"I'm thinking about [riding the Tour de France next year]" : Armstrong said Monday. "I'm thinking it's the best way to piss (the French) off."
posted by mr_crash_davis to other at 09:56 PM - 52 comments
Good for him, I hope if he does race next year he kicks the shit out of all of them. Of course that will not stop the french from finding something wrong with him. They do not like him, and will stop at nothing to see him lose one way or another.
posted by jojomfd1 at 10:04 PM on September 05, 2005
I agree 100% jojomfd1. It would be nice to see him come back and win again but I hope he stays away and the French finally shut the hell up.
posted by dbt302 at 10:42 PM on September 05, 2005
I think it would piss them off even more if he DIDN'T give them a chance to boo him.
posted by grum@work at 11:30 PM on September 05, 2005
I hope he competes, and loses ignominiously. And I'm not even French.
posted by squealy at 04:14 AM on September 06, 2005
Go for it Lance and shut these idiots up. They are so jealous of Americans to start off with. We've bailed them out twice in WWI &WWII and what do we get spit on us, spit on our flag and total disrespect of our Goverment and our way of life. Maybe they need to read thier history books again and say thank you and Mr. Armstrong thank you for making our race so popular.
posted by wargator at 07:14 AM on September 06, 2005
Methinks I've been out-trolled.
posted by squealy at 07:37 AM on September 06, 2005
So he is "engaged" Engaged is what? :-0 Anyway, I wish he would just stay retired. He is starting to make a frace out of the sport of cycling. He is made out to be a big force in the state of cycling when he race he has been doing in the Tour De France. He should take his ego and his woman and go away....
posted by daddisamm at 07:47 AM on September 06, 2005
Feed the troll his Freedom Fries and move on.
posted by smithers at 07:48 AM on September 06, 2005
I say win the tour for the 9th straight time and then take a piss from the Eiffel tower and then beg them to “test this urine”. –just a thought
posted by steasley at 08:39 AM on September 06, 2005
I'm just waiting for all of you deeply committed bike racing fans -- you know, the ones who don't give a damn about the sport except insofar as it provides a feeble springboard for bitching about the French -- to go to a tailgate party or something and drink a lot of Coors, which will make you louder for a while and then very quiet. "The French" don't hate Lance, "the French" don't love Lance, "the French" don't do anything any more than "the Americans" do, so quit your whining already.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:05 AM on September 06, 2005
FYI - I said nothing about "The French" but it is no secret that "The French Media" have been after Lance for a long time. Furthermore in general "The French Media" has an Anti-American vibe and like most respectable people I don't drink Coors but a tailgate party is defiantly in my near future.
posted by steasley at 09:23 AM on September 06, 2005
Oh shut up about the French - you don't even care about cycling. And quit with the generalizing about things you obviously have very limited knowledge about. Christ, every fucking Lance Armstrong post and hear come the anti-French intellectuals. Blah, blah, blah, just shut up. (not specifically directed at steasley) IMHO Lance should just let it go and reap the benefits of a tremendous career. Time to give the others a shot. If he keeps pushing it, he actually might lose one of these things.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:05 AM on September 06, 2005
I've said it before, but I'll say it again for a cheap laugh - you may believe that America bailed France out of two World Wars, but it's worth remembering that without (French) General Lafayette, you yanks would all be speaking English right now. As for the topic *gasp* - I suspect he's taking the piss (I'm on fire with the wordplay today) about doing another one. I hope he is anyway. I don't know where I'd find the extra admiration I'd need if he won another one.
posted by JJ at 10:17 AM on September 06, 2005
Sacre Bleu - didn't we already have this thread/discussion a month ago!? It was determined then that: Lance: Good, dope-free French: Bad, jealous & way, way ungrateful ...now how 'bout that Barry Bonds? ;)
posted by JohnSFO at 10:25 AM on September 06, 2005
That's bullshit l_b_b, I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon...not Coors.
posted by chris2sy at 11:09 AM on September 06, 2005
It would be the same thing if our media decided to defame Tony Parker by any means necessary just because he won some titles.
posted by steasley at 11:38 AM on September 06, 2005
Tony Parker didnt win any titles by himself. He was part of a "team", in a team sport. He wasnt the sole reason why they won. Yes Armstrong is on a "Team" But hte "Team" excists to push 'one" member to the top..
posted by daddisamm at 11:44 AM on September 06, 2005
I lived and raced internationally for seven years. For the past 4 years I have been at the TDF as a reporter. I can tell you that the French press do not like LA. I can also tell you that the French public have a love/ hate/ respect relationship with LA that is not reflected in the press. For me, I'm torn about him making a comeback. Part of me would like to see him go out on top and stay retired. With the latest issues however, I would like him to come back, test clean, and win number 8. I think that a majority of the French public would like to see him race again as well. The Parisian French are slimy and spineless, but contrary to what many believe they did not sit around all day dreaming of ways to slam America. Separate the public from the press, cut out a portion of the Paris population and what you have is a great country filled with exceptional people. And by the way, travel just outside of France, visit the war memorials dedicated to US soldiers that gave their life in WWII, and you will understand that the French have never lost their gratitude for what America did for them in the past.
posted by vewill1 at 02:01 PM on September 06, 2005
Cool. Thanks for the contribution and, alas, too often underrated sanity, vewill1 (what, was "vewill" taken?).
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:19 PM on September 06, 2005
(Agreed. Thanks, vewill. There are a few people who follow cycling on here, so I hope you'll stick around.) I'm guessing this is just him being a spiteful and ornery bastard, reminding everyone that he's still the Tour's defending champion, and has been since Gus Eiffel was in short pants. I doubt he'll actually do it. He's just rattling some cages.
posted by chicobangs at 02:23 PM on September 06, 2005
I hope he doesn't do it... the TDF is getting a little boring without any real competition for the top spot. OLN and the advertisers are probably sending him huge bouquets with cards reading "pretty please!"
posted by dusted at 02:27 PM on September 06, 2005
Nice job vewill1. I always find it laughable when people who've never been outside America feel comfortable lashing out at cultures they've never experienced and don't know shit about. I love this country, and always will, but if we haven't cornered the market on close-minded, overreactive, knee-jerk mouth breathers, we must have come close by this point.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:35 PM on September 06, 2005
Armstrong's threat to come back made me laugh, but if he tested clean and won 7, what does he prove by testing clean and winning 8? It wouldn't change the cloud that hangs over his original victory because of that failed test which was allegedly his.
posted by rcade at 04:27 PM on September 06, 2005
That's bullshit l_b_b, I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon...not Coors. Then I got bad news for you: that swampwater they're draining outta New Orleans right now is gonna put Pabst right outta business ;-)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:39 PM on September 06, 2005
Armstrong's threat to come back made me laugh, but if he tested clean and won 7, what does he prove by testing clean and winning 8? Precisely: you can't prove a negative. And given that testing is always struggling to catch up with the dopers, the difference between saying someone's 'clean' and that they've 'not been caught yet' is a matter of personal preference. If there's a story in 2010 casting doubt on this year's victory, is he going to get on the bike again? Frankly, I think L'Équipe would like Armstrong back, since right now, there'd be no way to avoid talking about the lack of a French challenger in 2006. I doubt he's serious, though.
posted by etagloh at 05:15 PM on September 06, 2005
anti-French intellectuals Irony, surely?
posted by owlhouse at 06:18 PM on September 06, 2005
>>>Armstrong's threat to come back made me laugh Perhaps Lance is a part owner in the Amaury Sport Organization/L'Equipe cartel and wants to make sure that circulation rates remain high and interest in Le Tour doesn't diminish now that he's gone. Or maybe he wasn't sure his engagement to Sheryl would garner enough press without also threatening a comeback. Or maybe he just drank a few too many Shiner Bocks before the press conference call...
posted by JohnSFO at 06:51 PM on September 06, 2005
I say "F" the Frenchies. Who cares if he wants to ride again? People change their minds all the time. If you were doing something that you loved, were fantastic at, thought you wanted to retire, then realized you miss it and aren't quite ready to quit...then go back. People feel burned out ready to stop and then later realize they were wrong. "People are people so why should it be that you and I should get along so awfully?" ~Tears for Fears Good song....I don't care if it doesn't really pertain to this...GO LANCE! GO AMERICA!
posted by Irish Gal at 09:28 PM on September 06, 2005
Irish Gal: That's Depeche Mode, not Tears For Fears.
posted by chicobangs at 11:31 PM on September 06, 2005
Hahahahahahaha. Mixing up 80s Britpop bands on a thread about Americans and Frenchies pissing each other off. Brilliant. SpoFi: Messing up international relations, one thread at a time.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:14 AM on September 07, 2005
Irish Gal: And it's pish...
posted by JJ at 04:17 AM on September 07, 2005
Hy guys, Relax with french people... FYI french people don't think LA is dopped... french people think (almost) every professionnal cyclist is dopped... think to it !
posted by frenchlance at 07:51 AM on September 07, 2005
I say "F" the Frenchies. Well, they're probably not that wild about you either. I know I wouldn't be, if some yahoo I never met uttered a cutesy euphemism to denigrate my entire nationality.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:18 AM on September 07, 2005
Did one of the "freedom fry" geniuses actually say that the French should thank LA for making the Tour popular!? I suppose the English should thank MLS for making "soccer" popular as well? Dear God, do you realize how retarded you make other Americans look? Just shut up if you don't know what you are talking about. And yes, all the top cyclists are doping. I can't imagine how anyone could believe otherwise.
posted by sic at 08:35 AM on September 07, 2005
sic, I agree with everything you said except for the last. If the top cyclists are so obviously doping, why are they not being caught? They are subject to the best drug testing in the world, yet very few ever test positive. How can you be so certain of your opinion when there are no test results to back it up?
posted by dusted at 11:39 AM on September 07, 2005
From what I've read, the general consensus is that it is extremely difficult to catch people doping and supplying enough evidence to support it - given that in cycling you're rarely looking for steriods or other performance enhancers of that type that readily show up in urine and blood. The big thing seems to be blood doping, so you're looking for irregularities in the blood that are evidence of tampering, but not in and of themselves doping agents (i.e. high counts of red blood cells can be indicative of EPO or other procedures, but aren't soley related to them and could be caused by other factors). Of course, couple that with the fact that there is way more money in cheating than in catching, so it's no surprise that cheating is pharmaceutically ahead of the game. Hence we have the general distrust without the statisical evidence to support it.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:51 AM on September 07, 2005
The Parisian French are slimy and spineless No they aren't; don't be so fucking stupid.
posted by salmacis at 12:50 PM on September 07, 2005
salmacis.... I am French (born in Paris) and have lived in Normandy for over twenty years... I have a right to say what I believe. By the stupid expletives that you include in your comment I can tell that you are yet another ignorant poster to this site. Learn manners and proper protocol for a web posting and you may be taken seriously.
posted by vewill1 at 03:44 PM on September 07, 2005
Actually, salmacis is not one of the ignorant ones. It would have been helpful if you had mentioned earlier that you were born in Paris. It makes your statement a little less offensive.
posted by dusted at 05:23 PM on September 07, 2005
Yeah sal. And the Baggies are shite. What are you going to do about that?
posted by squealy at 05:29 PM on September 07, 2005
No, vewill1, stop condemning 2 million people in such a way. I don't care if you're from Paris, Normandy, Texas or Calcutta. Such a statment is palpably dumb. Some Parisians are slimy and spineless. The same is true of Normandy, Texas or Calcutta. I know of many people from the North of England who would describe Londoners the same way - or Londoners who would describe Northerners the same way - and they would be equally ignorant.
posted by salmacis at 05:31 PM on September 07, 2005
Everybody attacking anyone who posts someting bad about the french is getting old. One of our own members summed it up for us in the Lance Armstrong thread from last month: I think you're all missing the point here. The French don't just hate Armstrong, they hate everyone who isn't French. They're a very egalitarian nation. I hate to disappoint you all but Armstrong doesn't have an "overall reputation" of trustworthiness in Europe. In fact we all think he's a doper. FULL STOP!!1!! (insert dancing banana here). posted by squealy at 5:03 AM CST on August 26
posted by jojomfd1 at 07:20 PM on September 07, 2005
Sal, I think that you miss my point. What I wanted to convey is that the French media represent a small slice of French society and not the nation in its entirety. You are correct, I should have inserted SOME before the statement regarding Parisians. You are also correct in saying that the same could be said of most places in the world. Unfortunately, we seem to have a slice of our population that has taken obnoxious behavior to new levels and are proud of their ability to offend others. They are world renowned for this ability. They are the loudest so their voice gets heard. As a result, 95% of the French population get saddled with a reputation that was earned by 5%. I'm not condemning 2 million people, I'm defending 58 million. When going to France, get away from the airport and tourist traps. You will find a wonderful group of people that are open and warm and actually LIKE Americans and Brits.
posted by vewill1 at 11:59 PM on September 07, 2005
it's worth remembering that without (French) General Lafayette, you yanks would all be speaking English right now. Just out of shear, morbid curiosity, what language do us yanks speak anyway?
posted by jojomfd1 at 12:14 AM on September 08, 2005
Who knows? It certainly isn't English though.
posted by squealy at 06:31 AM on September 08, 2005
Some Parisians are slimy and spineless. The same is true of Normandy, Texas or Calcutta. I know of many people from the North of England who would describe Londoners the same way - or Londoners who would describe Northerners the same way - and they would be equally ignorant. But we're all agreeing that the Baggies are shite, right? *duck*
posted by JJ at 06:51 AM on September 08, 2005
One more thing Sal... and I'll say this with a wink. There are not a lot of French (especially Parisianers) that I know that would be happy being defended by a Brit ;). Truce ehh? To the point...one of the posters was correct when saying that you can never defend/prove innocence....only guilt. Armstrong's dilema.. he's basically in the middle of a lose/lose situation. Oh well, maybe he'll ride the Giro or Vuelta for a couple of years. Shunning Le Tour.......THAT would really rain on a lot of people's parades.
posted by vewill1 at 11:22 AM on September 08, 2005
Thing is, I don't think the French have a reputation to worry about. That certain silly Americans love to spend their time insulting the French says far more about those certain silly Americans. And JJ, just cos you're from Northern Ireland, a couple of wins doesn't make you an expert at football! ;-)
posted by salmacis at 11:54 AM on September 08, 2005
sic, I agree with everything you said except for the last. If the top cyclists are so obviously doping, why are they not being caught? They are subject to the best drug testing in the world, yet very few ever test positive. How can you be so certain of your opinion when there are no test results to back it up? Comment icon posted by dusted at 11:39 AM CST on September 7 I suspect that the governing bodies of the sport, the ones that actually do the testing, conveniently allow their testing procedures to be behind the technology curve by a year or two, so that the majority of doping goes undetected. Why? Because super-enhanced mutant cyclists doing amazing things that no normal human being could do for three weeks during the Tour (and during the Giro and Vuelta, etc.) are much more exciting to race fans than you and me huffing our way up a 1% incline chugging red bulls. /wild speculation.
posted by sic at 04:54 PM on September 08, 2005
But sal, look at the scalps! Not only the minows of England, but also the mighty mighty Uzbekistan!
posted by JJ at 06:12 AM on September 09, 2005
>>>much more exciting to race fans than you and me huffing our way up a 1% incline chugging red bulls. I'll have you know it was a 3% grade! :)
posted by JohnSFO at 10:46 AM on September 09, 2005
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