Red Hot.: The Calgary Flames answer to the Super Bowl shuffle/World's Best Mustache Competition. Circa 1987.
posted by panoptican to hockey at 06:31 PM - 8 comments
Via The Sports Guy's Intern by the way.
posted by panoptican at 06:56 PM on December 05, 2005
Calgary, Alberta Volunteer Fire Department Presents . . . Red Hot. With Brett Hull!
posted by yerfatma at 08:54 PM on December 05, 2005
That was crazy funny. I forgot just how insanely goofy the 80's were, thanks for reminding me.
posted by Fade222 at 10:01 PM on December 05, 2005
I especially liked that they had a brass section. You just don't see that in hockey music videos anymore.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 08:20 AM on December 06, 2005
I love Lanny Macdonald's moustache.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:32 AM on December 06, 2005
You should've seen him in the local muffler ads he did.
posted by garfield at 09:09 AM on December 06, 2005
Ahh, so classic. Too bad they spent all the time working on the lip synching and less time on, I dunno, not losing to the Jets in the first round.
posted by gspm at 05:00 PM on December 06, 2005
Oh man, that's beautiful. Mullets, molester mustaches, and hockey -- doesn't get much better than that. Thanks panoptican!