Hidden: Eagles Complain Cowboys Tampered With T.O. : I'm starting to agree with T.O. The Eagles don't have any class. They kick the guy off the team, but refuse to release him and now they want to complain that Jerry Jones mentioned in an interview that he might be willing to grab him in the offseason? I think they're really trying to ruin the T.O.'s life because he doesn't like Donovan McNabb. I don't think they want him to play anywhere - ever. Is McNabb that great? I don't think so...
posted by to football at 08:38 AM - 12 comments
Where's the banhammer?
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:44 AM on November 28, 2005
The Eagles have had to deal with this crap since before training camp, and now people think they (his employer) need to coddle him by sending him to help out another team, especially the Cowboys, for God's sake!! It amazes me how much further we drift away each and every day from the idea of "team" when talking about pro sports. All we're really dealing with more and more is a bunch of private contractors (players) attempting to co-exist on the same field. The idea the Eagles don't have the right to handle this situation any way they choose is a perfect example of how truly hard it must be to coach some of these malcontents.
posted by dyams at 09:48 AM on November 28, 2005
So, TO is a piece of crap, but the statement Jerry Jones made was totally ambiguous to whether or not he was talking about TO, he just said that that he had a propensity towards recovering shunned players, and its true. He never even said TO's name. there has to be limits to what counts as tampering.
posted by everett at 09:59 AM on November 28, 2005
Further, don't the Eagles know that by doing this there is even more TO-related news. I thought they wanted to put this behind them.
posted by bperk at 10:46 AM on November 28, 2005
I think T.O. needs to G.O. to the Bears. Have him room with Olin Kreutz. If Kreutz is bad enough to break the jaw of 6'7" 320 lb. tackle Fred Miller, TO's little punk mouth shouldn't pose much of a problem. 2 advantages... 1. T.O. gets put in his place 2. It is hard to talk crap with your jaw wired shut. Go Falcons
posted by Wrigley South at 10:55 AM on November 28, 2005
Internet forum regulars complain a cowboy tampers with their beloved website. I'm starting to agree with wfrazerjr.
posted by rocketman at 10:56 AM on November 28, 2005
Ditto Wrigley South & Skydivedad, cept that Go Bears crap. Go Lions! Uhh, on second thought, ditto everything Wrigley & Skydive. Go Wings!
posted by RedStrike at 11:07 AM on November 28, 2005
Further, don't the Eagles know that by doing this there is even more TO-related news. I thought they wanted to put this behind them. I don't think their intention was to take it public; the media caught wind of a story.
posted by dfleming at 11:07 AM on November 28, 2005
Broncos, he going to the Broncos! (Sorry Broncos fans.) (Go Giants?)
posted by tadley86 at 12:08 PM on November 28, 2005
What's To gonna think of Bledsoe if McNabb sucks?
posted by hump9n at 12:34 PM on November 28, 2005
Are you kidding! You should change your handle to: tony_out of touch. What Jerry Jones did is called tampering and it is against the CBA as well as NFL rules of ownership. I hope they fine the crap out of Jones. T.O. is getting his just rewards and I believe the Eagles have handled the T.O. situation as well as possible given T.O.'s stated goal of disrupting the team as much as possible. Screw T.O. Donavan Mcnabb has more class in his little finger then T.O. has in his entire body. Get real! P.S. Go Bears