Teen is running out of innings, but the game still isn't over: The 18-year-old kid dying of cancer gets his wish, a chance to swing a bat maybe one last time in a real baseball game.
"I used to be afraid, but I'm not afraid of dying now, if that's what you want to know," he said. "Because life ain't about how many breaths you take. It's what you do with those breaths." I wish I had that attitude and courage.
posted by irunfromclones at 01:39 PM on May 07, 2008
I didn't get past the first few lines without tears running down my cheeks. Like way to many others, I've had family members face cancer and lose their lives to this insidious killer. Both my mother and father died within one year of each other and now my wife has stage three breast cancer. When I take her for her treatments, it still astounds me how busy the cancer treatment center is. And indiscriminate as well. Young, old, male, female, and all races are represented in the fight. This is enough. Cancer is a plague of our times and hopefully all of us can get behind the search for a cure. My heart goes out to this young man, his family, and his community. I'll send a piece of my prayers their way.
posted by THX-1138 at 01:42 PM on May 07, 2008
Thanks BI. This is a great story and one that I most likely would have missed had it not been posted here. I sure do appreciate this young man's attitude and courage. I know I could not display the same grace and dignity as this young man if faced with such a challenge. He, and his family will be in my prayers.
posted by ampto11 at 01:55 PM on May 07, 2008
THX, don't feel bad, I'm sitting at work crying like a baby and customers keep coming in. What a wonderful story. Great find, BI.
posted by hawkguy at 02:12 PM on May 07, 2008
This is an incredible story. Few people could carry themselves as well as this kid. I definately wouldn't have come across this anywhere else. Thanks for posting. THX - Thats a lot of run-ins with cancer. I feel for you and hope your wife can get better.
posted by curlyelk at 02:17 PM on May 07, 2008
I didn't get past the first few lines without tears running down my cheeks Dude, you are so not alone. Hawk & I are right there with you. Having family members that lost the battle against this disease, I understand how you feel and I do hope that your wife gets well.
posted by BornIcon at 02:18 PM on May 07, 2008
Thanks for this. BI. I got some good news yesterday. The small skin cancer I had removed a few months ago shows no sign of returning, so I'm good for at least another year. I was mighty worried when I first got the diagnosis, but with an example like this, why should I be? THX, your wife is in our prayers.
posted by Howard_T at 02:50 PM on May 07, 2008
I didn't get past the first few lines without tears running down my cheeks Ditto. I'm sitting at work too. The good news is that when people came over to ask how I was I got to share the link with them. The bad news is that now the entire floor is in tears. I lost 2 aunts and an uncle to cancer last year. My prayers go out to you and your wife THX.
posted by irunfromclones at 03:12 PM on May 07, 2008
Thanks, all, I appreciate your empathy and well-wishes. So does Mrs. THX. The point I was bringing up was that cancer is so prevalent in our society that sometimes it get's, I don't know, taken for granted. And I'm totally not trying to say that people are unsympathetic, rather that kind of like space shuttle launches were for awhile, we just kind of forget about it. And why not; it sucks to think about. But a story about a kid like that who has faced the deepest challenge that you can come up against and be philosophical about it, is jaw dropping. And he is absolutely right. You MUST stay positive. The mantra around the house right now is No Negative Vibes. We are doing our best to make positive energy, for ourselves, and for the people around us. And that seems to be what this young man is doing as well. Because he knows that people are going to hurt and grieve after he is gone, and he would wish that they stay focused on the good energy they have. And go on. Because the earth is going to keep moving around the sun.
posted by THX-1138 at 03:52 PM on May 07, 2008
thats a very touching story i enjoyed it alot thank you very much
posted by buckchaser at 05:28 PM on May 07, 2008
Unable to keep a dry eye and also brings back a painful memory. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer while in 2nd year of college. The pain my wife and I went through is indescribable. Fortunately, she beat the cancer and is a mother of three. I extend my prayers and good wishes to the young man and he's family. What there going through is probably the worst imaginable ordeal in their life.
posted by giveuptheghost at 06:01 PM on May 07, 2008
Thanks BI -- great post. The tears are still flowing. I am inspired. Best wishes to Mrs. Thx--you both are in our prayers.
posted by Monica Poland at 11:38 AM on May 08, 2008
Awesome post, awesome story.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:26 PM on May 08, 2008
What everybody else said, BI. Had to get the kleenex. I feel for ya, THX-1138. Lost my older bro last May. You and your wife are in my prayers.
posted by steelergirl at 09:40 PM on May 08, 2008
Great story BI. This is happening in the next school district over from where I teach and the number of events going on around here as fund raisers for this kid are amazing. There is also a girl from our school with a rare form of lukemia. Many joint events for the two have been had.We did a fund raiser at our game when we played Freedom this year donating all money raised at the game to him and his family. It is so sad to see These events going on around us and we often lose site of what is really important in life.