NFL moving north?: NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell is proposing a 17th regular season game taking the place of one of the pre-season games and having Canadian cities host the games.
posted by skydivemom to football at 04:42 PM - 27 comments
posted by igottheblues at 05:35 PM on May 10, 2007
The NFL floats this sort of bubble once a year or so. I'm not going to bother paying attention until something other than lip service happens.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 05:50 PM on May 10, 2007
I'm sick and tired of this talk. Instead of worrying about Canada or Europe, when the hell is the NFL going to bring professional football to Arizona?
posted by wfrazerjr at 06:11 PM on May 10, 2007
Sorry Dr. John, I have a limited memory and didn't recall hearing this before. I thought it was something new with Goodell being a new commissioner. Admins please feel free to delete.
posted by skydivemom at 06:42 PM on May 10, 2007
when the hell is the NFL going to bring professional football to Arizona? Or back to L.A.?
posted by yay-yo at 07:05 PM on May 10, 2007
No, this is new; they've talked about teams over the border before, but never a 17th game. It is an interesting idea. I don't really think there needs to be another game in the season (teams are already really beat up by the end of the season) but the idea of making the game more international in this manner is good for everyone who enjoys American football, I think. (A friend who coaches a team in England told me that there were something like half a million tickets for the Dolphins game in London, which is completely insane.)
posted by tieguy at 07:08 PM on May 10, 2007
If the NFL wants to go international they might have to think about changing their name to the American Football League, which would be pretty ironic, don't ya think?
posted by yay-yo at 08:01 PM on May 10, 2007
By the way,Im not Canadian, Im a Fan. We could tell; Canadians (curse their superior educational system!) can usually use punctuation properly.
posted by tieguy at 08:14 PM on May 10, 2007
arizona has the cardinals
posted by jeffloeb at 08:54 PM on May 10, 2007
Sorry Dr. John, I have a limited memory and didn't recall hearing this before. I thought it was something new with Goodell being a new commissioner. Admins please feel free to delete. No worries, skydivemom, it's not that this particular mention has been posted before-- it's just that this type of discussion comes up fairly regularly, and never seems to lead anywhere. People like to speculate about which exotic places would be great for which sort of football game, but aside from the occasional exhibition game, very little seems to actually happen. I'm also thoroughly convinced that the NFL has absolutely no interest in putting a team in Toronto, for two reasons: 1. No significant ROI in terms of television revenues. None at all. 2. The chance of dealing a big blow to the CFL is too high. The NFL understands the importance of having football, in any form, played across the world. It does them much more good in the long-term than a single franchise in another country would. Hurting the CFL doesn't make sense for the NFL.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 09:08 PM on May 10, 2007
arizona has the cardinals I'm, like, 1000% sure that was his point...
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 09:47 PM on May 10, 2007
If you love the sport of football, you will watch. If it really did bother ya, you would watch it, and get over it. So its not the US, it's sports, and if your a true fan, it wont matter. True, but the fact that I would watch that game doesn't mean that I like or support the idea. I'm ok with the NFL shortening the preseason, but the regular season doesn't need to be any longer. (a) A big advantage the NFL has over every other professional sport right now is that the season doesn't go on way too long, so that every game carries a large significance. I realize that 1 game isn't that much, but it will probably lead to more schedule expansion. (b) I don't see these international games ever being any more than a novelty. Yes, they may get a good turnout and they may make a lot of money if they can find a big soccer stadium to play it in, but they could still get that here, and I doubt it will have any real effect on international fanship.
posted by bender at 07:48 AM on May 11, 2007
The preseason is already too long. Further, no starters see action in the 4th preseason game, so why not get rid of it? I'm all for shortening the preseason, by any means possible. Although, a 17th regular season game seems a bit too grueling for the players - it already is a brutally long and punishing season. Still, I'd rather have one more regular season game than a pointless preseason game in which none of the first stringers play anyway.
posted by BCHockey at 07:52 AM on May 11, 2007
Although, a 17th regular season game seems a bit too grueling for the players - it already is a brutally long and punishing season. Ah, but it's fantastic news for Las Vegas. More regular season games = more gambling opportunities.
posted by grum@work at 11:29 AM on May 11, 2007
Following NASCAR's feats of $$$$$$$. Tired of it, what ever happened to the good ol' days.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 12:34 PM on May 11, 2007
Tired of it, what ever happened to the good ol' days They happened a long time ago, and you'd be surprised to find out that they weren't all that "good".
posted by grum@work at 04:05 PM on May 11, 2007
I would love to see a couple of dome teams play in Regina's Taylor Field in December...
posted by jc at 06:43 PM on May 11, 2007
If the NFL wants to go international they might have to think about changing their name to the American Football League, which would be pretty ironic, don't ya think? I don't know why they would want to remind people that it was an oddball American sport, if they were going international. Why not call it gridiron football, like a lot of us are doing already? The GFL, or Gridiron Football League, has a nice ring to it. Besides there already is an AFL, the Australian Football League, playing a different kind of football altogether.
posted by dave2007 at 12:04 AM on May 12, 2007
what ever happened to the good ol' days. Didn't you say at one point that you were 15 years old? You don't know what "good ol' days" actually means, kid. Put a sock in it.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:33 PM on May 12, 2007
You don't know what "good ol' days" actually means, kid. It is called the four to five years of one's life before they are forced to go to school for the next thirteen years.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:50 PM on May 12, 2007
Didn't you say at one point that you were 15 years old? You don't know what "good ol' days" actually means, kid. Put a sock in it. Listen, I didn't live in the good ol' days, but I sure as hell know what they were. You ever heard of ESPN Classic or the NFL Network or my Dad. The definition of the good ol' days is when everything changed for the worst. Or when the last "Old man" retires or dies. Like NASCAR. A few years ago it has become one of the most boring sports today. This started a couple of years after Dale Sr. died. I know how much you worship Jeff Gordan so don't turn this into a Jeff Gordan discussion. Just to add why tha fuck are you yelling at me in every fucking thread that I comment on. Just a little correction would be nice asshole.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 04:21 PM on May 14, 2007
When one speaks of the "good ol' days," one is usually referring to a time that they experienced, not a time that someone told them about. I could sit around and bitch and moan about the good ol' days of Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio, but it wouldn't mean a damn thing, because I wasn't alive back then. To reply to the second part of your screed, I don't yell at you, kid, I correct you. It's a heavy job, as you're wrong most of the time you post. You can call me all the names you want, it's not going to change the fact that you often don't know what you're talking about.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:45 PM on May 14, 2007
Just a little correction would be nice asshole. You want a comma before "asshole", lest people think you're trolling for man ass in a disconnected clause.
posted by yerfatma at 05:10 PM on May 14, 2007
TMB you won't win any arguements with name calling. It doesn't work. Also, taking a bit of time to think and preview what you're about to say will help a great deal.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:47 PM on May 14, 2007
Sorry he's just been on my butt since day one. I try to be open to correction, but its hard when peope slam it all down my gullet. Sorry TBH, please make my life easier.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 09:16 PM on May 14, 2007
It doesn't matter what country we are playing in. It doesn't matter if they allow a team to expand into Canada. If you love the sport of football, you will watch. If it really did bother ya, you would watch it, and get over it. So its not the US, it's sports, and if your a true fan, it wont matter. By the way,Im not Canadian, Im a Fan.