Women want Cow-Runs for equality in Spain's San Fermin bull festival: Is this a legitimate beef?
posted by tommytrump to extreme at 08:11 PM - 22 comments
I guess the cows aren't quite as horny as the bulls.
posted by Howard_T at 09:44 PM on July 10, 2007
Udderly ridiculous.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 10:05 PM on July 10, 2007
I am truly mooved by this post. I hope they milk it for all its worth.
posted by worldcup2002 at 10:10 PM on July 10, 2007
Ladies, MOOOOOOOOOVE on...
posted by wolfdad at 10:22 PM on July 10, 2007
What are they "cow"ards to run with the bulls.
posted by jwhite613 at 10:37 PM on July 10, 2007
When asked his opinion, Bart Simpson replied......"No Comment."
posted by tommybiden at 10:48 PM on July 10, 2007
Noli habere bovis, vir (don't have a cow, man)
posted by commander cody at 11:06 PM on July 10, 2007
Sorry I dont see how a cow rambling down the street stirs any compatriotism or danger or even an adrenaline rush. As a kid my grandfather raised cows. Big cows can be pretty scary. Play on words, ok. Sexist comments, not.
posted by justgary at 03:40 AM on July 11, 2007
The tongue was inserted firmly in cheek. I obscenity in the milk of this of the cows. Thus. Err, what?
posted by GoBirds at 04:06 AM on July 11, 2007
What exactly is the difference between the running the cows or bulls? Bulls have what it takes to run with the people.
posted by bavarianmotorworker at 06:24 AM on July 11, 2007
Well one difference is there's probably a decreased risk in getting gored.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:28 AM on July 11, 2007
It would be awesome if they opened the gates and the cows just stood there and stared at everyone. And then the bulls found the cows and they did it right there on the street.
posted by SummersEve at 07:25 AM on July 11, 2007
All these puns just steer the topic in the wrong direction. I think this is the biggest load of bull I've ever herd, and I'm finished milking this topic altogether before I get all heffer errrr huffy. Cud we please have the next topic?
posted by NerfballPro at 07:33 AM on July 11, 2007
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:31 AM on July 11, 2007
I've herd about enough. I'm not going to be cowed by bullies anymore!
posted by tommybiden at 11:34 AM on July 11, 2007
Well, if the ladies really have a beef about this event, there's always cow tipping to fall back on......
posted by NerfballPro at 12:20 PM on July 11, 2007
All in All. This is an event I wouldn't mind having a "steak" in.
posted by jwhite613 at 12:27 PM on July 11, 2007
This is a pile of bull shit.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:29 PM on July 11, 2007
I am appalled at the apparent light-hearted posting on this topic. Honestly, this is no time for puns. Those poor cows, being forced to run with women. They'll lose all of their delicious marbeling and then my rib-eyes will be all stringy. And it's not good for the cows, either. BA-DA-CHING!!
posted by THX-1138 at 02:47 PM on July 11, 2007
Thanks for filet mignon all the gory details.
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:38 AM on July 12, 2007
worldcup wins. Just my opinion.
posted by THX-1138 at 02:44 PM on July 12, 2007
What a joke. Run with the bulls like everyone else or get the hell out of the way. The fact that "the idea was a joke that came about over real concern that not many women felt comfortable running with the bulls."makes no quality arguement. How many men do you think are "comfortable" running with these beasts(the bulls of course) women all over the globe should be infuriated at this. Sorry I dont see how a cow rambling down the street stirs any compatriotism or danger or even an adrenaline rush. Come on girls, mind the horns!!