Herschel Walker Begins MMA Career: Herschel Walker, the former Heisman Trophy winner, Dallas Cowboy, Olympic bobsledder, Tae Kwan Do black belt, ballet dancer and dissociative identity disorder sufferer, has signed a multi-fight, mixed martial arts contract with promoter Strikeforce.
I haven't see him fight so can't comment on his skill or lack of. However, as an UGA fan, I'm glad to see Herschel doing something and something athletic is even better. If he can make a long career out of it, I'd be surprised though considering his age.
posted by stalnakerz at 03:57 PM on September 21, 2009
First Celebrity Apprentice, now MMA. Perhaps he's having financial troubles...?
posted by MW12 at 04:54 PM on September 21, 2009
That Tae Kwon Dog is some rough shit, yo.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:54 PM on September 21, 2009
Word. Fixed.
posted by rcade at 05:01 PM on September 21, 2009
This will end well.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:23 PM on September 21, 2009
well he's a 6th degree blackbelt...it's not as bad as say, Jose Canseco, getting out there. He should at least be able to protect himself.
posted by bdaddy at 10:22 PM on September 21, 2009
While he may fare better than Canseco, at 47 years of age, I think he's in for a rough time.
Maybe Strikeforce is planning on trading him to some MMA league in Minnesota for a shit load of really good players and some draft choices. (must let it go...we have Favre now, all is good)
posted by dviking at 12:43 AM on September 22, 2009
Erm... Wow. That's... More stunt casting from Strikeforce I guess.