Plunk'd! The latest, greatest Craig Biggio story: Biggio, the Astros' second baseman, is about to pass Hall of Famer Hughie Jennings and set the all-time record for being hit by pitches. It's already happened an extraordinary 285 times over his 20-year career. With three more plunks -- he once suffered five of 'em in a single week in May of 2000 -- Biggio will pass Jennings, whose 287th and final HBP came in 1903. Biggio is about to break a record that has endured for 104 years.
posted by commander cody to baseball at 03:18 AM - 19 comments
Even the 60 mph "fast" balls the youth baseball pitchers throw can hurt. By July of each year, when I was umpiring a lot, my forearms were a lovely shade of purple. They weren't all foul balls, either. Catchers at the youth level are not the most skilled in the game. I'm pretty sure that Biggio had some control over where he got hit, and by what sort of pitch, but it still leaves its mark.
posted by Howard_T at 07:41 AM on July 20, 2007
While it's an interesting bit of trivia, I don't have a lot of respect for this "record." Biggio wears the elbow armor and has a reputation for not doing a whole lot to get out of the way of pitches.
posted by holden at 08:22 AM on July 20, 2007
While it's an interesting bit of trivia, I don't have a lot of respect for this "record." Biggio wears the elbow armor and has a reputation for not doing a whole lot to get out of the way of pitches. Exactly. And to take it one step furthur, he has a reputation for FLICKING that elbow armor into the path of the ball which is worse than "not getting out of the way". He and Kendell are masters of that.
posted by bdaddy at 10:02 AM on July 20, 2007
I don't have a lot of respect for this "record." All records aren't meant to be revered. Just ask the Phillies. This, to me, falls in between the "good" records and "bad" records.
posted by Ricardo at 10:02 AM on July 20, 2007
He's getting on base. Regardless of the measn that is the object of an at bat.
posted by scottypup at 11:04 AM on July 20, 2007
Honest to goodness, I was playing baseball with some of the middle and high school kids in our neighborhood after work last night and after taking a couple bouncers in the shins I joked that I needed to get some of that armor that the big league guys used. What with my my swing being what it is, I wondered how, with some of the elaborate get-ups that some of the pros wear, you could effectively swing a bat looking like you would better be suited attending a meeting with King Arthur around the round table. Sure would make you feel safe to crowd the plate and not shy away from the fast balls as much. Kind of a dubious record if you ask me.
posted by THX-1138 at 11:12 AM on July 20, 2007
One great memory I have of the '93 Phillies is Dave Hollins and his willingness to get hit by a pitch. The guy led the league in HBPs that year (if I remember correctly) and it was 100% deliberate. Now, this guy didn't wear a single piece of armor. And he didn't just stand in on change-ups and loopy curve balls. You could throw your hardest fastball and if it was going towards Hollins, he stood there and took it. Didn't flinch, didn't move. He let the ball hit him and strolled to first base. It was awesome.
posted by DudeDykstra at 01:12 PM on July 20, 2007
You could throw your hardest fastball and if it was going towards Hollins, he stood there and took it. Didn't flinch, didn't move. He let the ball hit him and strolled to first base. It was awesome. With a guy like him, getting hit by the pitch should count as a single toward his batting average. :-)
posted by commander cody at 04:35 PM on July 20, 2007
If my comment is to be about Vick playing in the NFL this year, he should not. He is giving my favorite sport (FOOTBALL) a bad image. If I want anymore information on his legal situation it should come from Police Beat, not Sports News. Raytutu
posted by Raytutu at 08:40 PM on July 20, 2007
In regard to gettig beaned, it's happened to all of us that play/played a (game) sport. Get the record and the lumps if you can't get out of the way then get the reward and be happy. Raytutu
posted by Raytutu at 08:52 PM on July 20, 2007
Call me old fashioned, but I much prefer when the fellows use that stick in their hands to get on base. Even I could stand in the way of a baseball and end up on first. I just don't make the same income. And Ray, it would appear that a funny thing happened on your way to the Vick rant. THX-1138
posted by THX-1138 at 11:33 PM on July 20, 2007
THX-1138, I think some of us have been beaned a few too many times. tommytrump Hey, why am I signing my post? My name is right there in big blue letters. By the way, this is the Vick rant, right?
posted by tommybiden at 12:10 AM on July 21, 2007
posted by commander cody at 01:08 AM on July 21, 2007
A swing and a miss from Raytutu there. Mr Bismarck.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 05:32 AM on July 21, 2007
Too bad Eric Plunk isn't around anymore to deliver the record-breaking pitch.
posted by spira at 12:38 PM on July 21, 2007
I think he's doing male-modeling now.
posted by yerfatma at 07:45 AM on July 22, 2007
If my comment is to be about Vick playing in the NFL this year, he should not. He is giving my favorite sport (FOOTBALL) a bad image. If I want anymore information on his legal situation it should come from Police Beat, not Sports News. Raytutu Dude, wrong post to be talking football.
posted by BornIcon at 08:21 AM on July 23, 2007
He's getting on base. Regardless of the measn that is the object of an at bat. So you're a Bonds/Giambi/Sheffield supporter then, huh?
posted by bdaddy at 12:46 PM on July 23, 2007
OUCH x 285. When I played ball way back when in Little League I was HBP so many times that I was sure the pitchers were gunning for me, but I couldn't figure out why since my BA hovered just above .001. Then I realized that I was leading my local league in stolen bases because I was hit so often. My coach loved it every time I was plunked, because for me it was as good as double or even a triple when stealing third with a fat right handed batter up. Fortunately for me I never took one in the head or face. Not that it wouldn't have improved my looks or thought processes some.