In the best of three you gotta go Rock, Scissors, Rock.
posted by seansterps at 03:10 PM on November 11, 2006
It's all about the money. Running the NCAA is like trying to get 150 Mob bosses to agree on how they should split up the money. Nothing will change until people stop watching and going to the games. I don't see that happening any time soon. Having the flaws only makes people talk more about football not less. If there were a playoff system it would limit the number of meaningful regular season games and lower the TV rating for games such as Louisville - Rutgers. Lower ratings means less money. If anybody still thinks that the NCAA is in it for the kids there fooling themselves. How bout them Turtles getting into the top 25?
posted by seansterps at 08:40 AM on November 11, 2006
The next day the boy said to his dad, "Dad can we go to the batting cages?" And Dad replied, "Sure. But why?" to which this nine year old responded, "Because next year, I want to be the guy that they walk." It sounds to me that the only person that got a good result out of this game was the kid that got struck out.
posted by seansterps at 05:07 PM on August 11, 2006
I just watched the video (thanks for the link) and I still don't think it is possible.
posted by seansterps at 10:27 AM on August 05, 2006
I hope Landis can make a complete return after his hip surgery. I'm getting a little upset about my paper not getting to my house until after I leave for work. Welcome back Floyd. Here is your tip.
posted by seansterps at 10:17 AM on August 05, 2006
DO, a deer, a female deer............
posted by seansterps at 05:48 PM on July 25, 2006
Arena is a passable coach at best. If the U.S. is to continue to advance on the world stage they will need someone more able at the helm. And better players. Come on Freddie.
posted by seansterps at 08:35 AM on July 16, 2006
I think the Mavs will win it, but not being a fan of either team it will be fun to watch Wade and Nowitzki try to outdo the other each time down the floor. This going to be an exciting series. I hope it goes seven just for the extra games.
posted by seansterps at 08:35 AM on June 04, 2006
Anybody want to buy a set of used irons and never used fairway woods? I wish her all the luck in the world. It would be great to watch her in a major like that. It is going to be fun to watch her over the next 30 years.
posted by seansterps at 05:56 PM on June 03, 2006
If you are not an O's fan you can't understand the depth of hatred that is felt for this guy. I know, what about Bartman? After this game the kid was given the royal treatment by every New York news outlet. He was a guest on Letterman the next day dammit. He watched the rest of the series from beside King George. It was rubbed in our faces that this kid interfered with a live ball and nothing was done about it. I don't tink that I will get over this until the O's can win the Series, and at the current rate I will be long dead berfore that happens. It still figgin hurts.
posted by seansterps at 08:26 PM on June 02, 2006
Do you suppose that the commissioner would keep it a secret from all of the other teams and let them attempt to negotiate with Clemens, only to pull the rug out from under them at the last moment if they came close to signing a deal? It stops being a secret if too many people know about it.
posted by seansterps at 04:57 PM on June 01, 2006
Now that his 50 game suspension is done he can finally get back to pitching. Oh, you didn't know about the failed drug test? AAAHHH, These are not the droids you are looking for. You may go.
posted by seansterps at 03:48 PM on June 01, 2006
Remember when Jordan's Dad was killed? The bulls that year could have won the finals in a sweep but lost game 4 , making the final game on Fathers day. (Not that I'm saying they lost on purpose. Wink Wink) If Tiger can come back and play in the Open and win it on Fathers Day I know their wont be a dry eye at my house. That would be a great storyline.
posted by seansterps at 10:14 AM on May 27, 2006
Oh Yeah! Well my four year old can burp his ABCs, with a snot bubble in his nose.
posted by seansterps at 03:33 PM on May 22, 2006
I'm sorry, has Barry failed a test I didn't hear about? I know he probally wont either. I'm happy he finally got it over with. Has anyone else noticed that Clemans is coming back about 50 games into the season? What is the punishment for first time offenders? Maybe Selig should have told him to take up basketball for a while.
posted by seansterps at 09:28 AM on May 21, 2006
Barrett just got punked, and he was feeling about two feet tall. A catcher looks forward to these plays as defining moments. When you come out looking bad you try to save face a little. A.J. was trying to get past him and Barrett overreacted. Any comments to the contrary are going to be made by foolish Cubs fans.
posted by seansterps at 09:22 AM on May 21, 2006
I once thought I had mono for a whole year.
posted by seansterps at 04:40 PM on May 17, 2006
So.....Babe good & Dan bad
posted by seansterps at 04:39 PM on May 16, 2006
Before the 1920's there was no foul pole. For a ball to be considered a homerun,the ball needed to land to the fair side of the foul line in the stands. How many homeruns do you think the Babe lost that way?
posted by seansterps at 03:17 PM on May 16, 2006
Thanks grum. I'm an O's fan and now I can like baseball again. That is a refreshing post. Thanks.
posted by seansterps at 12:42 PM on August 05, 2005
Doooonuutttsss. Aaauuuuuggggghhhhh.
posted by seansterps at 08:25 AM on August 04, 2005
Wait! Who's got the bong.
posted by seansterps at 09:34 PM on August 02, 2005
I change my mind. Ben will just leave town one day because he'll get tired of dealing with the yinzer fans and their idiot ideas about what it means to be a Steeler. I got news for you "rdust" the players are sitting in the lockerroom laughing at every one of you fans that think you know what it means to be a Steeler. Do you think Swann would have played for $2.85 p/h? THEY ARE ALL DOING IT FOR THE MONEY!!!!
posted by seansterps at 01:53 PM on July 29, 2005
Steeler material? What kind of crap is that? Because he doesn't shutup and play he isn't Steeler material. Is this the reason the Steelers haven't won since the 70's? OH...I know, if O'Donnel hadn't been paid off by the Cowboys you would have won. Steeler material? Is that the thinking thats keeping Rooney's purse strings tied? Steeler fans have been pasified with "almost good enough" for so long that its no wonder they buy everything that the ownership is selling. I live in the burgh and everything for the last 4 years has been about how Hines is the perfect Steeler material. What crap!! Wait till Ben wants more.
posted by seansterps at 01:39 PM on July 29, 2005
But T.O. is still an ass right?
posted by seansterps at 10:49 AM on July 29, 2005
I live in the Pittsburgh area and currently there are 3 school districts planning on holding out "going on strike" in the coming school year. These teachers, like Hines, want to live where they are now. But can't get a deal done where they will be paid fair market value. I believe that they should be paid a fair salary based on their peers salaries. They could move on to a different area(team) if they want to but the best chance they have is to force the hands of their boses now in the cities they currently live. It is every employees right to get as much money as they can from their employeer and if they are unhappy about the current situation move on and good luck.
posted by seansterps at 10:45 AM on July 29, 2005
Holdingout is the players only way to get more money. How many teams have gone to a player and asked them to take a paycut or be released and not paid at all. The Steelers do it every year. Is this not the owner holding out to get a better deal for themselves. To holdout is the players only answer. Besides the Steelers said they were going to give him a better deal, Hines is just trying to make sure he gets a deal done now that would remove the risk of this happening in the future. Maybe he should have put in his contract that he would do this if he wasn't happy. How would that have gone over? From a smart business stand point Hines needs to do this now, because this may be his best chance he has to get the big deal. This situation has nothing to do with the blood-sucking agents.
posted by seansterps at 09:48 AM on July 29, 2005
JJ innocent and not guilty are two completely different things. And besides I thought those kids wore helmets all the time like me.
posted by seansterps at 09:10 AM on July 29, 2005
In this instance you have to side with the player. The Steelers have jerked Hines around about this contract for over a year now. He wanted to redue his deal last year but understood that with two years left he wasn't in much of a possition to negotiate. Now with only one year left he find himself in the season that the Steelers like to do their re-uping in. Every time Cower gets to one year he gets a new and better deal, I think Hines deserves the same from the team. Dyams, if the teams didn't hold on to idea that can end the contract and any time by cutting or releasing a player when convenient maybe the players wouldn't mind so much playing out the entire deal. Remember the contract is signed by the team also.
posted by seansterps at 09:01 AM on July 29, 2005
I wonder how many of those coaches are friends. My friends and I sit around almost every Saturday night near the end of some bar and do this. One of them has two T.V.s and if I'm lucky enough I get to control the remote and decide when to stop watching the Irish get their ass kicked. We should be able to produce our own rankings as well.
posted by seansterps at 08:47 AM on July 29, 2005
In the NFL today all it takes is one or two strong drafts/free agent years and your back in it. Every good team needs a good QB and if they can keep him from getting killed he is going to be good. David Carr lived through two years spent on his back looking up at the inside of a dome and is now poised to have a great year. Smith has a great young WR in Lloyd and a decent RB in Barlow. He just needs to stay alive for a couple of seasons and this will be a great pick.
posted by seansterps at 08:28 AM on July 27, 2005
Thats a grteat idea!
posted by seansterps at 08:22 AM on July 27, 2005
This is why you should never build homes on the right side of the fairway.
posted by seansterps at 02:49 PM on July 24, 2005
Has Rogers been drug tested this year? To me it sounds like he might have some rage issues.
posted by seansterps at 09:08 AM on July 19, 2005
The nhl execs don't know the difference between good and bad exposure.
posted by seansterps at 02:44 PM on July 18, 2005
Why does the spoting world need to revolve around NYC. I agree that Crosby will end up in NY, but why does this need to happen. Jordan went to Chicago and that worked out fine for the NBA. This lottery crap stinks of corruption. The teams from New York should form their own league and play only against other teams located in the city or using the name New York. It is not a birth right for their teams to win championships.
posted by seansterps at 01:01 PM on July 18, 2005
I'm irish and I get offended every sat in the fall when I turn on the t.v. and see the fighting irish. This misrepresents the Irish community and I'm tired of it. I'm starting a group with the Boiler Makers and the Fighting Illini to put and end to all maskots that are not animals. (Because they don't watch sports so fuckem')
posted by seansterps at 12:48 PM on July 17, 2005
Wojciechowski: BCS System Needs Extreme Makeover
The more that people get fired up about the BCS in September and October the less likely NCAA is to do anything about it. If the NCAA were to go to a playoff system, then the games in the first 6 weeks would mean alot less than they do now. The passion of the part-time veiwer would not be ignited until the end of November and into December, and insted of debaiting betwwen the likes of USC and Michigan (this year) we would talking about West virginia and BYU. Which is more exciting? The system as it stands creates buzz the entire season, good and bad. The NCAA loves that. The part-time fan of NCAA basketball doesn't care until Feb and the conferance tournys start. Maybe not until their bartender, I mean co-worker, hands them the bracket to fill out. The NCAA is banking on people getting mad and watching more intently and not turning of the set.