Manningface: Peyton Manning is known as one of the best NFL quarterbacks of all time. He holds many NFL all time records and led his team to victory in in Super Bowl XLI. Manning has lost significant playing time due to a serious neck injury and it is not clear if he will return to the Colts next season, or to football at all. If he does decide to return to the gridiron to try and win another championship (to catch up with his little brother on that score) there is no clear consensus on what team he could possibly end up joining. With that speculation in the mind of every NFL fan this offseason, artist David Rappoccio has begun to visualize what it might look like if Peyton joined your local team (via MetaFilter).
The Dolphins logo looks so wonderfully grumpy, and I think the Giants logo is just blue and red Homer Simpson.
posted by bender at 09:37 PM on February 12, 2012
Sometimes Peyton looks like the rock face that fell off the side of the New Hampshire mountain and sometimes he looks like Teeny Little Super Guy from Sesame Street.
In general, with the phrase "artist David Rappoccio has begun to visualize", I think there's a bit of license being taken with the word "artist", and if he's just at the beginning of the conceptual process, best to wait until he's got something more compelling to foist on our short attention spans.
Some of these things are margin doodles at best. I'd much rather see computer renderings of Peyton's visage inside the various team helmets.
posted by beaverboard at 10:27 PM on February 12, 2012
Peyton looks especially sad as a Jaguar.
posted by rcade at 08:44 AM on February 13, 2012
Peyton looks especially sad as a Jaguar.
Would be true for any player so featured, eh?
posted by billsaysthis at 12:15 PM on February 13, 2012
And now I look especially sad as a Jaguar fan.
posted by rcade at 12:22 PM on February 13, 2012
Sometimes Peyton looks like the rock face that fell off the side of the New Hampshire mountain
It's not there any more. It fell down, IIRC only a few years after they made the state quarter with it on.
I was always floored when I went up in that region with the number of tourists wandering around saying, "Where's the Old Man in the Mountain?" I think they expect something like Mount Rushmore. It is (was) just a bumpy kinda cliff face.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 01:03 PM on February 13, 2012
You're treading on thin ice there.
posted by yerfatma at 01:55 PM on February 13, 2012
Too bad Rappoccio didn't do one on the old Patriots' logo. Pat Patriot Manning would have been something to behold.
"Where's the Old Man in the Mountain?"
l_b_b, had the image not fallen, we New Hampshire residents of a certain age were about to start a campaign to rename the image as "The Respected Senior Citizen of the Mountain". First of all, "Old" shows no feeling for the aged, and "Man" is sexist. We old farts seniors need respect.
posted by Howard_T at 02:59 PM on February 13, 2012
Too bad Rappoccio didn't do one on the old Patriots' logo. Pat Patriot Manning would have been something to behold.
"Hyuk hyuk, rub some dirt on it!"
You're treading on thin ice there.
I'm not worried. As long as I don't go around saying, "Where's the Old Man of the Mountain?" they won't know I'm a foreigner.
(besides, how many of those people do you think said, "That? That?? That's just a bumpy kinda cliff face! If I saw an old man with a face like that, I'd run the other way!" Etc.)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:03 PM on February 13, 2012
We old farts seniors need vociferously demand respect.
Fixed 'er for ya. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!
posted by tahoemoj at 04:06 PM on February 13, 2012
Peyton comes to your team and decides to experiment with electricity.
posted by beaverboard at 07:19 PM on February 13, 2012
That's really disturbing.