"Dancers Are a Lot Smarter Than You Might Think" : Find out more at the NFL Cheerleader Blog.
The whole idea of cheerleaders is that thing where they're super hot and not very bright. Way to ruin it, ruiner.
posted by Samsonov14 at 10:20 AM on April 05, 2005
Yes, some of them do have brains... big, bouncy brains...
posted by Angrygimp at 11:31 AM on April 05, 2005
Not smart enough to figure out that I don't care if they are smart or not. So there.
posted by chris2sy at 11:41 AM on April 05, 2005
I see they aren't smart enough to figure out the acronym for Professional Routines on Demand would be PROD, not PRO. /speaking of prodding
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:00 PM on April 05, 2005
they're super hot and not very bright and super flexible. hmmm.
posted by garfield at 12:21 PM on April 05, 2005
86, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that convention! But, why oh why are they holding it all the way up in Duluth! That's like 45 minutes from intown Atlanta with traffic. I wonder which bars the dancers will be frequenting that weekend.
posted by trox at 12:54 PM on April 05, 2005
I always wondered what happened to Ickey... This may be the hottest blog on the planet.
posted by grum@work at 01:44 PM on April 05, 2005
With all those military references, I'm going to have to find a target for my guided missile.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:04 PM on April 05, 2005
That Harvard grad sounds impressive, but I like how all of the cheerleader day jobs sound like inflated resume titles: "psychopharmacological researcher" ... "managing an asbestos-removal project" ... "project manager for a design firm." I was "director of transportation services" when I worked the Toys 'R Us bicycle section in high school.
posted by rcade at 03:37 PM on April 05, 2005
Naughty. Very naughty.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:45 PM on April 05, 2005
I second that Trox. Why don't they hold this stuff in town? This is my major problem with ATL. It's the equivalent of saying you are holding a conference in NYC and having it in Jersey.
posted by usfbull at 04:29 PM on April 05, 2005
I imagine conference space is a lot cheaper way out in the 'burbs as opposed to downtown.
posted by roberts at 05:08 PM on April 05, 2005
That Harvard grad sounds impressive, but I like how all of the cheerleader day jobs sound like inflated resume titles: "psychopharmacological researcher" ... "managing an asbestos-removal project" ... "project manager for a design firm." That last one is one step higher on the totem pole than I am in my current firm. I've put in five years hoping to get promoted to that position. Current job: "Technical Staff". Yay me.
posted by LionIndex at 06:39 PM on April 05, 2005
I always wondered what happened to Ickey... Ickey Woods owns a decent sized flooring instalation service here in cincy.
posted by mick at 10:51 PM on April 05, 2005
I forget who, but someone around here is from GA. Whoever that is needs to find their way to The Professional Cheerleaders and Dancers Convention in Atlanta, July 9th & 10th.