Dungy not thrilled with Ryan's potty mouth: NFL commissioner Roger Goddell should talk to New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan about his swearing, former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy said on "The Dan Patrick Show" on Monday. Fans and some media members have also commented on Ryan's command of the language, but Ryan said last week he only cared he disappointed his mother, Doris, and apologized if he offended "more people than I usually offend."
Plus, the show Hardknocks is on HBO not the Disney channel.
I watched a rebroadcast on HBO and all the cussing was censored. Did they do that on the original or was it edited later? The rebroadcast occurred in primetime (after 7pm or so), but even if it didn't..the channel regularly shows nudity/etc. in the middle of the day, so not sure why they would have been concerned with a few f-bombs.
Agree with BI...Ryan can talk to his team however he wants. There are more Rex Ryan styles of coaches out there than there are Tony Dungy style anyways. I once had a coach use the Lord's name in vain during our team prayer :-)
posted by bdaddy at 03:57 PM on August 18, 2010
To paraphrase Eddie Murphy imitating Richard Pryor:
Tell Tony Dungy to have a coke and a smile, and to shut the fuck up.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:00 PM on August 18, 2010
Dungy is a commentator. He comments. I think the none of your business thing flew out the window when you are doing an HBO show.
As an aside, I dislike coaches of professional players who treat their players like wayward children. Dungy was a player's coach because he treated his players in a professional manner. It's just unprofessional to curse at players. It's bullying behavior, and I have never seen evidence that coaches that yell and curse are any more effective than those that don't.
posted by bperk at 04:01 PM on August 18, 2010
It's just unprofessional to curse at players. It's bullying behavior..
Question: Did you even see the episode of Hard Knocks?
Rex Ryan didn't 'curse at players', he just cursed when he was speaking to the players in general. In no way did he display a 'bullying behavior' and even Bart Scott said it best on the first episode when he said that Rex Ryan "talks like us".
Much ado about nothing, IMHO.
posted by BornIcon at 04:18 PM on August 18, 2010
He is on a mission to Christianize football. Rex Ryan never abused his players verbally he just uses the F word a lot. As do a lot of people.
Maybe Dungy should concentrate on his own stuff instead of getting involved with what others are doing. I am always reading how this guy is mentoring Michael Vick or working with prisoners, great, but didn't his own son commit suicide? Is it possible he should be paying more attention to what is closer to him and less attention to what others are doing.
He may be picking the wrong battles.
posted by Atheist at 04:40 PM on August 18, 2010
Tony Dungy has a right to his opinion, but the sanctimony gets on my nerves. Some of my favorite NFL Films footage is old-school coaches like Stram using salty language.
I love how the NFL spokesman handled this. Greg Aiello said that Roger Goodell wouldn't be speaking to Ryan because "Rex's mother delivered the message."
posted by rcade at 04:45 PM on August 18, 2010
It's just unprofessional to curse at players.
Next you'll be telling us it's unprofessional for mule skinners to swear at the animals. Whatever works.
I watched a rebroadcast on HBO and all the cussing was censored.
I imagine HBO gets one crack at the show and then the NFL Network starts airing it incessantly next year, so the NFL nicely ruined it in advance. It's probably part of the No Fun League's policy to never allow a discouraging word to be heard.
posted by yerfatma at 05:06 PM on August 18, 2010
I have a lot of respect and admiration for Dungy and I find Ryan to be an interesting and entertaining guy that I have some reservations about.
Ryan is fun and provocative to have in the league, but on a public persona basis, I don't know if I'd be overjoyed if he was the coach of my favorite team. Some of the things he comes up with definitely have some cringe factor.
However, when Dungy's Colts got to the big games, they frequently became mild mannered and soft spoken underachievers.
On the other hand, Ryan's Jets quickly became brash, confident overachievers last year. He talked the talk and they went out and backed it up.
Like coach, like team.
Personally, I find the second scenario more compelling. Plus, I always admire a team that gets the maximum bang out of its roster, which I think the 2009 Jets did.
posted by beaverboard at 06:31 PM on August 18, 2010
I so don't want to party with Mr. Dungy.
posted by fabulon7 at 07:48 PM on August 18, 2010
Maybe Dungy should concentrate on his own stuff instead of getting involved with what others are doing.
His involvement, as noted above, is as a commentator. Perfectly legit to call someone out on what he (and lots of others) believe is bad behavior. For my part, I'm fine with Ryan cursing a blue streak, and I'm fine with Dungy not liking it and saying so.
I am always reading how this guy is mentoring Michael Vick or working with prisoners, great, but didn't his own son commit suicide? Is it possible he should be paying more attention to what is closer to him and less attention to what others are doing.
I can't really refute this doubtful notion, as I don't have a copy of Dungy's schedule from the last few years at hand. Perhaps you can cite some sources to back up this totally classless comment.
In any event, are you unaware that sometimes people take their lives regardless of how much time the parents devote to their welfare?
posted by Uncle Toby at 12:11 AM on August 19, 2010
I am always reading how this guy is mentoring Michael Vick or working with prisoners, great, but didn't his own son commit suicide?
I agree. What does Dungy's son commiting suicide have to do with anything we're discussing here? There's no need for that.
posted by BornIcon at 08:15 AM on August 19, 2010
I agree. What does Dungy's son commiting suicide have to do with anything we're discussing here? There's no need for that.
One's own failings don't automatically invalidate one's criticisms of others; however, the phrase "consider the source" has meaning too. If someone makes a pronouncement, we tend to consider not just what was said, but whether the person saying it has any qualifications that would make their statement authoritative. This is the case whether the subject is nuclear physics, the designated hitter rule, or moral failings. I think that the disconnect is in attributing a child's suicide with moral (or other) failings on the part of the parent, when that may or may not be the case.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:38 AM on August 19, 2010
I do apologize as I realize my comment was harsh and uncalled for.
I recognize the personal tragedy Mr. Dungy and his family have had to endure and I have no reason to believe the tragedy is in any way a reflection on Mr. Dungy. I feel sorry for anybody that has to deal with something like that. When you're wrong you are wrong. I was wrong.
Maybe I just let what I saw as a holier-than-thou nature of Dungy's comments to get the better of me.
posted by Atheist at 11:03 AM on August 19, 2010
I once had a coach use the Lord's name in vain during our team prayer :-)
Heh. My coach used to admonish us not to smoke with a cigar in his mouth. Usually right after he told us to watch our effin language or to cut our GD hair. Somehow, he still managed to make his point with most of us.
posted by mjkredliner at 11:31 AM on August 19, 2010
For me it isn't so much Tony Dungy having an objection to swearing or even voicing his objection to it. It is his notion that the commissioner should be getting involved in it. With the assortment of major issues confronting the commissioner and the NFL, do they really want to become the potty mouth police. Jeez if they can't control steroid abuse, good luck trying to stop players and coaches from cussing. It just part of Dungy's sanctimonious crusade to impose a religious / morality viewpoint on others.
posted by Atheist at 12:37 PM on August 19, 2010
It just part of Dungy's sanctimonious crusade to impose a religious / morality viewpoint on others.
Well, that could also be called principled or fighting for what you believe.
I am a big fan of cursing myself, but I certainly respect people who don't like it and I don't use in my professional life. I never enjoy super-casual work environments where people are so relaxed around each other that they can say whatever they want. It just creates drama.
posted by bperk at 03:10 PM on August 19, 2010
I don't think it's too much to suggest that Ryan's constant swearing is tasteless. There's nothing wrong, phony or impolite about professional decorum. I mean, I love cursing. Those are truly some of the best words. Not so much when I'm being filmed addressing a bunch of employees.
But I doubt I'm going to lose much sleep over this.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 06:36 PM on August 19, 2010
I respect Tony Dungy for his character and for what he stands for but it's really none of his business as to how Rex Ryan speaks to his team. When Dungy was the head coach for the Colts, he was able to dictate how people should speak to one another but this is not his concern.
Plus, the show Hardknocks is on HBO not the Disney channel.