Craigslist, Spofi Edition: Dear New York Spofites, I have an extra ticket to see the Rangers/Leafs game tomorrow night. The seats are cheap but well-placed, and drinks afterward are on me. Anyone wanna go?
posted by chicobangs to fantasy at 12:30 AM - 42 comments
Let me get this straight. You've not only bought the ticket, you're offering to buy the drinks, too? A gentleman and a scholar, this chico.
posted by dusted at 12:38 AM on February 10, 2006
Well, you know, it is short notice and all.
posted by chicobangs at 12:39 AM on February 10, 2006
If it was at Toronto and not in New York, I would so be there :(
posted by mkn at 12:50 AM on February 10, 2006
Post this on mefi and you'd have to fight them off with a club. Chico's being generous posting it here. Someone better jump on it. Wish I could.
posted by justgary at 12:51 AM on February 10, 2006
Damn it, I don't get into New York until Sunday.
posted by JJ at 04:15 AM on February 10, 2006
Chico, you are a prince among men. If I wasn't 12 time zones away helping out with post-tsunami reconstruction.... What's a Leaf, anyway?
posted by owlhouse at 05:26 AM on February 10, 2006
This sounds vaguely like a Kids in the Hall skit.
posted by NoMich at 07:33 AM on February 10, 2006
I'd love to go but I'm stuck at work until 6pm.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:16 AM on February 10, 2006
I'm going to NY in March and hooking up with Garfield at a Rangers Game on the 18th if I remember correctly (potential after game beers, my NY Spofi peeps?). Looking damn forward to it. Very nice Chico, a generous offer indeed.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:23 AM on February 10, 2006
Hater, how far away is work? You should be able to make it from pretty much anywhere in the tri-state to MSG in an hour. I'm a mile from MSG, but if I told my girlfriend I was bagging our "date" (Opening Ceremonies) for another hockey game, I would be killed with an ice skate. I went to the Rangers/Pens game with my brother last week and I've got a hockey night with the fellas tomorrow. Chico, I would really love to go, but I just can't. (Whip sound).
posted by 86 at 08:24 AM on February 10, 2006
I'm on LI but I share a car with my lady friend so I'd have to drop her off out east after she gets off and then make my to NYC. Appreciate the offer though.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:34 AM on February 10, 2006
grrr. anyone else?
posted by chicobangs at 08:45 AM on February 10, 2006
chico, I called Samsonov to see if he wants to go. He doesn't have the internets at work, but he didn't answer his cell either. I'll let you know if I hear back.
posted by 86 at 08:51 AM on February 10, 2006
Thanks! Keep me posted!
posted by chicobangs at 09:15 AM on February 10, 2006
I wish I still lived on the east coast, I would love go. NYC is about an 18 hour drive from here. Why the hell did I move out here? Oh, that's right. The pay was good. Sorry chico, but if you (or other Spofites) are ever down near St. Louis or Nashville I could make it to one of those games on short notice. On a side note I got some travel money and vacation time if you can give me a few weeks notice.
posted by njsk8r20 at 09:26 AM on February 10, 2006
chico, i'll go if it's not taken.
posted by goddam at 11:11 AM on February 10, 2006
Aw, hell. I got an email for them literally ten minutes ago. If that falls through, though, I'll let you know. And we should do this again anyway sometime after the break. We keep saying this, but I still mean it.
posted by chicobangs at 11:17 AM on February 10, 2006
oh well. yeah, email me if it falls through. i obviously don't have time to check the locker room much during work. maybe we can decide on a game during the break.
posted by goddam at 11:31 AM on February 10, 2006
There's a couple of good games coming up in March (3/6 carolina, 3/18 leafs plus we could see Weedy, 3/22 Flyers my game of choice, 3/27 Sabres) These are the games against .500 or better teams. The further in advance we plan the more likely it is to happen. Let me know what you think folks.
posted by HATER 187 at 11:49 AM on February 10, 2006
chico, what a generous offer! If I had seen this earlier I would've jumped at the chance to meet the infamous chicobangs and see the Leafs. Alas, I can not make it. But I'll be watching at home.
posted by garfield at 12:11 PM on February 10, 2006
Sammy and I should be at the 3/18 Leafs game.
posted by 86 at 12:41 PM on February 10, 2006
3/22 Flyers my game of choice I don't know if I could attend that game, being a Devils fan and all. Talk about a rock and a hard place. That sounds like a great game to me, and far enough away that I could solidify the plans.
posted by njsk8r20 at 12:43 PM on February 10, 2006
I don't know if I could attend that game, being a Devils fan and all. Talk about a rock and a hard place. i know how you feel. i'm a rangers fan and i'll be going to the devils/islanders game tomorrow.
posted by goddam at 01:06 PM on February 10, 2006
3/18 sound like a can't miss game with Garfield, Weedy, 86, and Sammy(thats Samsonov14, right?) I could also try to get Gangstinator who is an occasional poster and close personal friend of mine to go. Chico, goddam, would you guys like to be my dates?
posted by HATER 187 at 01:15 PM on February 10, 2006
posted by goddam at 01:26 PM on February 10, 2006
I'd be in for that, yeah.
posted by chicobangs at 02:04 PM on February 10, 2006
All right so its set then. March 18 Rangers/Leafs. Who can secure tickets? I don't have a credit card so I'm out.
posted by HATER 187 at 02:24 PM on February 10, 2006
Well, I will be at MSG tonight. Should I get them? And I need numbers. Seven? Eight? That may be a lot to get together.
posted by chicobangs at 02:33 PM on February 10, 2006
I believe the 3/18 game is sold out, like most remaining Ranger games. Getting tickets and getting them together will likely be a problem. chico, take a look while you're there. Garfield and weedy have seats already, if I'm not mistaken. I'd need one ticket. Sammy needs one (but I'm paying for it). If you are able to get them, let me know and I'll get you the money back right away. If not, we'll check the auction sites early next week and see if we can get a group of seats together. And yes, Samsonov14 is Sammy.
posted by 86 at 02:43 PM on February 10, 2006
Okay, so availability willing, I'd be getting for me, Samsonov, goddam, Hater and 86. An already "sold out" original six game between (hopefully) two contenders during the stretch run will be a longshot at best, so I'll make no promises, but if I can get as many as five, even if they're not together, I'll get five. And if there are less than five available, I'll pick up what they've got and we can thumbwrestle for them. Is this correct? I just want to be sure I'm clear on what I'm getting.
posted by chicobangs at 02:54 PM on February 10, 2006
that sounds about right. if you can't get them i'll ask my boss on monday, i think he knows some ticket brokers.
posted by goddam at 02:57 PM on February 10, 2006
after a shitty friday, this thread is turning it all around. Put that in my review!
posted by garfield at 03:13 PM on February 10, 2006
chico, that sounds right. And have fun tonight. Go Rangers!
posted by 86 at 03:38 PM on February 10, 2006
Great, then. I will report back later tonight or, given the possibility of postgame beveraging, tomorrow morning.
posted by chicobangs at 03:45 PM on February 10, 2006
Your a good man chico, and thorough.
posted by HATER 187 at 03:56 PM on February 10, 2006
Aw, shit. I would definitely have gone to that game. Left my phone at home today.
posted by Samsonov14 at 09:08 PM on February 10, 2006
Just got home. I'm a little drunk, but I'm going back out. The game was great, though the Leafs kind of gave up halfway through the second period, and Belfour just looked tired. Even the Ranger fans were calling for Tellqvist at the end of two. At the MSG ticket office, when I mentioned the Leafs/Rangers game on March 18th, the (actually quite nice) ticket lady smirked before saying, "I will do you the favor of looking, but if there are even five single separate tickets left for this game, I'll be shocked." So she checked, and there wasn't even one seat available on the system for that game. It's a 100% sellout. goddam, you think you can get 5 tickets at anything close to face value? Or should we maybe try something a little more, oh, reasonable?
posted by chicobangs at 11:32 PM on February 10, 2006
chico, i haven't a clue. i just know my new boss has a lot of connections and he used a broker recently to get boxing tickets. he don't roll on shabbos or i would've called him tonight. if somebody can find something reasonable this weekend, go for it. if not, i'll talk to him on monday.
posted by goddam at 11:56 PM on February 10, 2006
Price be damned, Sammy and I are getting tickets for the March 18th game. There is a long-standing joke that garfield left the great white north without friends and has spent the last three quarters of a decade making up "friends" so he can tell stories about his time growing up and at school in Canada. He even made up this alter-ego personality on SpoFi (Weedy), or so the story goes. Anyway, this is our chance to determine what is true and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a little thing called money keep me from calling his bluff. So we'll be there even though it will dent the wallet. That said, if there are single-game tickets still available at face value I'd have no problem going to another game as well. Keep me posted. Sorry about the Leafs, chico. They'll get their chance at revenege in a few short hours. Actually, I'm not sorry about shit, I'm just trying to be nice about things. Go Rangers.
posted by 86 at 06:52 AM on February 11, 2006
Sorry about the Leafs, chico. They'll get their chance at revenege in a few short hours. I hope so.....surprise tix for tonight!!
posted by smithers at 01:16 PM on February 11, 2006
i asked my boss and it's a no-go on the tickets. so i guess it's on to stub hub or something.
posted by goddam at 10:50 AM on February 13, 2006
I know this is on the edge of being a valid locker room post, but I figured I'd rather go see the game with one of youse guys before throwing it out to someone... else. You know.