SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
Yesterday, I finally saw the most startling, graphic evidence of how poorly Romo sees the field when he has the ball in his hands.
When he was sacked by Sintim, he didn't see Sintim coming or react to his rush until Sintim was right on top of him and in his face. I saw that play from a number of angles, and I still can't believe Romo didn't see Sintim coming.
The direction Romo was looking in while trying to find a receiver was not that far to the left from where Sintim was rushing. There were no players screening Sintim. It was a straight rush. It's not even about Romo having peripheral vision. Sintim should have easily been well within Romo's routine field of vision. As a big blue onrushing shape at the very least.
A deficiency like that, I don't know if you can correct that with coaching. But they sure ought to try. He'll keep making poor decisions if he can't see the field the way a pro QB needs to be able to see it.
posted by beaverboard at 08:51 AM on December 07, 2009
Fidel Castro's son elected to baseball federation
posted by tommybiden at 09:22 AM on December 07, 2009
I saw that too, but what's hard for me to figure out is that Romo often shows an incredible eye for the field. Some of his throws last night were insanely good. But at other times, he looked like Ryan Leaf out there. He even fell down for one sack without being touched.
I think fringe science can explain this. There are clearly two Tonys from alternate universes who exchange places at different times, and one of them sucks big rocks. Call him December Tony.
posted by rcade at 10:51 AM on December 07, 2009
It's beginning to look like Tiger Woods has more mistresses than majors. He's golf's Don Draper.
posted by rcade at 11:16 AM on December 07, 2009
I think fringe science can explain this.
Fringe is actually a very good show for those that haven't had the pleasure of viewing it yet.
Call him December Tony.
Humor aside, Romo needs to play ALOT better in December than he's shown the past few years if the Cowboys are going to do any damage in the playoffs this year. He's starting to remind me of the talk surrounding A-Rod (before this year) when he went to the playoffs and his game disappeared and Romo sucks ass in December. I'm starting to sound like a Cubs fan where after every end of the season disaster I say, "Wait 'til next year" and I'm sick of it!
posted by BornIcon at 11:25 AM on December 07, 2009
It's beginning to look like Tiger Woods has more mistresses than majors.
Makes you wonder if Tiger has a female for every venue he plays.
posted by BornIcon at 11:27 AM on December 07, 2009
dfleming, I won't deny that yesterday's effort by the Vikings was subpar, but it was one game, on the road, against a division leading team. So, I think they'll be alright. Saints also looked a bit off as well. Might be good for both teams in the long run...reminds the players that they have to show up every week.
posted by dviking at 11:38 AM on December 07, 2009
Great headline in a British tabloid: Now It's Seven Under for Tiger.
One mistress "was said to have been the girlfriend of an unsuspecting golf fan who wanted her to get Tiger's autograph."
posted by rcade at 11:44 AM on December 07, 2009
Fringe is actually a very good show for those that haven't had the pleasure of viewing it yet.
William Bell is cool. Nimoy is the man. And I am starting to sound like someone on AICN.
posted by THX-1138 at 11:44 AM on December 07, 2009
Should we get a "board" started for what the final tally will be on Tiger's mistresses? I'm thinking 34 sounds plausible at this point.
Do you think his wife is having her lawyers rewrite the pre-nups daily at this point..."oh, here's another mistress, that will be $10mil and one less year to earn it"
Given that this latest one is a waitress he hit on at a Perkins near his home, it's obvious that the man hit on just about every female he came in contact with. The cad.
posted by dviking at 11:45 AM on December 07, 2009
I needed Pepto for that last episode of Fringe. I feel like I have a fairly strong stomach, but the episodes where giant bugs come out of peoples' mouths make me question that assertion.
posted by yerfatma at 11:54 AM on December 07, 2009
Should we get a "board" started for what the final tally will be on Tiger's mistresses? I'm thinking 34 sounds plausible at this point.
I'll take Under on that.
posted by tommybiden at 11:58 AM on December 07, 2009
I am praying that a Miss Mulligan comes forward with an allegation.
posted by rumple at 12:02 PM on December 07, 2009
Sports Writers: Don't neglect the other forms of the descriptive "dinger," such as "dingered" or "dingeredly."- FakeAPStylebook on Twitter
posted by geekyguy at 12:29 PM on December 07, 2009
William Bell is cool. Nimoy is the man. And I am starting to sound like someone on AICN
Not at all cuz then that would mean that I'm...oh. Nevermind.
posted by BornIcon at 12:29 PM on December 07, 2009
Wayne Rooney missed seeing the World Cup draw live from his London hotel room due to getting his snooze on.
posted by boredom_08 at 01:09 PM on December 07, 2009
you knew this kind of stuff would come out.
posted by dviking at 01:19 PM on December 07, 2009
Had to do this since the Word Cup was brought up.
posted by BornIcon at 01:33 PM on December 07, 2009
I just want it recorded that Fox Sports here in Seattle pulled a Heidi and switched coverage away from the last minutes of regulation time Saints/Redskins game to cover the start of the Seahawks (4 and 7) Niners (5 and 6) game. Profanity and questioning whether Fox Sports is staffed by actual sports fans ensued. They could easily have switched coverage to FSN and interrupted Midget Bowling or whatever was on.
posted by vapidave at 02:08 PM on December 07, 2009
Here in Dallas Fox switched from the end of the Saints/Redskins to show us: 1 minute of a guy telling us they were going to switch us, 4 minutes of commercials, the coin toss, and then more commercials prior to the start of the Cowboys/Giants game. Has to be a better way to handle this.
posted by dviking at 02:28 PM on December 07, 2009
NFL Red Zone. Ask your cable or satellite operator today.
posted by yerfatma at 03:22 PM on December 07, 2009
I thought this was pretty interesting although it happened on Friday. Then they turn around and allow this to happen on Saturday.
posted by BornIcon at 03:30 PM on December 07, 2009
The Redskins? A 23-yard field goal to put the game out of reach? Missed? Really?
I can't even start to spell the guy's name, but it probably doesn't matter. Clutch performances like that likely means he'll be selling cars this time next year.
posted by dyams at 06:00 PM on December 07, 2009
BI, I wonder if those announcers feel any differently now that they know what the discussion was about.
I don't care much about the dancing, but I'm not playing against the guy, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't appreciate it if I was. What the hell's the big deal about yapping at him about it anyway? How's that any more egregious than dancing around?
posted by wfrazerjr at 06:05 PM on December 07, 2009
NFL Red Zone. Ask your cable or satellite operator today
So that's what they're up to? force us to buy even more channels?
posted by dviking at 06:05 PM on December 07, 2009
the episodes where giant bugs come out of peoples' mouths make me question that assertion
Not to be technical, but they said it was a worm.
posted by graymatters at 06:09 PM on December 07, 2009
It is being reported the Tiger's wife has had enough and is moving on out.
posted by dviking at 06:10 PM on December 07, 2009
I can't imagine why she would ever want to leave a man like Tiger Woods.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:42 PM on December 07, 2009
posted by graymatters at 06:49 PM on December 07, 2009
If LeBron is going to dance for joy when his team is winning, he shouldn't skip the handshake when he's losing.
posted by rcade at 06:57 PM on December 07, 2009
Not to be technical, but they said it was a worm.
Well, a hookworm is a parasite, so close enough.
posted by yerfatma at 09:23 AM on December 08, 2009
BI, I wonder if those announcers feel any differently now that they know what the discussion was about.
I was wondering the same thing Fraze.
If LeBron is going to dance for joy when his team is winning, he shouldn't skip the handshake when he's losing.
Absolutely. I would like to see how King James would react if someone would do that to him if the Cavs were getting their ass handed to them.
posted by BornIcon at 09:33 AM on December 08, 2009
The first real chink in the Vikings' armour came last night. Peterson was a non-factor and Favre on his own looked a little like the Favre of old; lots of yards, couple of interceptions. It was a complete effort from the Cardinals, who've gotta be put in that second tier now behind the Saints in the NFC.
Pats lose to Miami and the Jets win, Saints eek by in overtime, Raiders beat the Steelers, Colts dominate and the Giants beat Dallas. It was a great week for the major storylines and for playoff mucking down the stretch.