Movin' On Up: SportsFilter is moving this week to new software and a new server. I don't anticipate downtime associated with the transition, but if you can't reach the site, check my weblog and Kirk's site to find out if we've done something that reduces the site to a pile of smoldering rubble.
posted by rcade to navel gazing at 09:03 AM - 30 comments
Does it come with a Dancing Banana?
posted by skydivedad at 09:28 AM on February 20, 2006
I am so happy I may just piss myself. Thanks in advance to all involved.
posted by scully at 09:42 AM on February 20, 2006
I am so happy I may just piss on terrapin.
posted by NoMich at 09:55 AM on February 20, 2006
Any chance of getting SportsFilter on the Sprint network so I can comment on the go?
posted by njsk8r20 at 10:08 AM on February 20, 2006
Thanks for all your hard work, guys. You light up my life.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:01 PM on February 20, 2006
Fraz just outed himself as a Debbie Boone fan. Let's all point and giggle.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:19 PM on February 20, 2006
Listen, j-girl, don't you dare disrespect the Mighty Boone.
posted by chicobangs at 12:45 PM on February 20, 2006
Let's all point and giggle at chico now! :P
posted by jerseygirl at 12:58 PM on February 20, 2006
Keep up the outstanding job guys!
posted by skydivemom at 02:24 PM on February 20, 2006
Dude, everyone knows the Mighty Boone is Pat, not Debbie. See enclosed for more information.
posted by wfrazerjr at 02:37 PM on February 20, 2006
I thought the mighty was Daniel Boone.
posted by njsk8r20 at 02:42 PM on February 20, 2006
You guys rock so much ass, you might as well be in a boy band.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:49 PM on February 20, 2006
There's only one Mighty Boone.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:22 PM on February 20, 2006
Nice one TBH. That brings back some lunch break memories.
posted by njsk8r20 at 03:29 PM on February 20, 2006
Ahh, Boone's Farm ... it tastes the same coming back up.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:29 PM on February 20, 2006
All this talk of rocking asses is making me uncomfortable, m'kay? Go see Mrs. Garrison about that, m'kay?
posted by billsaysthis at 04:05 PM on February 20, 2006
If it's all the same, I'd rather drink Thunderbird.
posted by chicobangs at 05:04 PM on February 20, 2006
If it's all the same, I'd rather drink Thunderbird. posted by chicobangs at 5:04 PM CST on February 20 with grapefruit juice.....
posted by skydivedad at 05:32 PM on February 20, 2006
As long as you don't drink Mad Dog, your O.K. in my book.
posted by njsk8r20 at 07:47 AM on February 21, 2006
As long as you don't drink Mad Dog, your O.K. in my book. hey, watchit.
posted by goddam at 07:59 AM on February 21, 2006
I remember that interview. MD 20/20 As majestic as the cascading waters of a drain pipe, MD 20/20 is bottled by the 20/20 wine company in Westfield, New York. This is a good place to start for the street wine rookie, but beware; this dog has a bite to back up its bark. MD Stands for Mogen David, and is affectionately called "Mad Dog 20/20". You'll find this beverage as often in a bum's nest as in the rock quarry where the high school kids sneak off to drink. This beverage is likely the most consumed by non-bums, but that doesn't stop any bums from drinking it! Our research indicates that MD 20/20 is the best of the bum wines at making you feel warm inside. Some test subjects report a slight numbing agent in MD 20/20, similar to the banana paste that the dentist puts in your mouth before injecting it with novocain. Anyone that can afford a dentist should steer clear of this disaster. Avaliable in various nauseating tropical flavors that coat your whole system like bathtub scum, but only the full "Red Grape Wine" flavor packs the 18% whallop. Liquor stores are starting to be infiltrated by a 13% variety of MD 20/20 Red Grape. There is also a new "Blue Raspberry" flavor with "BLING BLING". Even the lowest functioning of bums will know not to get swindled out of 5%. Source
posted by dusted at 09:41 AM on February 21, 2006
Sorry goddam, I wasn't trying to take a cheap shot at you. Or was I? I guess I am just still scarred from getting busted for underage drinking (Mad Dog) with the bum who lived behind the strip mall. He was the only one we could find to buy alchohol for us. Of course we had to buy him a bottle for his troubles.
posted by njsk8r20 at 10:16 AM on February 21, 2006
s'ok, nj.
posted by goddam at 10:21 AM on February 21, 2006
dusted That is the link of the year so far............
posted by skydivedad at 10:24 AM on February 21, 2006
md 20/20 last time i drank that me and my buddies forgot to put out a fire in my friend's pasture and burned the damn thing down. i'm at my house the next day and my friend calls me, "you better get down here, we got some work to do." we had to replace all the barbed wire around the whole perimeter. one of the ranchhands was poking around in the remains of the fire and pulled out two md 20/20 tops. we threw the bottles into a pond and shot them with a bb gun but put threw the caps in the fire.
posted by erkno11 at 10:59 AM on February 21, 2006
Purple Jesus, anyone? As the kids like to say, Hells yeah!
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:14 PM on February 21, 2006
Hells Yeah, we called that drink the Panty-dropper in the frat house I used to live in
posted by erkno11 at 03:04 PM on February 21, 2006
Don't forget this perfectly named drink.
posted by njsk8r20 at 03:20 PM on February 21, 2006
So, umm yeah, not to be a party poopie or nothin, but did I miss the thread about the details of the new software? I mean I'm all about wino-pissing on Pat Boone in a frat house, but inquiring geeks wanna know.
posted by danostuporstar at 03:22 PM on February 21, 2006
Little fish, big dreams. Thanks, guys.