SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
Yeah, not happy about that. If the US can't win gold, then it needs to be Finland.
posted by NoMich at 07:49 AM on February 21, 2014
As a Canadian, Finland is also my "second choice".
Selanne winning would be a nice cap to his career, and add another nation to the list of "champions".
Great Britain
Czech Republic
posted by grum@work at 08:09 AM on February 21, 2014
Wow. Lundqvist looked REALLY bad on that goal.
posted by grum@work at 08:10 AM on February 21, 2014
New Tampa Bay Bucs helmets were unveiled. The redrawn oversized logo is too big IMO.
It's too bad that the league, which has strict rules and regs about appearances and apparel, doesn't have rigid guidelines about how much helmet area a team logo can proportionally occupy. The new Bucs helmets are damn near all flag. But when you have helmet designs like the Bengals and Rams (both of which I like), I guess the league can't tell the Bucs not to logo up as much helmet space as they want.
On the other hand, San Diego could maybe use a touch more bolt on their helmets.
posted by beaverboard at 08:27 AM on February 21, 2014
But when you have helmet designs like the Bengals and Rams (both of which I like), I guess the league can't tell the Bucs not to logo up as much helmet space as they want.
And don't get me started on how much of the helmet the Cleveland Browns logo takes up!
posted by grum@work at 08:37 AM on February 21, 2014
posted by grum@work at 12:43 PM on February 21, 2014
posted by grum@work at 02:08 PM on February 21, 2014
That was a hell of a 1-0 ass-kicking. Well played all around, Canadians.
posted by Etrigan at 02:09 PM on February 21, 2014
posted by NoMich at 02:16 PM on February 21, 2014
Often, when a score might indicate a one-sided game, the saying is "the game was closer than the score indicates". Canada vs USA today was quite the opposite. While USA had some chances, Canada never seemed to be in danger. The way they played in their defensive zone was very much like the Bruins, and since Claude Julien is an assistant, I think he might have had something to do with that.
In yesterday's women's game, the dueling CA NA DA and U S A chants got just enough out of synch that I swear I heard one that went "CA NA DA eh".
posted by Howard_T at 02:35 PM on February 21, 2014
Wow. Did not expect that kind of game at all.
posted by nubs at 02:43 PM on February 21, 2014
I had been worried that SpoFi would not be well represented at the Rob Ford afterparty. That is no longer a concern.
posted by beaverboard at 03:43 PM on February 21, 2014
posted by grum@work at 03:52 PM on February 21, 2014
posted by grum@work at 03:54 PM on February 21, 2014
Now, now...
Honestly, I'm just glad that enough people care about hockey to bother spiking the noted hashtag.
I will still never, ever understand the whole poutine thing.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:58 PM on February 21, 2014
On behalf of all Canadians, Sorry for being so awesome all the time*
*Except in the NHL playoffs.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:59 PM on February 21, 2014
In reprisal for Canada once again crushing our hockey dreams, the United States should nationalize Cobie Smulders.
posted by rcade at 06:36 PM on February 21, 2014
On behalf of all Canadians, Sorry for being so awesome all the time
And furthermore...BIEBER!!! (I feel like that warrants a "'nuff said")
posted by tahoemoj at 06:41 PM on February 21, 2014
It's gotta be tough to watch you buddy win/lose.
posted by grum@work at 08:41 PM on February 21, 2014
*Except in the NHL playoffs.
Not so fast ...
Almost every year the team with the higher content of Canadian players wins the Stanley Cup. Bruins beat the Canucks ... Bruins had more Canadian players. Bruins beat the Leafs last year ... same story.
When sizing up a series have a look at the rosters from a player's country of origin standpoint. You'd be amazed how often the rule holds true.
posted by cixelsyd at 09:22 PM on February 21, 2014
You would also be amazed by how well the ex-Cub rule holds up in hockey as well. No team with more than three ex-Cubs has ever won the Stanley Cup.
posted by NoMich at 12:43 AM on February 22, 2014
No team with more than three ex-Cubs has ever won.
posted by cixelsyd at 01:54 PM on February 22, 2014
Rask out of the Sweden/Finland semi-final due to flu. That could be the tipping point for a Swedish victory.