Does this guy have any credability left?: Palmero states a vitamin B-12 shot may have contributed to his positive steroid test. Is this guy for real?
anyone that hit 15 more homeruns than the year before or had 10 more wins 15 more saves hit 50 points higher fuck them too!!!!!!!!!
posted by BOWONLY at 05:30 PM on November 09, 2005
I didn't see McGwire quoted anywhere in this article.
posted by jojomfd1 at 05:48 PM on November 09, 2005
Would some one please inform Raffy that his fate has already been sealed. Whether or not he ever admits to the truth is really just academic at this point. Be a man about it and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. My guess is ten years down the road when he realizes he will never make it into the Hall and he falls into complete obscurity his true story will be published somewhere - except at that point no one will care.
posted by bigrobbieb at 06:04 PM on November 09, 2005
I would like to think that he's not a cheater but its really, really hard to do that when he's been caught pretty well red-handed.
posted by fenriq at 06:10 PM on November 09, 2005
If somebody could provide scientific proof the a shot of B-12 can cause a positive test then I would believe it. Untill then, Raffy is just as big a cheat as all the rest of them.
posted by tdheiland at 07:59 PM on November 09, 2005
Everyones down on Palmeiro because it's the shiek thing, kind of like reading the Kabalah, Yoga, doing coke, and touting I have a gay friend, to chicks at bars, to make you seem more sensitive. Palmeiro busted his ass for a long time and accomplished more than most, and deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. A cynic is a man that knows the price of everything, and knows the value of nothing.
posted by needle park at 09:57 PM on November 09, 2005
anyone that hit 15 more homeruns than the year before or had 10 more wins 15 more saves hit 50 points higher fuck them too!!!!!!!!! So improvement of any kind, other than incremental random chance, is a sign that something is amiss, and possibly illegal? In this day and age, I get the feeling this guy would have persecuted the moment his feet hit the sand...
posted by grum@work at 12:30 AM on November 10, 2005
May all the steroid users follow in the footsteps of Sammy Sosa, (Struck Out Swinging Again) and just fade away. Palmeiro's biggest hustle was to his locker to get the needle to enhance his accomplishments. Sorry, no Hall of Fame.
posted by Richie Bee at 05:30 AM on November 10, 2005
I didn't see McGwire quoted anywhere in this article. If you notice, I made a joke that completely went over your head. Remember the congressional hearings that Marky attended? Good. Go read my post again. Snoogans.
posted by The Gangstinator at 06:41 AM on November 10, 2005
The sheik thing?!?!?!?!?!?! Palmiero's 'stache can't hold a candle to the great Iron Sheik's!!!
posted by ajaffe at 07:20 AM on November 10, 2005
I think he/she meant chic. And he/she should learn what the words are before lecturing. And frankly, that's a pretty dismissive attempt at classifying the steriods scandal as it relates to Palmeiro. Being anti-steriod is not trendy for the sake of it. When the story first broke, I too thought that this would damage, but not kill, Raffy's chances at the HoF. Now, I think I was wrong.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:02 AM on November 10, 2005
If you notice, I made a joke that completely went over your head. Or, the joke was unfunny enough to be believed as a true statement. Which is what I did.
posted by dfleming at 08:10 AM on November 10, 2005
If somebody could provide scientific proof the a shot of B-12 can cause a positive test then I would believe it. Well, a shot of B12 alone would not cause a positive result. He tested positive for the anabolic steroid stanozolol and is claiming that the B12 shot was somehow tainted without his knowledge. From his statement: "I have never intentionally taken steroids. But I must also acknowledge that Stanozolol, a banned substance, was found in my system in May. Although I do not know how this substance came into my body, it is possible that a shot of vitamin B12 I took sometime in April might have been the cause." He later says he has "never implicated any player in the intentional use or distribution of steroids, or any other illegal substance, in any interview or testimony." Sounds like he's claiming somebody added a little kicker to the ol' B12 and got Raffy in trouble... I just don't know.
posted by thatweirdguy2 at 08:29 AM on November 10, 2005
"I have never intentionally taken steroids. But I must also acknowledge that Stanozolol, a banned substance, was found in my system in May. Although I do not know how this substance came into my body, it is possible that a shot of vitamin B12 I took sometime in April might have been the cause." If you believe this I got a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:58 AM on November 10, 2005
Or, the joke was unfunny enough to be believed as a true statement. I admit I'm no Carlin, but I can't be held responsible for someone's lame sense of humor. It was meant for a chuckle, and to move on. I'm sure I'm not the only one who did. Point being, it's just sad that McGwire, Palmeiro, and all the other juiceheads can't be men enough to admit what they did. I mean, honestly, Canseco and Caminitti came clean, and look, a prospering reality tv career and.....well.....Canseco's book sold well......
posted by The Gangstinator at 09:05 AM on November 10, 2005
I'm not a big advocate of confessing the whole truth because sometimes it is worse than what people think. And, I am not sure why so many other people thing that spilling the beans in public is such a wise decision. I do think Raffy should have come up with something more plausible. Like maybe "I went to this nutrition store and this guy sold me something that he said was amino acids and I only took it once because my friend told me that the store was investigated for some kind of illegal activity."
posted by bperk at 10:07 AM on November 10, 2005
I get b-12 shots from time to time with my cancer Treatment. I also get a few steroids from time to time for the prevention of getting sick as a dog during chemo treatment. Maybe Raffi would be better off coming up with a mysterious case of cancer!!! Sounds better than this explanation!
posted by daddisamm at 10:18 AM on November 10, 2005
Here's the link to the pdf of the report by the Committee on Raffy's perjury. Interesting stuff about him blaming Tejada and his strange polygraph test.
posted by bperk at 10:50 AM on November 10, 2005
This guy should shut up. He's just getting in deeper. What he really needs to do is state the truth, that virtually everybody in baseball has been taking steroids. I think they should be allowed to take steroids or whatever will help to enhance their game. I could care less whether someone is juicing as long as they are entertaining. What I am tired of seeing is our jackass congressmen worrying about this instead of trying to take care of things that are actually important.
posted by hiltonheadserg at 11:03 AM on November 10, 2005
it's just sad that McGwire, Palmeiro, and all the other juiceheads can't be men enough to admit what they did. What exactly did McGwire do? Why don't you tell all of us when McGwire was caught using a banned, or illegal substance. And who are "All the other juiceheads?"
posted by jojomfd1 at 07:03 PM on November 10, 2005
Keep the judgements coming about Palmeiro. He is the anti-christ of MLB. The guy got caught, and is taking a hard fall. So while you smoke your 420, drink that Schlitz and yell at your wife, keep the judgements coming.
posted by needle park at 07:24 PM on November 10, 2005
And thanks to the moron that figured out the difference between CHIC and Sheik means. Now you can tell all your boyfriends in the stockroom, at The Rage, you were intelligent. If only for a moment.
posted by needle park at 07:33 PM on November 10, 2005
Keep the judgements coming about Palmeiro. He is the anti-christ of MLB. No, that would be Pete Rose.
posted by grum@work at 09:19 PM on November 10, 2005
Not anymore.
posted by needle park at 10:38 PM on November 10, 2005
What exactly did McGwire do? Why don't you tell all of us when McGwire was caught using a banned, or illegal substance. Well, if I'm not allowed to use intuition, then why bother discussing things, right? I have come to the conclusion in my mind that McGwire used steroids because he shows the signs of steroid abuse (and if you study the topic, you find that all these are fact): 1. doubling of body size (you can only get so big naturally) 2. caught with andro, which is now illegal and was known as a supplement to steroids 3. deterioration of the skin, with noticable acne (steroids causes bad acne all over the body) 4. breaking down of the ligaments at an early age, which is usually what happens when a steroid abuser stops using steroids. 5. Implications from Canseco, who, even though is preceived as an asshole, has NOT been proven wrong yet in anything he said in his book. All of which, if you do the research, leads one to believe that Mark McGwire DID do steroids. You can be a skeptic all you want, and not believe anything until you get a positive test, but I just call that naive. And who are "All the other juiceheads?" Palmeiro, Sosa, Brady Anderson, Luis Gonzalez, Bret Boone, and all the other players who had 1 or 2 monster seasons, and promptly broke down (with the exception of Sosa, who, while having quite a few years of tremendous success, once the steroid speculation kicked in the last 2 years, he has shrunk in size and collapsed completely offensively.) There. I explained myself JoJo.
posted by The Gangstinator at 06:59 AM on November 11, 2005
Here are his career stats show me where he started using. Also when did he double his body size? When McGwire was taking andro it was not illegal or on a banned list. When did this breaking down of his ligaments occur at such an early age, since according to you it happens when one stops using steroids? If you would like to listen to Jose then go right ahead, but understand how you may also be perceived. and all the other players who had 1 or 2 monster seasons, and promptly broke down Do you really believe McGwire fits into this category?
posted by jojomfd1 at 07:31 AM on November 11, 2005
Here are his career stats show me where he started using. If you would like to listen to Jose then go right ahead, but understand how you may also be perceived. He started using with Canseco in Oakland. I don't care how YOU precieve it. I would just like you to tell me where Canseco is lying. Being the type of person Canseco is doesn't automatically make him a liar. Also when did he double his body size? Okay, I want you to look at the skinny guy who hit 40 home runs his rookie season, then, look at the mountain of a man who hit 70. When McGwire was taking andro it was not illegal or on a banned list. I didn't say it was illegal then. What I did say is that it's illegal NOW because THROUGH RESEARCH it has been discovered that steroid abusers in every walk of life used andro as a steroid supplement. When did this breaking down of his ligaments occur at such an early age, since according to you it happens when one stops using steroids? His knees, his back, were all giving him problems at the age of 35. That's fine, if your Mike Piazza, and you're a catcher, but when you are a first baseman, it's not common. Plus, like I said, if you do research, and read about all other steroid users from professional sports, you would know that it is a common occurance that the body breaks down way sooner than it should. I don't have to go through the list. You should know who they are. Do you really believe McGwire fits into this category? I didn't say he was. You just asked me who the other juiceheads were. And I think Brady Anderson and Luis Gonzalez, for example, who, for one magical year, bashed more home runs than they did in any 2-3 years combined before and after, are just a little suspicious if you ask me.
posted by The Gangstinator at 07:52 AM on November 11, 2005
And I think Brady Anderson and Luis Gonzalez, for example, who, for one magical year, bashed more home runs than they did in any 2-3 years combined before and after, are just a little suspicious if you ask me. Single season statistical anomalies like that do happen. This guy being the prime example of a home run jump of epic proportions, never seen before or after that season.
posted by grum@work at 09:15 AM on November 11, 2005
Everyone is bashing Raffie for not coming out and telling the whole truth and nothing but. I look at it this way. He knows he is busted, at least in the public's eye. He knows he will most likely not make the HoF. He also knows that he was under investigation for perjury by Congress. Given all of these facts, and the speculation that Congress is likely to bite on any kind of fish story, as long as it is remotely plausible, I think, perhaps that he simply cut his losses and saved himself the perjury charges. Yes, he knows it is a whopper of a tale, yes it lowered his perception in the public's eye (if that was possible), yes it most likely killed any chance of his making the Hof (as small a chance as it was earlier in the summer). BUT, he has been cleared of the perjury charges....all in all not a bad result from telling a whopper of a tale.
posted by elovrich at 11:07 AM on November 11, 2005
You all really need to check out bperk's link to the congressional report. The way I read it is that Tejada illegally transported B-12 shots into the states and passed it out to some teammates. The report indicates that B-12 in injectable form like Tejada had is not available without a prescription. That is the same test for steroids; they are only available with a prescription. I know B-12 is not the same thing as a steroid, but why does Tejada get a free pass when he admits to illegal import and distribution of (essentially) an illegal substance.
posted by graymatters at 02:41 PM on November 11, 2005
At 31 I just had a spinal card stimulator put in 8 weeks ago. I must have been juicing before too by that logic. It all boils down to the same old shit, you are just as bad as the media asses that were kissing Big Macs ass, and hollering how he and Sammy saved baseball. I wonder what you did with all your McGwire stuff after the congressional hearings. Your last two posts have been nothing but pure speculation, that have not even backed up your original statement of: Point being, it's just sad that McGwire, Palmeiro, and all the other juiceheads can't be men enough to admit what they did. So I'll just leave it at that.
posted by jojomfd1 at 03:34 PM on November 11, 2005
oops cord
posted by jojomfd1 at 03:36 PM on November 11, 2005
Not speculation, just plenty of circumstantial evidence. Which is enough for me. And I never liked McGwire at all - don't assume you know me. I was too worried about the Mets to give two shits about McGwire and Sosa. And just to put an end to this, and agree to disagree, I'm sorry you need statisitcal scientific proof to make decisions. I don't think it's necessary all the time. Scott Peterson's case was entirely built on circumstantial evidence - nothing scientific linking him to the crime - and everyone and their mother knows that bastard killed his wife and unborn kid. So sometimes just accept that you don't always need concrete evidence to get a pretty good idea where people are coming from.
posted by The Gangstinator at 05:48 PM on November 11, 2005
Not speculation, just plenty of circumstantial evidence. Which is enough for me. I'm sorry you need statisitcal scientific proof to make decisions. I don't think it's necessary all the time. [Diety of choice] help you if the police ever make a mistake in your neighbourhood...
posted by grum@work at 06:48 PM on November 11, 2005
I'm sorry you need statisitcal scientific proof to make decisions. Sounds like somebody voted for "intelligent design" to be taught in his local schools.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:54 PM on November 11, 2005
I know B-12 is not the same thing as a steroid, but why does Tejada get a free pass when he admits to illegal import and distribution of (essentially) an illegal substance. Baseball can't do anything about it because it was not against baseball's drug policy. Maybe the police will look into now that all of the information is out there.
posted by bperk at 08:30 AM on November 12, 2005
Aparently, "B-12 shot" is slang in locker rooms for steroids. But I just want to state for the record that I'm here to focus on the positive, the future, I'm not here to talk about the past. Fuck you McGwire.