bo_fan's profile

Member since: May 26, 2006
Last visit: March 14, 2023

bo_fan has posted 9 links and 88 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.

Recent Links

Oakland Raiders: Not the Worst Team in the NFL in 2013, Won�t Be in 2014 Either: It seems Mike Wilkening of Pro Football Talk doesn�t think too highly of the Oakland Raiders� efforts as he slotted them in the 32nd position

posted by bo_fan to football at 12:27 PM on July 08, 2014 - 1 comment

Meyer admits mistakes ... sort of: Urban Meyer on Wednesday finally and inevitably stopped running from the messy trail he left at Florida.

posted by bo_fan to football at 07:00 AM on July 26, 2013 - 4 comments

Rich Rodriguez: Some Michigan players 'felt a sense of entitlement': He was implementing a spread-option offense, while working mostly with players recruited for a pro-style scheme, and said he just needed time.

posted by bo_fan to football at 12:21 PM on January 30, 2013 - 1 comment

Will U-M embrace Fab 5?: If it is indeed true that time heals all wounds, then the University of Michigan athletic department should have no qualms about welcoming back members of the Fab Five and other basketball standouts from the late 1990s inside the Crisler Center next year.

posted by bo_fan to basketball at 10:41 AM on May 26, 2012 - 5 comments

Runner carries injured foe half mile to help in middle of race: "I didn't think about my race, I knew I needed to stop and help him," Ripley said in the school district release. "It was something I would expect my other teammates to do. I'm nothing special; I was just in the right place at the right time." In today's "Everyman For Himself" society, its nice to hear stories like this.

posted by bo_fan to general at 02:02 PM on September 22, 2011 - 4 comments

Recent Comments

NFL to Punish Players Who Don't Stand During Anthem

Isn't it obvious that the annual big fat propaganda check the government sends to the NFL each season is the reason for this.

posted by bo_fan at 07:23 AM on May 24, 2018

Tim Tebow Signs Minor League Contract with Mets

Brilliant, Mookieproof!

posted by bo_fan at 08:24 AM on September 09, 2016

Warriors Win Game 5, Need One More for NBA Championship

@dfleming, I think that is a great strategy for Clev.,but will Coach James try it?

posted by bo_fan at 10:38 AM on June 15, 2015

College Football Fan Map

I didn't see it get above 10% for Western Michigan in and around Kalamazoo, and I'm finding it hard to believe that.

posted by bo_fan at 10:08 AM on December 06, 2014

0-16 Philadelphia 76ers Two Games from Worst Start in NBA History

Well, the only good thing going is a chance to beat S.A. because Pop will bench his aging super stars often this time of year.

posted by bo_fan at 08:32 AM on December 02, 2014

Oakland Raiders: Not the Worst Team in the NFL in 2013, Won�t Be in 2014 Either

I realize that this once feared franchise hasn't been relevant in a while, and Mark Davis will never know the game, or be the Legend his daddy was, but he seems to know that he needs to hire people who do know "todays" game and let them do what's needed to turn this thing around. So no, I don't think they will regress this season as they would have to to end up worst in the league.

posted by bo_fan at 12:37 PM on July 08, 2014

Why is the world's gayest sport stuck in the closet?

To me, its not about the sexual preference of a skater, but the fact that some present a colorful, flamboyant, or outwardly feminine performance brings out the fear and bigotry.

posted by bo_fan at 07:49 AM on February 07, 2014

Jets Told Refs to Look for Patriots' Push

That was just great scouting and heads up coaching by the Jets. And as a life long Raider fan I'm not really hurting for "The Hoodie."

posted by bo_fan at 08:50 AM on October 23, 2013

How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers

Wow! I just don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling, but I wouldn't call it shock.

posted by bo_fan at 07:02 AM on September 25, 2013

Columnist: 'Miserable Jaguars Must Sign Tim Tebow Immediately'

Denver basically pulled out a high school playbook in order to use Tebow, I don't see another team willing to do that no matter how bad they are.

posted by bo_fan at 09:14 AM on September 12, 2013

Ray Lewis: Super Bowl Blackout Was No Accident

Ok Ray Ray, so someone killed the lights and got away with it?? Mmmm

posted by bo_fan at 07:09 AM on September 03, 2013

Meyer admits mistakes ... sort of

This guy just doesn't get it, its not about his or his staff's leadership or team discipline, or reacting to things after the fact. Its about the type of people he recruits and until that changes he will continue to destroy the reputations of every team he coaches. ...But I guess its ok because he wins titles.

posted by bo_fan at 08:02 AM on July 26, 2013

Goodell wants your team to sign Tim Tebow

beaverboard: "Somebody should have been able to stop that Tebow-led unit."

I recall a declining team and coach who lost to appalachian state in 07 did just that in a Bowl game played in the state of FL.

posted by bo_fan at 01:01 PM on May 14, 2013

Tim Tebow Forsaken by Jets

NY was a bad situation for him, and I don't see another NFL team issuing a High school type playbook like Denver did, he needs to accept the fact that QB is not an option like many players do, and then he can possibly have a good pro career, and continue be loved and to spread his message.

posted by bo_fan at 08:51 PM on May 03, 2013

Stern Would Like to Eliminate Hack-a-Howard

This should not be an issue for Stern, this is a team issue. If the Lakers don't want this strategy used against them then fix it! Its just like in baseball, it your pitching staff cant compete with a hitter and you keep walking him, you dont get to change the strike zone because your pitcher cant beat him.

posted by bo_fan at 08:22 AM on December 10, 2012