WBC Update: The Leaderboard is current through tonight's games. Baseball Prospectus has fallen from its lofty perch because it didn't foresee Korea going 5-0 to start the tournament. The simulated fool! Also the U.S. seems to have had more difficulty than anticipated in the win department, which has upset the standings somewhat.
posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 12:57 AM - 47 comments
No faith in Korea? C'mon now, Byung Hyun Kim? I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it.
posted by YukonGold at 07:35 AM on March 14, 2006
Look at me, right there in middle of the pack. I guess I'm shooting for the David Puddy award.
posted by NoMich at 08:15 AM on March 14, 2006
DrJohn - any thoughts of doing this with the tournament? Maybe starting at the sweet sixteen? You should really patent this format.
posted by YukonGold at 09:34 AM on March 14, 2006
Well, njsk8r was the one who had the original idea—I just ran with it. Sure, we could set 'er up for the Madness. I would eventually like to make the software a little less bare-bones, though, and give it some sort of front-end. People could submit their picks directly instead of requiring me to manually enter them into the database. Updating the results could be a little more intuitive, too. I see it's possible to get syndicated game results... hmm. If it ends up polished enough, I might even write an installer and GPL it or something. Maybe it'll be compatible with SpoFi v2.0 and we can get it set up here so any user can create and administer a confidence points pool. Ah, wishful thinking. Anyway, I won't have the chance to make any sort of improvements for at least another couple of weeks. But I'm definitely keeping it in mind.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:51 AM on March 14, 2006
I can help with the improvements, even in PHP. And how come I'm always second behind a different leader each day? I'll make sure and fix this in the improvements.
posted by qbert72 at 12:30 PM on March 14, 2006
I suck at baseball, apparently. But on the plus side I see this format being used for the football World Cup in June/July. Just a heads up at this stage, although I do remember volunteering for it... Help, Dr John!
posted by owlhouse at 02:13 PM on March 14, 2006
No worries, owlhouse, this thing should be fully third-party-friendly by June.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 02:43 PM on March 14, 2006
I think that this is a great setup. The only glitch that I see in the matrix is that damned Baseball Prospectus. Friggin' smartass....
posted by wingnut4life at 07:07 PM on March 14, 2006
By the way. In case you guys didn't know, you can go to MLB.com and get live updates from their Gameday Live. You know, in case you can't get the game on TV. Just a suggestion...
posted by wingnut4life at 07:18 PM on March 14, 2006
I think it's a great setup too - the only flaw is those fucking Koreans who just can't stop fucking me. [/potty mouth]
posted by JJ at 03:40 AM on March 15, 2006
Well, stick a fork in my ass, I'm done. Venezuela's out with only 3 wins. They were my top pick, so there's no way I can hold on to my constant 2nd place from now on.
posted by qbert72 at 07:47 AM on March 15, 2006
Korea beats Japan again to go undefeated in pool play. 6-0. Who saw it coming? Besides Yukon, anyway. The Leaderboard's been updated through tonight's games.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:03 AM on March 16, 2006
KO-rea, I love a team named KO-rea! If only I'd swapped them and Venezuela.
posted by YukonGold at 07:20 AM on March 16, 2006
Wicked. I am officially now beating Baseball Prospectus. It fills my heart with the happy.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:18 AM on March 16, 2006
I'm always going to stay on the bottom because I always fuck up... By the way, I just want to thank whoever gave Baseball Prospectus a virus. Friggin' bastard!
posted by wingnut4life at 11:01 AM on March 16, 2006
OMFG, Davidson is screwing Mexico now! He should not be umpiring any games from now on.
posted by wingnut4life at 07:33 PM on March 16, 2006
You must have it on mute, because Jon Miller won't stfu up about how they eliminated themselves (by not playing 13 innings of shutout ball). If only Joe was there to not get it.
posted by YukonGold at 07:36 PM on March 16, 2006
Is it too late to change my picks? friggin' mexico!
posted by wingnut4life at 09:32 PM on March 16, 2006
Leaderboard updated with tonight's Mexico win.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:34 PM on March 16, 2006
And I'm back in second place. What's happening here? I think there is even an outside chance that I could win this thing. I would need Japan to beat Mexico in the final. But I'm not sure. Where's Amateur when you need some Excel magic?
posted by qbert72 at 08:44 AM on March 17, 2006
No way. Korea is the bomb! Y'all will be eating my dust.
posted by YukonGold at 08:45 AM on March 17, 2006
I would need Japan to beat Mexico in the final. WTF was I smoking? Mexico is out of the tournament. Upon further review, I don't think I have any chance of winning. But I would really need an Amateur spreadsheet to check out all the possibilities.
posted by qbert72 at 08:51 PM on March 17, 2006
Whatever it is you were smoking q, pass it will ya. I might be able to throw something together for ya. I'll give it the ol college try.
posted by njsk8r20 at 09:08 PM on March 17, 2006
OK, qbert, I just posted it in the campfire.
posted by njsk8r20 at 12:59 PM on March 18, 2006
Korea just shot down my list of favorite countries.
posted by YukonGold at 08:29 AM on March 19, 2006
Coincidentally, Japan has rocketed upwards on my list of favorite countries.
posted by NoMich at 09:57 AM on March 19, 2006
So, I ran the numbers (the Japan-Cuba final is the last match, I presume) and NoMich will come on top either way, YukonGold will tie for first if Cuba wins.
posted by gspm at 02:42 PM on March 20, 2006
I'm pretty sure if Japan wins I end up second, fittingly. Also, it looks like skydivemom is a lock for the Costanza.
posted by qbert72 at 02:52 PM on March 20, 2006
Kinda makes tonight's game anticlimatic knowing who is going to win and lose. We figured it out in the campire but I didn't want to say anything here and spoil the fun. So, since you guys already let the cat out of the bag, congrats to NoMich and skydivemom.
posted by njsk8r20 at 03:00 PM on March 20, 2006
Yep; NoMich has clinched. If Japan wins tonight, he wins outright. If Cuba wins tonight, he wins the tiebreaker against YukonGold: NoMich gave Cuba 13 points, YukonGold 12.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 06:14 PM on March 20, 2006
My goal is just to beat that stupid Baseball Prospectus.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:54 PM on March 20, 2006
posted by NoMich at 07:06 PM on March 20, 2006
YaaHooo..... Finally I suck enough!
posted by skydivemom at 07:42 PM on March 20, 2006
Predictably, I plummeted from the moment I gloated about my first (human) place standing. Better to have led and lost than never to have led at all? Congrats to NoMich for excellent prognostication... and to skydivemom, for whatever it is you have "finally" achieved...
posted by BullpenPro at 08:27 PM on March 20, 2006
Better to have led and lost than never to have led at all? I'll jump on that boat, or wagon, or whatever. Did I do better than in the olympicks? If so, I'm happy, or content, or whatever.
posted by njsk8r20 at 10:08 PM on March 20, 2006
YaaHooo..... Finally I suck enough! Trying...really...hard...not...to...make...a...skydivedad...joke...
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:31 AM on March 21, 2006
Better to have led and lost than never to have led at all? Who you looking at? I am the Poulidor of SportsFilter Fantasy Sports. 2nd place is my place. Congrats to NoMich!
posted by qbert72 at 07:11 AM on March 21, 2006
Hey, it's been a while since I got lucky with my predictions. Do I win anything? I mean besides a kick in the pants.
posted by NoMich at 07:38 AM on March 21, 2006
qbert, are you going to change your name to Pou Pou? I am crushed that I didn't 'win' the costanza. Better to have came in last and moved up then to never come in...um...last?
Congrats, skydivemom! Oh, and good job NoMich, qbert and holden. P.S. One for the road -- DAMN YOU, BASEBALL PROSPECTUS!!!
posted by wingnut4life at 07:51 AM on March 21, 2006
YaaHooo..... Finally I suck enough! Trying...really...hard...not...to...make...a...skydivedad...joke... TBH, I can barely type from laughing so hard. Wingnut I'm sorry you missed the Costanza by one point (if that is a good thing).
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:52 AM on March 21, 2006
If nothing else, at least I did pick one and two in the right finishing order. Well in that I gave Japan 16 and Cuba 15. But enough of "tootin' my own horn" WTG NoMich (and all others that finished ahead of that "damn baseball prospectus")
posted by Folkways at 08:58 AM on March 21, 2006
TBH - you should be ashamed of yourself for such thoughts and your rubbing off on the young YYM.
posted by skydivemom at 05:56 PM on March 21, 2006
YYM...that adreviation always make me think yo-yo-ma, jeez
posted by Folkways at 07:09 PM on March 21, 2006
Oops... in my last post, I thoughtlessly forgot to add my thanks to DrJ for his efforts on our behalf. If you need me, I'll be over here laughing at something else... NOT what TBH said... I swear... Ying Yang, Yo-Yo. Yo-yo, Ying Yang. Oprah, Uma.
posted by BullpenPro at 07:49 PM on March 21, 2006
TBH - you should be ashamed of yourself for such thoughts and your rubbing off on the young YYM. Trying really hard...not...to...make a...TBH...rubbing off on...joke...
posted by tselson at 09:58 PM on March 21, 2006
Trying really hard...not...to...make a...TBH...rubbing off on...joke... ...
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:25 AM on March 26, 2006
Those Koreans have fucked me. So to speak.