Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl : Green Bay will be trying to win its 13th NFL championship and its fourth Super Bowl. The Packers won Super Bowls I, II and XXXI and lost Super Bowl XXXII.
posted by tommytrump to football at 08:07 PM - 32 comments
No surprise. The Bears simply aren't that good.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 09:26 PM on January 23, 2011
Cutler is being hammered by former and current players.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 10:07 PM on January 23, 2011
Special teams won the game for GB...holding Hester in check all day. Rodgers looked good in the first half, but awful in the second half.
Yeah, it didn't look like Cutler was in that much pain on the sidelines, hard to believe he didn't try to make it work.
posted by dviking at 10:13 PM on January 23, 2011
Green Bay fans should be sure to send a thank-you note and a nice wheel of cheese to Scott Green's officiating crew, without whose utter incompetence in week 7 the Packers would not have made the playoffs, and thus would not be in the Super Bowl.
(Grumpy Vikings fan.)
posted by TheQatarian at 10:36 PM on January 23, 2011
I like lecherles bentleys comment from that twitter link:)
posted by bdaddy at 11:09 PM on January 23, 2011
Urlacher had Cutler's back in the press scrum afterwords.
I've heard of hockey players tearing something in their knee that doesn't cause too much pain to walk on, but if you try to push off on it, it either causes the knee to buckle, or feels like someone running razor blades through your knee.
I'll be very surprised if they don't find something structurally wrong with his knee.
Also, I assume that's the end of "Todd Collins, back-up QB". (checks wikipedia) He's thirty-nine years old?! For some reason I didn't think it was the same "Collins" who backed up Jim Kelly on the Bills, but some other no-name QB.
posted by grum@work at 12:30 AM on January 24, 2011
(Grumpy Vikings fan.)
That's pretty much like signing "anonymous".
Regarding Cutler, hard to say what was up. There are a lot of injuries that guys can play through, some they can't (torn knee tendons fit into "can't" .. tore 2 tendons in a knee here and had no control on the leg, pain however was bearable).
That being said, I think the Bears would be better of going a different direction next year.
posted by cixelsyd at 02:17 AM on January 24, 2011
It's a bit much bashing Cutler when they don't know what's wrong yet.
Almost akin to standing over a player with a broken leg and talking shit. (Like in that OTHER football.)
posted by Drood at 02:20 AM on January 24, 2011
Considering the magnitude of the game, I was amazed Cutler acquiesced to sitting on the sidelines. I would have been pissed beyond belief, but I was seasoned by a QB who played through all sorts of injuries (He Who Shall Not Be Named) so I guess that's coloring my impression of the guy. Hanie, though, acclimated himself rather nicely, I thought (speaking as a die-hard Packers fan hoping he wouldn't shine too much last night). Here's hoping he gets the starting job next year. Cutler has never seemed like he belongs there as a Bears QB.
Edit: This isn't entirely surprising, the backlash, considering the mutterings I've heard about Cutler's attitude in general towards his fellow teammates and others. Could be just the opportunity they've been waiting for to speak their mind about the guy.
posted by evixir at 07:50 AM on January 24, 2011
Damn man, that Sam Shields guy had a monster game.
posted by NoMich at 08:05 AM on January 24, 2011
That Sam Shields guy is having a monster playoff.
posted by fabulon7 at 08:26 AM on January 24, 2011
I think whatever the MRI says though, the players will still question him. I'm sure the MRI will show damage of some degree...I'm sure if you take an MRI of any of these guys knees it will show damage to a large enough degree to warrant sitting out. Look at Ben and Brady for example..both have fractures in their foot that require surgery, but both played on that is the question the NFL guys are saying...not whether he's really injured but whether he could have played through it. There is just something about the man in general (attitude, looks,etc.) that give the impression he is the type who would sit out even if he could play...I'm not sure if that perception is true, but I think it's there regardless, for some reason.
posted by bdaddy at 09:33 AM on January 24, 2011
The Bears were very over rated as I said before the game. Even though the Packers did not play all that well, Rogers had a decent first half but a terrible second half, they were still able to win.
Cutler has always been a baby and I think the only thing that was hurt was his pride. If his knee was so bad why did he stand on the sidelines?
posted by Atheist at 10:35 AM on January 24, 2011
There is just something about the man in general (attitude, looks,etc.) that give the impression he is the type who would sit out even if he could play...I'm not sure if that perception is true, but I think it's there regardless, for some reason.
I just don't believe it. He took an incredible beating this season because of their dreadful offensive line. In one game, he was sacked 9 times. I don't see any evidence that his toughness should be questioned whatever else anyone thinks of him.
posted by bperk at 10:42 AM on January 24, 2011
There is just something about the man in general (attitude, looks,etc.) that give the impression he is the type who would sit out even if he could play...I'm not sure if that perception is true, but I think it's there regardless, for some reason.
I don't know if this diagnosable condition should be named after Ralph Sampson, Derrick Coleman, or someone else, but Cutler certainly seems to have it.
A heart and fire guy like Bubby Brister would probably have given half his middle leg to have been blessed with Cutler's talent.
posted by beaverboard at 10:46 AM on January 24, 2011
In one game, he was sacked 9 times.
If there was ever a time a player could have pulled the chute on playing the rest of a game, it would have been that one. He would have been well within his rights to fake an injury at the end of the first half of that game, as his offensive line were nothing but revolving doors at that point, and his own personal safety was in question.
posted by grum@work at 10:53 AM on January 24, 2011
I think Cutler's problem is that he doesn't put on a show for anybody. He could have played the wounded warrior on the sidelines, but because he didn't people have decided he was faking -- despite all the times that he's taken a pounding in his NFL career and never run from it before.
My guess is that the MRI will show why he couldn't play and shut everybody up.
posted by rcade at 11:21 AM on January 24, 2011
I'm a fan of Maurice Jones-Drew, but his tweet about Cutler was a bit ridiculous: "All I'm saying is that he can finish the game on a hurt knee... I played the whole season on one..."
No you didn't, Maurice. You sat out the last two games, the Jags lost them and missed the playoffs. You're the wrong guy to be slamming Cutler.
posted by rcade at 11:25 AM on January 24, 2011
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Cutler has a torn MCL.
posted by rcade at 12:02 PM on January 24, 2011
So the best he could have done was to strap on a complete knee brace to keep himself upright and fling balls from the shotgun ... not a recipie for success for any QB (excepting maybe Peyton), even worse for Cutler.
posted by cixelsyd at 01:16 PM on January 24, 2011
I presume all of the players will now return to Twitter to make contrite apologies to Cutler.
I'll not hold my breath.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 01:22 PM on January 24, 2011
If I'm Cutler and I can't play, I'm telling the trainers to strap on the biggest, ugliest Soviet-era knee brace they can find, so I look really hurt while I'm standing on the sidelines. I'd make one of them come over and pretend to work on it every now and again too.
posted by fabulon7 at 01:37 PM on January 24, 2011
If I'm Cutler and I can't play, I'm telling the trainers to strap on
Just maybe the guy's focus was on his team winning the game, not about how much facetime he could steal. Yes, quite outrageous in the LeBron / Favre era we live in, but there are still some professional athletes who care more about the game than their inner diva.
posted by cixelsyd at 02:10 PM on January 24, 2011
If I'm Cutler and I can't play, I'm telling the trainers to strap on the biggest, ugliest Soviet-era knee brace they can find, so I look really hurt while I'm standing on the sidelines. I'd make one of them come over and pretend to work on it every now and again too.
And then word gets out that before they slapped the brace on he was seen walking/standing around in the dressing room at half time, so he gets labeled a faker who uses props.
Either way, he's screwed.
posted by grum@work at 02:10 PM on January 24, 2011
I guess so. Maybe just some crutches would have worked?
Just maybe the guy's focus was on his team winning the game, not about how much facetime he could steal.
I'm not suggesting he acts like a princess. Just that if he had have known the ridiculous reaction he would get to standing upright, he might have wanted to do things a little differently.
posted by fabulon7 at 02:37 PM on January 24, 2011
Just that if he had have known the ridiculous reaction he would get to standing upright, he might have wanted to do things a little differently.
Why should he have to cater to morons?
I'm just glad to see that his coach and teammates had his back.
posted by cjets at 03:02 PM on January 24, 2011
The Bears were very over rated as I said before the game. Even though the Packers did not play all that well, Rogers had a decent first half but a terrible second half, they were still able to win.
Considering most were picking the packers to win the game exactly how were the bears overrated? You seem to want credit for going with the majority. Doesn't work that way.
Your logic is also amusing. Of course the packers didn't play well. How else would you explain the overrated bears within one late score of tying the mighty packers while using their 3rd string quarterback. I guess whatever it takes to fit with your Nostradamus like predictions.
There is just something about the man in general (attitude, looks,etc.) that give the impression he is the type who would sit out even if he could play...I'm not sure if that perception is true, but I think it's there regardless, for some reason.
You might be on to something. Perhaps the NFL Combines are missing a key measure of ability. The 'look' is probably something that has been ignored for some time. Just look at Jeter's patented 'calm eyes'. Without even seeing him play you can tell he's a winner.
If his knee was so bad why did he stand on the sidelines?
Wow, are you serious? You don't think that there's a possible injury that would allow you to stand and walk but not survive as an NFL quarterback? As a runner I've had injuries where I could walk and stand with no problem. Running felt like my knees were being poked with needles. And all I had to do was jog forward. I didn't have to avoid 300 pound lineman. Hell, turf toe basically made deion sanders useless towards the end of his career.
If he continues to play and hurts his team, he'll get called selfish. If he sits on the bench, people will say he was sulking. His only mistake is not taking on and acting as if he were near death like another quarterback that shall not be named has done his entire career.
I have no opinion on Cutler, but looking at past beatings he's taken the idea that he lacks guts because he was, oh my god, standing and has a certain look is comical. It belongs on the worst of late night sports radio.
posted by justgary at 09:18 PM on January 24, 2011
Most of the athletes criticizing Cutler didn't have the guts to stick with their original opinions. Or maybe they simply realized how ridiculous they looked.
Not Derrick Brooks however:
"Is it fair, is it unfair ... it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it"
It's like the worst of politics. He's basically saying 'no matter what comes out about the knee I can still believe whatever I want'.
Yes Derrick Brooks, you are free to look like an idiot.
posted by justgary at 09:24 PM on January 24, 2011
The Bears were very over rated as I said before the game.
To quote an ex-coach:
"The Bears are who [I] thought they were!"
posted by grum@work at 12:17 AM on January 25, 2011
You might be on to something. Perhaps the NFL Combines are missing a key measure of ability. The 'look' is probably something that has been ignored for some time. Just look at Jeter's patented 'calm eyes'. Without even seeing him play you can tell he's a winner.
Yea, because that was the point I was trying to make there.
A player who sits on the sidelines with a smirk as his team is getting beat will be perceived negatively. Body language DOES affect perception, or do you disagree?
posted by bdaddy at 10:46 AM on January 25, 2011
I don't know how anyone can say the Bears were overrated when they limited the juggernaut that is the Green Bay Packer Offense to a total of 24 points in the last two games.
posted by willthrill72 at 03:25 AM on January 26, 2011
Preliminary reports are coming in that Jay Cutler's injury is that he sucks.