Surprise, Surprise: everybody likes a surprise
Uh, I would suggest that Staal has been more surprising than Vishnovsky. And Conroy is underrated - even by his former team. I can't believe Calgary just let him walk after his performance in the playoffs last year. Biggest surprises for me? Ovetchkin is a way better player than I imagined. He is so much more than a goal scorer. That kid is a monster and a leader. Also - Tampa Bay needs to find someone in the dressing room to start kicking ass. You can't have a Cup hangover if no one played last year like they are. They have no excuse - they should be lighting it up. Lastly - Carolina cannot be this good. I read the roster, I look at the players and there just is no way they can keep it up.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:46 PM on November 15, 2005
Carolina cannot be this good. You're just jealous because the Caniacs have been to the Cup Finals this century. Much like Americans and basketball, one of these days, you Canadians are gonna have to get over your national hockey superiority complex. Sheesh!
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:29 PM on November 15, 2005
I guess these busts should also be included. Conroy won game 5 for the Flames, if I'm not mistaken. 2 goals, one from just inside the blue line. And was underestimated by the Blues for years. Agreed. Carolina isn't this good. Now Vasicek is done for up to 4 months. But they definitely have more consistency than the rest of the SE, good team speed, and the so-dubbed next super star. Here's another surprising tidbit I found this week, and something to give hope to Leafnation. One day when he was talking to his agent, Wellwood mentioned that he would win the league's scoring title the next season. His agent reminded him that he'd be going head-to-head against some guy named Jason Spezza, but Wellwood didn't seem very concerned about that. The next season, he was the OHL's top scorer with 118 points, two more than Spezza.
posted by garfield at 03:43 PM on November 15, 2005
Also on my list of surprises:
posted by grum@work at 03:50 PM on November 15, 2005
Don't forget NBA MVP
posted by HATER 187 at 04:42 PM on November 15, 2005
Oh i didn't see superiority complex. I must have taken my fucking idiot pills today.
posted by HATER 187 at 05:01 PM on November 15, 2005
hockey superiority complex
posted by HATER 187 at 05:01 PM on November 15, 2005
Grum, that's an impressive list, but I'm a little disappointed in you for sneaking the Lady Byng in there at the tail end. C'mon, dude. The Lady Byng?
posted by Samsonov14 at 05:53 PM on November 15, 2005
Fedorov is a Blue Jacket
posted by garfield at 06:14 PM on November 15, 2005
How about Vaclev Prospal leading the Lightning with 28 points? Or Jagr playing like it's 1995? Or the Leafs having more than a token player under 35?
posted by loquax at 06:21 PM on November 15, 2005
Is Conroy the best free agent pickup of that extended off season? The Calgary offense hasn't been too impressive (up until last week they had not scored more than 3 goals in a game in the high scoring "new" NHL). Wonder how much they are disappointed in the decision to not keep him. I dunno if it is superiority complex so much as pride. I am sure Canadians remember losing to the Czechs in Nagano and the 96 World Cup to the States.
posted by gspm at 07:06 PM on November 15, 2005
I am sure Canadians remember losing to the Czechs in Nagano and the 96 World Cup to the States. It never happened. Nope. Never did. Lalalalalalalalalalala! I can't hear you! /puts fingers in ears Is Conroy the best free agent pickup of that extended off season? I'd throw a vote for Lindros as well. He doesn't have the points that Conroy has, but he's cheaper and he help bridge the gap while Sundin was out.
posted by grum@work at 07:38 PM on November 15, 2005
I like Cory Stillman in the "underrated journeyman" category. He's the kind of guy whose performance has always been attributed to his linemates, yet he's been a steady contributor for 4 different teams. Is Lindros actually cheaper than Conroy? How the mighty have fallen. Regardless, the best free agent deal is still Forsberg at whatever price he's asking.
posted by qbert72 at 09:32 PM on November 15, 2005
Viva La Canadia...
posted by tron7 at 10:52 AM on November 16, 2005
TBH - You bet I'm pissed that the Canes made it to the final over my precious Leafs. I even drove down to Raliegh and watched a game (though I passed out sometime between the second and third - damn those tailgate parties are fucking wicked). But c'mon, they're playing way over their heads right now. All the bounces are going their way. It won't last. But they'll make the playoffs.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:39 PM on November 16, 2005
Weedy, Jesse Boulerice would like to have a word with you: HA! I keed, I keed. (though I passed out sometime between the second and third - damn those tailgate parties are fucking wicked) Didn't your momma teach you to not drink a twelve pack in the direct, 95 degree sun? You Leaf fans were looking pretty close to Hurricanes red by the end of the day.
posted by NoMich at 03:47 PM on November 16, 2005
Staal needs to be way higher on that list, and Lundqvist needs to be ON that list. Crosby and Ovechkin are getting all the rookie attention, but I think that Lundqvist should seriously be considered too along with -- another surprise -- Phaneuf. Seriously, did anyone expect him to be such a good defenseman right off the bat? He won't get the numbers and the flashy plays, but if he's not considered for a Calder, I'll be... well, not all that surprised. Sadly. Also, local surprise: Steen. Plays well in ALL situations, good PK, good offensive threat. This guy will be a solid all-around player in a few years. As for busts... yeah, I agree with the above link. Why Belak still gets ice time is beyond me. That Kronwall kid is way better.
posted by mkn at 04:24 PM on November 16, 2005
I had no idea that Craig Conroy only had like seven points last year. Had I known, I would not have drafted him.