Alex Rodriguez, you've been Punk'd...but we'll never see it.: ARod was Punk'd good, but he wasn't laughing. Rodriguez wouldn't sign the release, so the show won't be aired. Which gets me thinking... what would be some good Punk'd scenerios to involve baseball players in?
posted by jerseygirl to baseball at 01:19 AM - 21 comments
I read a story recently about how the Texas Rangers' clubhouse chemistry has been significantly improved since A-Rod left -- the guy had no sense of humor about himself, so he wouldn't put up with "kangaroo court" sentences where players police team infractions and raise hell. While it could be sour grapes (Anna Kournikova didn't reject me; I wasn't interested in her!), his refusal to be Punk'd supports it. Punk.
posted by rcade at 08:56 AM on May 22, 2004
justgary, were you afraid people would think you actually READ Teen People? 'Cause I have a subscription and it rawks! OMIGOD! I wasn't aware ARod was married. Nicely done, but still not Jose Lima's wife.
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:02 AM on May 22, 2004
Maybe ARod, like all the cool kids, recognized Ashton Kutcher as the massive tool that he is a long time ago. Ironic trucker hats are the new hypercolors.
posted by crank at 09:09 AM on May 22, 2004
"The waiter basically called A-Rod a loser who had never been on a winning team," Teen Hollywood quoted a source as saying. That's the level that Punk'd has fallen to? Name calling and insults and they call that "punking" someone? I think ARod did them a favour by not signing the waiver. That's just frickin' lame!
posted by grum@work at 09:15 AM on May 22, 2004
Kutcher is an assclown of highest order.
posted by dzot at 11:00 AM on May 22, 2004
I followed a couple of the links on the Jose Lima's wife page (yes, I am a loser), and there's an online poll! Thank God and the U.S. government for the internet.
posted by dusted at 11:25 AM on May 22, 2004
Ha, I can't believe 34% voted "Yes, they're real." They look like two volleyballs shoved down the front of her dress. I mean, they're so spherical, scientists could use them to calibrate their instruments.
posted by molafson at 01:30 PM on May 22, 2004
That's pretty unimaginative, if you ask me. I mean, gen u wine Red Sox fans must have done just exactly that to Rodriguez dozens of times, whenever they could get to him. So if he took it as real, what's so funny? Boston fans ought to be celebrating anyway; they got dead lucky when he went elsewhere.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:59 PM on May 22, 2004
Punk'd jumped the shark the minute they went after athletes. I happened by the episode with Warren Sapp recently. I don't think alot of athletes have as good a sense of humor as Sapp does (he's a pothead, fer chrissakes) and while some of his reactions were funny the bit in general was weak, weak, weak. I hate A-Rod MORE than the next guy (I honestly, truly, sincerely believe that he is more of a burden as a teammate than a benefit in toto) but him opting out of a punk'd sketch is probably just as well.
posted by vito90 at 04:03 PM on May 22, 2004
Didn't "jumping the shark" jump the shark a little while back?
posted by smithers at 06:17 PM on May 22, 2004
I remember an episode where they "punk'd" Jerome Bettis. They got Bettis to play tackle Dax. Afterwards Dax played dead. It wasn't embarassing. Instead it looked like terrible joke. Bettis was distraught, he thought he had really hurt Dax. I really thought Bettis might have cry he was so upset. If anything, it made Bettis look like decent person who was horrified that he hurt someone.
posted by Mike McD at 04:35 PM on May 23, 2004
Boston fans ought to be celebrating anyway; they got dead lucky when he went elsewhere. How's that again?
posted by yerfatma at 06:34 AM on May 24, 2004
They should've punk'd ARod into believing his credit card was rejected. Then try to make him do dishes to pay for his meal. "yeah yeah yer a ball player - get in the kitchen deadbeat."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 12:32 AM on May 25, 2004
Oh yeah, like he doesn't carry around $1400 in his wallet.
posted by dusted at 12:35 AM on May 25, 2004
I wish Kuthcer would take his act overseas, now that everyone knows who he is, and that he's out to Punk'd 'em. Except I wish the boat would sink while sailing overseas. That would rawk.
posted by garfield at 09:03 AM on May 25, 2004
I'm still waiting for the explanation on how Boston fans are dead lucky... yadda yadda yadda.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:30 PM on May 25, 2004
"It was a good idea. It was just bad timing," said Rodriguez He was eating dinner with his wife. My take knowing established celebrities prefer the media staying away from their families. He felt this was not the time & place. Don't recall one time in Dallas that the media showed his wife or family.
posted by thomcatspike at 01:29 PM on May 26, 2004
Like it was mentioned... his wife may have been involved. Most of the time, in these pranks, family members and friends (like Justin Timberlake's mom, friends) and agents are involved in the planning and execution.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:28 PM on May 26, 2004
where was it mentioned that his wife may have been involved?
posted by goddam at 04:54 PM on May 26, 2004
where was it mentioned that his wife may have been involved? elsewhere. i've been reading about this story for quite some time prior to posting. like justgary, i could only find mention of it on some teen site.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:47 AM on May 27, 2004
I read about this, then was going to post it, but couldn't find a link except from teen people or something like that. I think punking pedro into thinking he had been traded back to the expos would be pretty funny. (though he probably wouldn't think it was very funny)