more lavish homes because that's the American way.
posted by bperk at 09:36 AM on January 26, 2006
Having over 13,000 square feet, if guess if he and Elin got into a fight over some badly cooked Swedish food, he could go to some corner of his house and not have to see her for days.
posted by Rino23 at 09:36 AM on January 26, 2006
Can't wait for MTV cribs.
posted by Bill Lumbergh at 09:45 AM on January 26, 2006
That better be one nice house. I tried to take a look, but it's fuzzed out on Google Maps. Tiger Woods Foundation.
posted by 86 at 09:49 AM on January 26, 2006
Well, what do we have to complain about. We are the one that gives him the money. Stop buying Nike Shoes, Nike Coats, Nike Clubs, Nike Sports Equiptment, Buick Automobiles. Basically if you move into a cave and kill your dinner with a club, you may be able to force him into a 10,000 sq ft. house. Until then, we have created this monster and we have to deal with it.
posted by mcstan13 at 09:59 AM on January 26, 2006
I just know there is one very happy realtor after that sale. Imagine the commission on that baby.
posted by dbt302 at 10:02 AM on January 26, 2006
If you were arguably the best on the planet at anything, you would have way too much money as well. Tiger does give back, to the youth in this country in particular. lol yep, commision pretty good i bet.
posted by mjkredliner at 10:13 AM on January 26, 2006
I just remember the whole debacle with him trying to propose to his gal with a modicum of privacy, secretly flying to some preserve in South Africa under cover of darkness, and somehow there still was someone there lurking and ruining his big moment. It may be a huge amount of money, but for someone who may be well on his way to being the richest & most famous sportsman on the planet, and who is so zealous about keeping his private and public lives separate, I can see how buying a big piece of island property somewhere (or even, should he wish, a whole island) becomes a pretty logical thing to do. And as has been said, he gives plenty back. I don't begrudge him setting himself up a little better. I sure as hell would.
posted by chicobangs at 10:25 AM on January 26, 2006
Good for Tiger. He may have earned it!
posted by daddisamm at 10:28 AM on January 26, 2006
(Also, if you're going to wind up being Celine Dion's neighbor, you want as much space between your place and hers as possible, lest you hear her singing by accident and it ruins your appetite.)
posted by chicobangs at 10:29 AM on January 26, 2006
and you don't want to accidentally get clocked by a wayward chest-thump.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:30 AM on January 26, 2006
Ageed mjk,hone your skills for 25/26 years,make lots of personal sacrifice as a teen and college student,become the most widely recognized athelete on 5 continents by children and adults alike and be a lock for your sports Hall of Fame before your 30th b/day and You too can indulge yourself with a home of your choice. $177k a month?,thats only a little over 2m a year,less that 5% of his annual income...wish I could,but I was too lazy at his age.
posted by bobacane at 10:31 AM on January 26, 2006
Does Tiger have any kids? I'm up for adoption.
posted by njsk8r20 at 10:38 AM on January 26, 2006
Oceanfront property on the east coast of Florida. He'll probably have a chance to view a hurricanes up close at some point. Maybe the house was regular priced but he got really wicked plywood.
posted by gspm at 11:10 AM on January 26, 2006
bperk - that's taking a bit of a narrow view. As has been mentioned, he does give lots back. Taking a longer term view - the happier he is (in his new house), the more successful he'll be and the more money he will make, and as such, the more money he will donate to the good causes he chooses to support. As someone else pointed out, the total value of his house is about a year's earnings for him (including endorsements). I suspect if most of us were only allowed to buy a house equivalent to one year's salary we'd all be living in tents. It's an easy argument to say he doesn't NEED a house that expensive, but what you really mean is that you don't, and I don't - but neither of us is the best golfer in the world and neither of us have to deal with the pressure (from media, kidnappers, stalkers and worse) that comes with that. Maybe he does need that much house.
posted by JJ at 11:23 AM on January 26, 2006
But yeah - for $38mn, I'd want to live further away from Celiene Dion. She just goes on and on.
posted by JJ at 11:24 AM on January 26, 2006
For those of you who think Tiger is selfish and should give more to charity......I challenge you to sell the house you own now and buy a different one with half the money, then give the other half to charity. It's Tigers money. He earned it. He deserves to spend it how he wishes. Get over your jealousy. I am suprised that no one has yet to mention that Tiger can probably pay whatever mortgage he might have with interest income from his investments, lol. He also needed that nice island retreat so he could have a place to park his 45 million dollar yacht. Just a side note, I read in GolfWeek that the property has a main house, 2 guest houses and a beach house. Real estate experts in the area would be very suprised if he did not tear down the exisiting structures and build new. But for now, he doesn't have to go to another corner of the house if he gets into a fight with his adorable wife, he can go to a different building.
posted by panteeze at 11:33 AM on January 26, 2006
For that money he could have bought himself a nice part of The World (prices start at $25m per island).
posted by JJ at 11:34 AM on January 26, 2006
I suspect if most of us were only allowed to buy a house equivalent to one year's salary we'd all be living in tents. But it'd be one of those new north face tents, 3 season, sleeps 3, sky hatch, super fly, oh ya. Tiger's money, more power to him. I did hear an npr segment (I think) that show'd how tiger's selection of tournaments to play had more to do with money (over seas mostly) than anything else. Again, nothing wrong with that. Their conclusion was that Tiger was as competitive in earnings as he was in golf. So this doesn't surprise me. Neither would buying a continent.
posted by justgary at 11:38 AM on January 26, 2006
I suspect if most of us were only allowed to buy a house equivalent to one year's salary we'd all be living in tents. and those tents would still cost you about 300k in the Boston area. I don't see it as a big deal. Yes, to us somewhat normal people, it's extravagant. He can't just move into the 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial for sale in your neighborhood, you know?
posted by jerseygirl at 11:46 AM on January 26, 2006
Frazer acquires hamburger from local restaurant BARRIE -- Wayne Frazer has completed a $6.80 purchase of a Whopper value meal from Burger King in downtown Barrie, Ontario, which for Americans is located in Canada. Frazer, who grew up in southern Illinois, moved to Barrie in 2004 when he was shanghai'd married. "I'm close to the Burger King," Frazer said Thursday. "I grew up near St. Louis not too far away from a Burger King, and I miss the BK. Being in Canada ... there's a bunch of restaurants, but they aren't Burger King." The transaction marks the first Whopper combo vale meal sale in Simcoe County history to a former small-town Midwestern newspaper editor. Frazer's new meal includes a 6-square-inch cheeseburger, several onion rings and a Diet Coke, perhaps leaving enough calories for an apple fritter. Records show the Whopper came with three pieces of lettuce, two tomato slices and extra cheese. The Whopper was sold to three companies, each with a common Barrie address that belongs to The IceBox Sportscards and Collectibles, the selling agent for Frazer. He and his wife, Michelle, are listed as two of the company's principals. Barrie, a gorgeous area north of Toronto considered among the nation's most likely areas to be sucked into Toronto, is home to several current and former NHL players and some beavers. Frazer, who turned 35 last August, has a cheeseburger in his freezer which was recently assessed at $2.50. He and his family have also purchased burgers from Harvey's, Lick's and Wendy's, although the fries now suck there. He said he likely also would keep continue buying food from The Keg, a somewhat-exclusive restaurant in Toronto with a teriyaki sirloin that he said is "better than that shoe leather crap they foist on you at Outback or Lone Star." Courtesy SFNS (SpoFi News Service)
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:48 AM on January 26, 2006
posted by JJ at 11:57 AM on January 26, 2006
"bravo"--wild appluase
posted by daddisamm at 12:02 PM on January 26, 2006
posted by jerseygirl at 12:04 PM on January 26, 2006
ding ding ding!
posted by chicobangs at 12:14 PM on January 26, 2006
I wasn't criticizing Tiger. I was merely offering an alternative other than the one JJ suggested (i.e. that Tiger buy us all homes). However, the super rich as a group are not that generous (pdf), and while it seems like a lot of money, they generally give a smaller percentage of their income than those of us less affluent. As for Tiger, he gives most to charity through his foundation. The lastest record I can find is for 2003 and the foundation gave away about 2.3 million. Anyone want to do the math on how much of his income that is?
posted by bperk at 12:20 PM on January 26, 2006
I don't think he's carrying a mortgage on this one.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 12:30 PM on January 26, 2006
Why on earth would Wayne Frazer blow $6.80 on a Whopper combo when a Wendy's Super Value chicken nugget combo is available for $3.99? Someone has way too much money. Still, I'll be sure to tivo his MTV Eats episode.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:59 PM on January 26, 2006
I heard he consumed the Whopper to keep Celine Dion away. It was on gawker.com, I'm surprised you didn't read it there.
posted by jerseygirl at 01:08 PM on January 26, 2006
The Keg, I would make a special trip from Dallas to Canada to eat there again. I would love to wash that steak down with a Stella Artois and a player's light. After that I would make a special trip to Tim Horton's for some coffee and a donut. Maybe I would spend the night and hit up Joey Tomato's for lunch the next day. They had the hottest waitresses there. God I miss Canada and being able to flick your loonies or toonies for a free autographed poster at certain adult establishments in Lethbridge, Edmonton, and Montreal.
posted by erkno11 at 01:25 PM on January 26, 2006
But yeah - for $38mn, I'd want to live further away from Celiene Dion. She just goes on and on "Her song will go on for-e-e-e-ver..." I blame you, JJ, for giving me a very uncomfortable earworm. And I heard property values all over Canada went up when she moved to the US.
posted by owlhouse at 03:24 PM on January 26, 2006
The only time I ever ate in a Keg (in Whistler) I was sick for three days afterwards - and I mean someone-please-kill-me-cos-I-haven't-the-strength-to-do-it-myself sick. It didn't completely ruin the holiday though. I did that myself on my first day back on the slopes when I broke my arm trying to get out of my bindings (and standing stock still). And to think I had a blazing row with my mother last night on the phone when she accused me of being accident prone and being "Massively unlikely to get through the pole vault without breaking your neck." bperk - sorry - just reread my post there from earlier and I went off on one a tad unnecessarily in terms of what you'd said. It's been a long day. owlhouse - I apologise to you too - I have nothing to offer as a caveat for that one. Fire up some Arctic Monkeys - that should shift it.
posted by JJ at 04:18 PM on January 26, 2006
posted by zane71 at 05:06 PM on January 26, 2006
You guys are hilarious next topic. hold the pickles
posted by hoopwisdom at 10:23 PM on January 26, 2006
Here's how I see this story. Tiger Woods had $38 million. Mr. X had a house worth $38 million. The two sat down and signed a piece of paper. Now; Mr. X has $38 million. Tiger Woods has a house worth $38 million. The only thing that seems to have changed is that a new owner lives in the house. I can't see that anything bad has happened because of the transaction. I can't see that anything good has happened because of the transaction (unless it generated tax revenue, which couldn't hurt). The best thing to come out of this post is the great comment by wfrazerjr - thanks for the laugh.
posted by drevl at 09:17 AM on January 27, 2006
If anyone on here were to win the next Powerball ($215 million) I gurantee that you would splurge a little...he makes over $80 million a year and is worth over $400 million...can you blame him?
posted by psummers at 11:23 PM on February 06, 2006
What should he be doing with the money? Buying us a house each instead?