Name: | David Mazzotta |
Member since: | October 23, 2003 |
Last visit: | June 24, 2008 |
dzot has posted 25 links and 136 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 1 comment to the Locker Room.
Simmons picks an EPL team: Soccer has officially turned a corner in the US.
posted by dzot to soccer at 12:42 PM on July 19, 2006 - 39 comments
Perfection in Losing: Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) gives us the backstory of Blake versus Federer.
posted by dzot to tennis at 08:11 AM on March 28, 2006 - 20 comments
Barry is 2 legit 2 quit: Every story written about steroids means nothing to us in the know...You are loved by many. I love you. Hammer, don't hurt 'em.
posted by dzot to baseball at 10:31 PM on March 09, 2006 - 69 comments
Darren Daulton, Moonbat: "Reality is created and guarded by numeric patterns that overlap and awaken human consciousness, like a giant matrix or hologram," writes the .245 lifetime hitter.
posted by dzot to baseball at 04:03 PM on February 17, 2006 - 17 comments
Who is William Wesley?: Is he flying under the radar while running the NBA? And, if so, where does he stand on the most important issue facing the league, specifically Mark Cuban's bright blue blazer.
posted by dzot to basketball at 02:38 PM on November 14, 2005 - 3 comments
The days of burning in Detroit are over. Now we just board everything up, cover it with graffiti.
posted by dzot at 11:30 AM on June 17, 2006
2 yrs. later, Alex Rodriguez finally delivers in Anaheim That's just cold.
posted by dzot at 09:18 AM on March 13, 2006
MC: I wish I could quit you. Barry: Why don't ya? Brokeback Balco
posted by dzot at 10:33 PM on March 09, 2006
Barry Bonds is worse than Hitler. He's like Hitler on steroids. No -- he's like Hitler on steroids, with a fat contract and an agent. Hey, it's what everyone is thinking. I just had the guts to say it.
posted by dzot at 12:20 PM on March 05, 2006
15/15 That means I am qualified to get beat up for my lunch money by a 250 lb. linebacker.
posted by dzot at 02:26 PM on February 28, 2006
Conceptually sound, but reads like it was written for a college paper by an angry poli sci major.
posted by dzot at 11:57 AM on February 25, 2006
"I've been thrown in jail five or six times," Daulton says from his home in Tampa. "Nicole thinks I'm crazy. She blames everything on drugs and drinking. But I don't take drugs and I'm not a drunk. Nicole just doesn't understand metaphysics." Neither does the jailer, apparently.
posted by dzot at 11:51 AM on February 18, 2006
I have the deepest sympathy for Raul Ramos and all the other courageous people who must make their way in the world without the benefit of a life.
posted by dzot at 02:56 PM on February 15, 2006
I guess it's going to a be a late night on the meat grinder over at Satriale's.
posted by dzot at 02:22 PM on February 07, 2006
I guessing Ron-Ron was swayed by some comp visits to the Hardwood Suite.
posted by dzot at 03:59 PM on January 26, 2006
The problem with Isiah is that he is so deeply wierd that you can't really gauge his intentions at any time. The NYT article, as summarized at True Hoop, contains this perfect piece of unintentional comedy: She said that Mills also told her early last year that Knicks players were not cooperating with her, at Thomas's direction. She said that led directly to a promotional campaign using cardboard cutouts of the players. "Look, when I said the players would making an appearance, I didn't mean the actual players..."
posted by dzot at 01:22 PM on January 25, 2006
Imagine if Marcus Vick, Maurice Clarrett, Terrell Owens, and Ray Lewis were on the same team. That would be a sight indeed. Even though everybody hates TO, he doesn't belong in that group. It's still not against the law to be a complete jerk.
posted by dzot at 08:30 AM on January 10, 2006
Hold the wedding. Early in the season, didn't Farve make noises along the lines of 'if Mike Sherman goes, I go'? Now he hasn't even called him after he was fired and makes it clear he's cool with Mariucci. Fickle boy. (btw, LMAO at rcade)
posted by dzot at 11:35 AM on January 07, 2006
I can hear it now: "And with the ninth pick, the Detroit Lions select wide receiver..."
posted by dzot at 11:37 AM on January 06, 2006
Jean Strahan hints that Michael is gay.
Ian Smith's website. That's one slick TV doctor.