Las Vegas in Talks with American League Team: Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said the city has been in discussions with an American League team about relocating. "I'm not going to tell you that it's imminent, but I'm going to tell you that the people who are participating in the discussions are very serious about seeing that happen," said Goodman, who refused to name the team.
Even though he said it was an AL team, you could put the Dodgers there temporarily as a means of expediting the McCourt divorce proceedings, then move the club back to the Ravine.
posted by beaverboard at 07:20 PM on August 21, 2010
There was a brief moment where I was worried that someone forgot that the Brewers are in the National League now. At least the team would owe Milwaukee a ton of money if it were to leave any time soon.
posted by drezdn at 08:51 PM on August 21, 2010
I was surprised for the mayor to say that Vegas has been designated an "AL city." Why would MLB designate a city without a team as being in one league?
posted by rcade at 08:55 PM on August 21, 2010
Because of its staunch anti-gambling stance, I would be surprised if MLB would allow any of its teams to be in Las Vegas.
posted by NoMich at 10:02 PM on August 21, 2010
Oh, such a bad idea.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:17 AM on August 22, 2010
Wouldn't it be just way too hot in Vegas in August to play baseball? "Time is called. It appears that Connor Jackson has burst into flames out in left field."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:05 AM on August 22, 2010
Toronto's AAA team is based in Vegas, and to date none of their outfielders have spontaneously ignited in left field, however, I'm thinking a retractable dome would be a good investment for a Major League team.
Given the city's current financial situation I'm wondering if there's enough of a permanent fan base to make it a viable venture. I'm sure the Mayor is counting on tons of tourists coming in to watch their favorite team. Might work, as I know that I would most likely schedule one of my 1 or 2 yearly visits around the Twin's schedule. Of, course if I don't add a trip, not much is gained. Just think the local economy should be stronger.
Do they really want players spending time on the road sitting in Vegas?? I would think not, but there are casinos/bars/hookers available in other areas that currently have teams, so maybe it's not a big point
posted by dviking at 10:59 AM on August 22, 2010
you could put the Dodgers there temporarily as a means of expediting the McCourt divorce proceedings, then move the club back to the Ravine.
Gotta give credit where it's due there, beaver. This proud resident of Nevada tips a hat to you.
posted by tahoemoj at 01:06 PM on August 22, 2010
Wouldn't it be just way too hot in Vegas in August to play baseball?
The Arizona Diamondbacks seem to manage just fine. Although in this economy it might be difficult to find funding for a similar stadium.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 11:56 PM on August 22, 2010
I'm thinking a retractable dome would be a good investment for a Major League team if it is paid for by the local government
Fixed that for you.
I can't think of the last baseball stadium that was entirely paid for by the team that occupied it. In every case that I can recall, the local governments (city/state/province) ponied up a large portion of money to build the stadium. It's one of the great boondoggles that Selig has pulled off for the owners, and a reason why he will probably get elected to the baseball HOF in 20 years.
posted by grum@work at 01:27 AM on August 23, 2010
The Kansas City Royals become the Las Vegas Royal Flushes! This job is so easy...
posted by The_Black_Hand at 08:18 AM on August 23, 2010
I can't think of the last baseball stadium that was entirely paid for by the team that occupied it.
Looks like the Dodgers and Cubs play in the only privately financed stadiums in baseball. That sucks. Damn socialists.
posted by rcade at 08:42 AM on August 23, 2010
I don't have any qualm with a team playing in Vegas. It's not like if a player wants to get into trouble (gambling or otherwise) that he can't find some way to do it wherever he is.
I would also like it very much if we got a 5th team in the AL West, moved another team from the NL to the AL, and balanced out the divisions. This business of 4 teams in the AL West and 6 in the NL Central is ridiculous, and quite unfair from a competitive standpoint. Balance the divisions, commit to inter-league play (which would be interspersed throughout the year, instead of played in blocks), and create a sensible schedule.
posted by TheQatarian at 10:13 AM on August 23, 2010
Looks like the Dodgers and Cubs play in the only privately financed stadiums in baseball.
Add Boston's Fenway Park to that list.
posted by Howard_T at 10:54 AM on August 23, 2010
I would also like it very much if we got a 5th team in the AL West, moved another team from the NL to the AL ...
Give the AL West the Astros. They're a poor fit geographically in the NL Central anyway, and it gives the league a Texas rivalry.
posted by rcade at 11:01 AM on August 23, 2010
I vote against this because of the number of gambling puns local and national headline writers would make when writing about the new Las Vegas team.
How many "Las Vegas Gamblers Lose/Win Gamble" headlines can we stand?
posted by Joey Michaels at 05:21 PM on August 23, 2010
Before I started reading the article, Oakland was the team that popped into my mind. Really, who else could it be, Tampa ?