I'm probably alone on this, but today spofi feels like the uneasiness right after a monumental family holiday blow-up.
posted by garfield to navel gazing at 12:43 PM - 82 comments
I think it's overblown as well, because of the touchy nature of the subject. It's just like a pet peeve in my opinion. Do you have a pet peeve? And do you know someone who knows what your pet peeve is and makes a point out of pushing that button, and it just makes it worse and worse? Well, the Sox fans are bummed to the point of depression. When somebody tells them to chill out, it just makes it worse. It will blow over very, very soon... "It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops. Today, October 2, a Sunday of rain and broken branches and leaf-clogged drains and slick streets, it stopped, and summer was gone. . . . It breaks my heart because it was meant to, because it was meant to foster in me again the illusion that there was something abiding, some pattern and some impulse that could come together to make a reality that would resist the corrosion; and because, after it had fostered again that most hungered-for illusion, the game was meant to stop, and betray precisely what it promised." --from The Green Fields of the Mind, by A. Bartlett Giamatti
posted by vito90 at 01:46 PM on October 22, 2003
I missed it, what happened? In any case, i'm sure i would have been offended.
posted by StarFucker at 02:10 PM on October 22, 2003
I doubt anyone was so bothered by it that they're still stewing about the post today. Have you ever been to Metafilter? Every fucking thread is like that, except without the apologies. I think the fact that this is one of the very few instances where people actually got a little testy (chill out frazer, I said "testy" not "teste") is a good indicator tof he quality of this site and the people who frequent it. Anyway, no biggie.
posted by Samsonov14 at 02:42 PM on October 22, 2003
It was blown out of proportion, but that was the theme of the post: overwhelming emotional response. Oh well. I hear ya, sam, and you're right about the quality 'round these parts...but the one thing you are mistaken about is that at least one person is still stewing today, and the fact it came to that bums me out. Guess the only thing to do is to keep on being awesome.
posted by garfield at 02:57 PM on October 22, 2003
"Lets keep rockin' and rollin'." -Dirk Diggler
posted by lilnemo at 03:10 PM on October 22, 2003
"Lets keep rockin' and rollin'." -Dirk Diggler
posted by lilnemo at 03:10 PM on October 22, 2003
A quote so nice the browser sent it twice. Confounded IE!
posted by lilnemo at 03:11 PM on October 22, 2003
You clicked on "Post" twice real fast on accident, didn't you?
posted by StarFucker at 03:14 PM on October 22, 2003
posted by lilnemo at 03:24 PM on October 22, 2003
Typing a quote from Dirk Diggler, make you laugh pretty hard so its a possibility I clicked twice.
posted by lilnemo at 03:25 PM on October 22, 2003
makes Dammit Fooker! I'm all dicombobulated now! Don't you know what Lana Turner does to me?
posted by lilnemo at 03:26 PM on October 22, 2003
posted by StarFucker at 03:31 PM on October 22, 2003
Back on Topic. Can we all just agree not to shit on someone elses threads? Or at least create rules regarding such? Crappable offenses:
posted by lilnemo at 03:35 PM on October 22, 2003
I would hope you guys would send me flowers and a letter of apology if i ever left... Did she get offended in that thread about the Red Sox letters? I don't see what there is to get so upset about in there.
posted by StarFucker at 03:43 PM on October 22, 2003
I think all of us (myself included) have been wearing our hearts and feelings on our sleeves lately. But, in the end, I don't think too much damage has been done. All I know is that the community as a whole suffers if either wc2k2 or jerseygirl decides not to participate (as I enjoy their input). Let's bury the hatchet (in my head if need be) and get on with fixing the world (of sports) one post at a time.
posted by trox at 03:53 PM on October 22, 2003
Did she get offended in that thread about the Red Sox letters?
It seemed so. She a huge Sox fan, as can be witnessed by the subjects of her posts and comments. After that horrendous a loss, being harassed in a public forum surely didn't make her feel any better. She's neither posted nor commented since that thread. And were all the lesser for it. On preview: What trox said.
posted by lilnemo at 03:55 PM on October 22, 2003
I'm inclined to agree with the Fooker...I didn't find the thread particularly hostile towards jerseygirl. I see no insults flung, no profanity-laden tirades. It was civil enough. Pointing out that it might be one Sox thread too many is not a first-degree offense. No harm done. Come back jersey!
posted by Succa at 04:09 PM on October 22, 2003
are we discussing etiquette here? isn't that itself a crappable offense? it's probably ok to comment a certain topic has been posted to the front page too often in too short a time span. i did it to rcade over rush limbaugh and though most folks seemed to disagree with me, they didn't seem to mind my statement. what's uncool is being an asshole in the process. wc2k2's first comment was enough. following it up with sexual harrasment and "Waaaah Waaaah" was uncool. but then he apologized, so i didn't pick up on the tense vibe until garfield brought up that jg has gone *poof*. but why would the Patheon email an apology? it's not their fault and they can't stop it from happening again.
posted by danostuporstar at 04:11 PM on October 22, 2003
I was thinking this morning that perhaps JG needs a little time away from us and to get past her dissapointment, so maybe we should all just chill and she'll come back soon enough.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:16 PM on October 22, 2003
I love JG (she's one of the most entertaining people here) but I really didn't think it was bad enough to make anyone leave. Either way, that really sucks. I hope she comes back soon. Anyone got an e-mail address for her? Don't post it here, of course, but e-mail it to the address in my account if you do. Thanks.
posted by Samsonov14 at 04:16 PM on October 22, 2003
A couple of things stand out in this thread -- the latest in a series of gags to get one of our only female members to post a picture (that'll make them feel welcome) and the following comment:
It seems to me that people who feel this devestated by a loss that they had nothing to do with and no control over and is unimportant in big scheme of things, have never had something really bad happen to them. These are the types of feelings people should have when a spouse or child dies or you find out you have a terminal disease or something.This cheap shot could be trotted out any time anyone invests passion in sports. Of course it's unimportant -- that's what makes living and dying with these teams an escape from genuinely serious matters. To me, Boston and Chicago's level of involvement with this year's playoffs is the story of the season -- and one of the biggest sports stories of the year. The fact there are still places living and dying with their teams is interesting. I thought jerseygirl's link was definitely worth posting here, and it's a shame that the live-and-let-live attitude we've had for the numerous soccer posts wasn't demonstrated here.
posted by rcade at 04:21 PM on October 22, 2003
Live and let live is a great way to go... I never post in baseball, basketball or football threads. I never even go in to read them. The only time i do is when i am curious about why there are so many posts. But thats rare. In fact, i don't see what the problem is with FPPs anyway. Post 'em if ya got 'em i say...
posted by StarFucker at 04:39 PM on October 22, 2003
Amen Fooker, amen.
posted by lilnemo at 04:45 PM on October 22, 2003
...but why would the Patheon email an apology? Because they have her email, we don't. I wasn't demanding only suggesting, like most other cries to the Pantheon here in the locker room.
posted by lilnemo at 04:49 PM on October 22, 2003
I can't speak for the other pantheon members, but as much as I'd like jerseygirl to stick around, I'd hate to adopt the responsibility to be contrite for the sins of the entire membership. Besides, she's a Sox fan. Her ability to take punishment is well-established.
posted by rcade at 04:51 PM on October 22, 2003
ah, levity has been restored.
posted by garfield at 04:54 PM on October 22, 2003
...and it is good.
posted by lilnemo at 04:59 PM on October 22, 2003
Let us now commence with the ceremonial Simpson quotes!
posted by lilnemo at 04:59 PM on October 22, 2003
Oh, sheesh, let's lay off the self-righteousness here. If jgirl wanted me to lay off, she would've said so. And I would've stopped right there. Just because one of you "Oh, I think I need to be superior" guys thinks a woman has been slighted, doesn't mean she is. Anyone care to ask jgirl's opinion? I'm not sure she needs any of you self-appointed pseudo-knights-in-shining-armor to protect her from my "post a picture" joke. jgirl will know that it was a running joke from when jennyb actually posted a pic (But it's been removed now, probably to protect her ID, which is a probably a good idea) during my interview with her and corpse. I didn't mean it as harassment then, and I haven't meant it since. I thought it was pretty obvious (especially for those old-timers here), but since there are so many of you *sensitive* guys out there who aren't clued in nor just like playing that "new sensitive male" role so much, I'll just have to point it out here. Just like SF's response when you piled on him for his "women's sports is boring" comments, I'm going to tell you now, get off your fucking high horses and fuck off. If you want to just call me a harasser when the supposed "victim" has never confronted me with any concerns -- because NEWSFLASH! she knows it's just a joke -- you should just fuck off. My apologies to jgirl for insensitivity re: the Reds Sox posts. And if you (jgirl, and not these "ultra-sensitive" friends of yours) really felt it was harassment, when I said "post a pic", I offer profuse apologies, for every time I've done it. I'm sorry. (I welcome jgirl's clarification on this. If she was pissed about my "stop complaining about the Sox loss" comment, it's one thing. But totally another, if she felt I was harassing her.) And I, for my part, will fuck off, too.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:01 PM on October 22, 2003
damn, we were so close to levity. could almost touch it.
posted by lilnemo at 05:02 PM on October 22, 2003
I don't remember that episode worldcup... Is that the first season?
posted by StarFucker at 05:04 PM on October 22, 2003
C'mon guys one "My Cat's breath smells like cat food. For old times sake?
posted by lilnemo at 05:05 PM on October 22, 2003
Fooker: It was this season. 23rd episode. Enjoy.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:19 PM on October 22, 2003
Woops. Here. Now I'm really going to fuck off.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:21 PM on October 22, 2003
Even if she knows it's a joke, worldcup2002, the rest of the world doesn't. All I said was "that'll make them feel welcome," and as much as I appreciated your self-defensive torrent of abuse, I can't say I've changed my mind on that point.
posted by rcade at 05:31 PM on October 22, 2003
Great first jerseygirl goes *poof* now wc2k2 has *fucked off*. Can't we all just get along?
posted by lilnemo at 05:32 PM on October 22, 2003
What this site needs... Is more cowbell baby!
posted by lilnemo at 05:32 PM on October 22, 2003
Can't we all just get along? I bet we'd see that 20 posts ago. Dammit, I owe myself a beer.
posted by garfield at 05:34 PM on October 22, 2003
this is nuts. i didn't think things in that thread got too outlandish. but i guess i didn't read it closely enough. it has spawned this well trafficed thread. sheesh. set the time machine for two days ago!
posted by gspm at 05:35 PM on October 22, 2003
If people quit every time they were kicked around or behaved in some ill-advised way, I'd be long gone along with at least a half-dozen other people in this discussion and probably a few pantheon members. Let's not be the "take my ball and go home" sports community weblog. See the trainer, get a shot of cortisone, and get your ass back on the field.
posted by rcade at 05:38 PM on October 22, 2003
Yessir coach!
posted by lilnemo at 05:39 PM on October 22, 2003
I still think there are too many Liverpool posts.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:43 PM on October 22, 2003
I think there are too many member posts. We need more unsolicited non-member posts. :)
posted by lilnemo at 05:48 PM on October 22, 2003
You do realise you have just encouraged starfucker to post a pic?
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:50 PM on October 22, 2003
I did? Howzat?
posted by lilnemo at 05:51 PM on October 22, 2003
yeesh, a girl takes some time off and all this. i'm short on time, my boyfriend will be here soon to pick me up to see a movie (that i'll probably later regret wasting time on), but briefly: i was irritated, but not pissed enough to leave. some of the comments were grating, but i am kind of thick skinned i suppose too. i mean, christ, if jbou as fantasy baseball commish wasn't enough to get me to leave, you're never getting rid of me. the picture thing... well, thats just getting old and it was just ill-timed on wc2k2's part, that's all. he apologized, someone else apologized, i think i got an apologetic email from the Pope too, so we're all good. but yeah, i'm so not posting my picture now. hah, too bad you bastards! just called in sick to spofi today, kind of. later on, when i return from said possibly-regrettable-movie-viewing, i'll attempt to explain why baseball (and sports for that matter, but mainly baseball) is different here than it is anywhere else on the planet.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:52 PM on October 22, 2003
You said member, he won't be able to resist. Mark my words. Unless he resists just to spite me, which I will regard as a moral victory.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:53 PM on October 22, 2003
Make it a column. I don't think a comment will suffice.
posted by lilnemo at 05:54 PM on October 22, 2003
You'll always be a MORAL winner in my book FB.
posted by lilnemo at 05:54 PM on October 22, 2003
If it's a column will there be a pic?
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:56 PM on October 22, 2003
Damn, this thread belongs in the MetaTalk hall of fame, BunnyFire wing. worldcup, nobody is blaming you for jgirl leaving (at least that I've seen and since you've never posted an e-mail addy, I'm assuming nobody has done so outside of SpoFi). All that happened lately with regards to your "post a pic" comment was someone saying chill out, someone (me) seconding that, and what rcade posted above. If that's enough to make you pack up your picnic basket and leave in a huff, then that's your prerogative, but it's going to seem lame to most members here. It's a webboard, most of which are much much worse than this. And what caused the difference between what happened in this thread and this comment. If you're not going to respond here and have the urge to say something, my e-mail's in my profile. On preview: glad to hear from you, jgirl.
posted by Ufez Jones at 05:58 PM on October 22, 2003
SpoFi with no worldcup? Thats unpossible! It's like the Beatles with no Lennon! worldcup can't leave, he's still got 2 teams on the pitch to commandeer!
posted by lilnemo at 06:01 PM on October 22, 2003
But my dear non departed friend has already posted since he said he was fucking off, so he's still here, and so is jersey girl, so we have nothing to worry about. Am I allowed introduce Larry David quotes, like "dearly beloved cunt"?
posted by Fat Buddha at 06:06 PM on October 22, 2003
posted by lilnemo at 06:07 PM on October 22, 2003
Look if everyone's apologising, then I'm sorry but as an Englishman I'm going to have to apologise too (twice).
posted by squealy at 06:21 PM on October 22, 2003
someone saying chill out I suppose thats me. Sorry for singling you out, worldcup. My initial comment was all I had to say until I saw jgirl's *poof*. I'd be pissed if anyone left over someone's comments, especially my own. Don't know what else to say, other than this here beer is dedicated to my favo(u)rite time-wasting collective. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Cheers. [clink]
posted by garfield at 07:02 PM on October 22, 2003
Indeed. *clink*
posted by lilnemo at 07:24 PM on October 22, 2003
worldcup can't leave, he's still got 2 teams on the pitch to commandeer! I'll give him a few noogies this weekend, okay? But please, please, please, no Larry David quotes. Ever!
posted by billsaysthis at 07:28 PM on October 22, 2003
posted by lilnemo at 07:35 PM on October 22, 2003
Oh fuck this, I blame Garfield for bringing it up in the first place. Goddamn Canadians and their "compassion".
posted by Samsonov14 at 10:41 PM on October 22, 2003
I also want to apologize for being too busy. You know, the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon...
posted by jacknose at 11:18 PM on October 22, 2003
This is my last post (Really, I mean it! Ask my publicist!), so I'm going to make it good. Damn good. Ufez, thanks for asking: And what caused the difference between what happened in this thread and this comment. Well, let's see (and I'll link to and paste all comments in entirety so you don't think I'm misqquoting): Exhibit 1. Did she get offended in that thread about the Red Sox letters? It seemed so. She a huge Sox fan, as can be witnessed by the subjects of her posts and comments. After that horrendous a loss, being harassed in a public forum surely didn't make her feel any better. She's neither posted nor commented since that thread. And were all the lesser for it. On preview: What trox said. posted by lilnemo at 3:55 PM PST on October 22 Harassed? Please. Harrasment happens here, period. I've done it, others have done it. I've been the target of it, too. I pointed out that I thought there were too many posts, and other people then chimed in with similar opinions after I'd taken the heat (oh, that would be "harassed"). Hey, fair's fair. (btw, no hard feelings, lilnemo.) But then, maybe you're talking sexual harassment. Am I reading too much into your words? Hmmm ... Exhibit 2. are we discussing etiquette here? isn't that itself a crappable offense? it's probably ok to comment a certain topic has been posted to the front page too often in too short a time span. i did it to rcade over rush limbaugh and though most folks seemed to disagree with me, they didn't seem to mind my statement. what's uncool is being an asshole in the process. wc2k2's first comment was enough. following it up with sexual harrasment and "Waaaah Waaaah" was uncool. but then he apologized, so i didn't pick up on the tense vibe until garfield brought up that jg has gone *poof*. but why would the Patheon email an apology? it's not their fault and they can't stop it from happening again. posted by danostuporstar at 4:11 PM PST on October 22 Asshole? Sexual harassment? This is about where I lost it, ok? Talk about blowing stuff out of proportion, oversensitivity and supercilious bullshit. Look at what jgirl said after I solicited a response from her. Her worst criticism of me is in bold below: yeesh, a girl takes some time off and all this. i'm short on time, my boyfriend will be here soon to pick me up to see a movie (that i'll probably later regret wasting time on), but briefly: i was irritated, but not pissed enough to leave. some of the comments were grating, but i am kind of thick skinned i suppose too. i mean, christ, if jbou as fantasy baseball commish wasn't enough to get me to leave, you're never getting rid of me. the picture thing... well, thats just getting old and it was just ill-timed on wc2k2's part, that's all. he apologized, someone else apologized, i think i got an apologetic email from the Pope too, so we're all good. but yeah, i'm so not posting my picture now. hah, too bad you bastards! just called in sick to spofi today, kind of. later on, when i return from said possibly-regrettable-movie-viewing, i'll attempt to explain why baseball (and sports for that matter, but mainly baseball) is different here than it is anywhere else on the planet. posted by jerseygirl at 5:52 PM PST on October 22 Which makes all of rcade's (and other holy warriors) spoutings and gnashing of teeth pretty damn comical, no? I'll group them together (and put the parts I found most patronizing in bold) so you can see them in their full glory. Exhibit 3: A couple of things stand out in this thread -- the latest in a series of gags to get one of our only female members to post a picture (that'll make them feel welcome) and the following comment: It seems to me that people who feel this devestated by a loss that they had nothing to do with and no control over and is unimportant in big scheme of things, have never had something really bad happen to them. These are the types of feelings people should have when a spouse or child dies or you find out you have a terminal disease or something.This cheap shot could be trotted out any time anyone invests passion in sports. Of course it's unimportant -- that's what makes living and dying with these teams an escape from genuinely serious matters. To me, Boston and Chicago's level of involvement with this year's playoffs is the story of the season -- and one of the biggest sports stories of the year. The fact there are still places living and dying with their teams is interesting. I thought jerseygirl's link was definitely worth posting here, and it's a shame that the live-and-let-live attitude we've had for the numerous soccer posts wasn't demonstrated here. posted by rcade at 4:21 PM PST on October 22 That was slick, implying that my comment would scare away all those oh-so-fearful, vulnerable women you are sworn to protect. Exhibit 4: I can't speak for the other pantheon members, but as much as I'd like jerseygirl to stick around, I'd hate to adopt the responsibility to be contrite for the sins of the entire membership. Besides, she's a Sox fan. Her ability to take punishment is well-established. posted by rcade at 4:51 PM PST on October 22 Sins? Good grief, pointing out there are too many posts is a sin? Making an off-color remark immediately after (a remark that is well-known to the target, and acknowledged as not harassment?). Sin? Oh, and watch him weasel out of the comment he made in Exhibit 3 ... Exhibit 5: Even if she knows it's a joke, worldcup2002, the rest of the world doesn't. All I said was "that'll make them feel welcome," and as much as I appreciated your self-defensive torrent of abuse, I can't say I've changed my mind on that point. posted by rcade at 5:31 PM PST on October 22 Abuse? You don't know the half of it. Who up and made you the defender of the world? The harassment was only in your head, but you presumed the world needed to be defended from it. How about saying: Hey, that was just wc2k2's ill-timed joke? No, it's more fun to jump on the "I need to protect those imaginary easily-offended women" horse. Now, rcade realizes maybe he's gone too far. But no, no way he's going to get off the high horse. Cue smartass remarks. Exhibit 6: If people quit every time they were kicked around or behaved in some ill-advised way, I'd be long gone along with at least a half-dozen other people in this discussion and probably a few pantheon members. Let's not be the "take my ball and go home" sports community weblog. See the trainer, get a shot of cortisone, and get your ass back on the field. Defender of the world, and now wise-cracking coach. Yeah, whatever. That's getting old, too. btw, StarFucker will love this golden oldie. Read that one from beginning to end. You can see rcade jump on his "defend the imaginary harassed female" horse and flog it to death. And watch Fooker fight back like a bad mammajamma. (Gawd, the Fooker was at his fist-fighting prime in that one, holy shit. Damn, I love that Fooker.) I'm not saying that sexual harassment is right. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm not saying women (or men) don't need to be protected from it. I'm just tired of this reactionary bullshit, attacking imaginary stuff that just isn't there. Find some real problems to solve. Finally, flowers and flowers for jerseygirl. Well, that was fun. Thanks for reading. Now, this asshole sexual harasser will truly fuck off.
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:29 PM on October 22, 2003
Group hug! *surreptitiously squeezes own ass* *poof*
posted by Samsonov14 at 12:10 AM on October 23, 2003
worldcup, i knew what you were talking about... I was saying that in respect to lilnemo's post about Simpson's quotes. Right after that you posted and i pretended that i thought it was a Simpson's quote i wasn't familiar with. Anyway, there is no way you are going to fuck off... Cause if you do, then i will too, and i don't think you want that... Do you now...
posted by StarFucker at 12:37 AM on October 23, 2003
To me, Boston and Chicago's level of involvement with this year's playoffs is the story of the season -- and one of the biggest sports stories of the year. The fact there are still places living and dying with their teams is interesting. I thought jerseygirl's link was definitely worth posting here, and it's a shame that the live-and-let-live attitude we've had for the numerous soccer posts wasn't demonstrated here. Said better than I could. I think there were two posts (one mine, one jerseygirl's)about the redsox after they were eliminated. I enjoyed jerseygirl's post. I probably wouldn't have seen it myself without the link since I swore off espn for a couple of days. I don't think she posted it thinking everyone would be interested (who does?), but she knew there would be some, and there was. The baseball season is about done, and links will be scarce for a while. Sportsfilter hasn't reached a point where 'too many links' for any one subject is even a concern. No chance of 'redsox filter'. There are tons of soccer posts that I have no direct interest in, nor do I understand half of what's being said. Still, I enjoy reading them for the colorful comments. I also enjoy the obvious passion shown by those who do care about soccer. I would hope that those who hate other sports (ie baseball) or think certain other subjects (the redsox) are overdone would feel the same. It only takes a second to read the link and decide if its something of interest for you personally. I may have no interest in a post recounting each of the yankees' 3,324 championships, but I wouldn't begrudge someone else for posting it. I'd just ignore it. That would pretty much tell you what I thought of the link. As far as wc2000 I always took the 'picture' request as a joke. Not a joke I would make, but we all have a different sense of humor. Jerseygirl can let wc2000 know its old, as she did, and that's that. I wouldn't say its harassment until he ignored her request. wc2000 seems friendly and good natured, so I'm sure he'd abide by her request. This thread points out why at the top it states: Don’t discuss etiquette issues here—if you have a complaint about a member’s conduct, contact us via e-mail. (I'm not picking on you garfield. A subject like this was bound to come up, and I know you posted it simply because it had appeared jerseygirl had left for good) Nothing good comes from it. Metafilter should be a prime example. Thread after thread the same posters complain about the same topics. I haven't posted a link there for ages, not because I care about what those who live in metaland think, but because it simply isn't worth it to me. There's always been a wonderful feeling on sportsfilter. Sure, there have been arguements before, but nothing like this. Sports ARE important to many people. But discussing it shouldn't lead to such an angry thread. It flies in the face of the concept of sports as an outlet from everyday life. Both jerseygirl and wc2000 have contributed tons to the site. I would hope that things will cool off and we can laugh about this later. I'd hate to loose either one of them, especially over a whole lot of nothing.
posted by justgary at 12:38 AM on October 23, 2003
Oh man, Sportsfilter has jumped the shark. How about a tag team cage match featuring StarFucker and Worldcup2002 against rcade and danostuportar? So, what's up with those Atlanta Trashers, will they make the playoffs this year despite/because the Dans accident?
posted by qbert72 at 03:05 AM on October 23, 2003
Ya know, I think *I'm* cursed. I've started going to MetaFilter less and less lately, mainly because I was getting tired of the constant sniping and bickering and badgering and axe-grinding. I've read SpoFi quite a bit in the last year or so, and enjoyed the less-than-rancorous proceedings here (especially when you consider the competitive nature of the subject matter). So I finally sign up for an account, and this happens.
posted by deadcowdan at 06:53 AM on October 23, 2003
Oh, and if any of you Boston fans are still feeling bad about the ALCS loss, think about this: you could be a Tigers fan.
posted by deadcowdan at 06:54 AM on October 23, 2003
i apologize for my part which may have taken away from the fun atmosphere we have here. worldcup2002 has contributed as much as anybody (and obviously more than me) to creating that atmosphere, and my comment failed consider that. i will resist the urge to be more explicit about how the pic situation is harrassment. i will resist the urge to state who is one the who is obviously over-reacting. such things are too "Meta" and contrary to both my apology above and the wishes of the Patheon. (i will of course mention them ... in the time-honored tradition of talking outta both sides of my mouth ... 'cause, hey, now i'm on defense.) but as for this supposed insult, "new sensitive male," ... dude, if you only knew...
posted by danostuporstar at 08:02 AM on October 23, 2003
hey sammy, suck on these here nads, you heartless prick. everyone, sorry for bringing it up in this forum.
posted by garfield at 08:41 AM on October 23, 2003
worldcup, i just now read your long post... Didn't read it last night, too tired when i got home. Great post. You pointed out some great quotes. It really helped your defense, not that i thought you even needed any. Like i said, i went in to take a look at where all this started and i didn't think anything happened. And i expect to see you here soon. jerseygirl is staying and if you were leaving because you thought she was leaving...you can come back now. She is not going anywhere. No harm done it looks like. And another thing, in case any of you are planning it... I'll let you know right now, that there is NOTHING you can say that will offend me and make me leave.
posted by StarFucker at 09:07 AM on October 23, 2003
I'll let you know right now, that there is NOTHING you can say that will offend me and make me leave. Now there's a challenge. rcade can you change SF's user name to, I dunno, FloweryDaisy or something? Oh please... I kid because I love.
posted by BigCalm at 09:15 AM on October 23, 2003
you could be a Tigers fan This puts so many things in perspective.
posted by trox at 10:10 AM on October 23, 2003
SF - what is that ape, err, grasping in his foot? I hope it is his other foot.
posted by gspm at 10:11 AM on October 23, 2003
Me too...
posted by StarFucker at 10:26 AM on October 23, 2003
Fer fuck's sake wc2002, don't be a muppet.
posted by squealy at 12:56 PM on October 23, 2003
...btw, no hard feelings, lilnemo.
None taken. Or given for that matter. just hope everyone can get on with it now. So stop apologizing! :) *big sloppy kisses for worldcup*
posted by lilnemo at 01:26 PM on October 23, 2003
Dear worldcup2002, Don't go. Sincerely, Spofi
posted by garfield at 01:44 PM on October 23, 2003
We are nothing without you. /bows deeply.
posted by BigCalm at 02:17 PM on October 23, 2003
So I finally sign up for an account, and this happens. Get him!
posted by therev at 06:42 PM on October 23, 2003
Welcome, deadcowdan! :)
posted by hincandenza at 02:14 AM on October 24, 2003
Oh, garfield, I think it's been blown all out of proportion. Perhaps my criticism didn't quite have the finesse of aacheson's [1] [2] (which was consistent with my intent). And I wasn't alone in my sentiment. [1] [2] [3] But I've apologized. Twice. And I'll do it again, if it will mend the fences. I'm sorry.