55. We're knights of the SpoFi table, We quote whenever we're able, We do interviews, and fantasy leagues, With verbosity impeccable. We dine well here in Camelot, We eat ham, and jam, and spam a lot.
posted by pfuller at 04:53 PM on August 08, 2003
corpse, you were in second place when I left. WTF happened? Secret Revealed: The secret to successful SpoFi table building requires that you remove all carriage returns/line breaks so that your table html is all on one continuous line.
posted by pfuller at 09:30 PM on August 05, 2003
Bosiak Bashers | etrader9 | ||||
ufez | Ufez Jones | ||||
StarFookers | StarFucker | ||||
big perv | pfuller | ||||
Dangling Tits | worldcup2002 | ||||
The Torn ACLs | jpoulos | ||||
Atlanta Arsenal | trox | ||||
The Scampi of Doom | kafkaesque | ||||
Trendelmaniacs | ttrendel | ||||
CF Gibson | |||||
Zulu Army | squealy | ||||
Cash City Rockers | Fat Buddha | ||||
37 Push Ups | corpse | ||||
Spacemen | jasonspaceman | ||||
BABG | Andy | ||||
Deez Nuts | |||||
Mad Rrhea | Paul | ||||
Turnip Surprise | BigCalm | ||||
Abuna FC | Abuna | ||||
hardtimes inwestpho | eckeric |
posted by pfuller at 06:51 PM on August 05, 2003
1 | ufez | 2745 | 150 | |
1 | 37 Push Ups | 2745 | 50 | +1 |
3 | big perv | 2435 | 150 | |
4 | The Torn ACLs | 2155 | 15 | |
5 | Bosiak Bashers | 1910 | 65 | +1 |
6 | Trendelmaniacs | 1845 | 5 | -1 |
7 | The Scampi of Doom | 1790 | 0 | |
8 | StarFookers | 1770 | 150 | +2 |
9 | Mad Rrhea | 1740 | 50 | -1 |
10 | Atlanta Arsenal | 1645 | 15 | -1 |
11 | Zulu Army | 1615 | 50 | +3 |
12 | Spacemen | 1545 | 50 | -1 |
13 | BABG | 1515 | 0 | -2 |
14 | Dangling Tits | 1505 | 135 | -1 |
15 | Cash City Rockers | 1465 | 15 | |
16 | Turnip Surprise | 1300 | 120 | |
17 | CF Gibson | 1220 | 50 | |
18 | Abuna FC | 1005 | 265 | +1 |
19 | Deez Nuts | 980 | 100 | -1 |
20 | hardtimes inwestpho | 850 | 100 |
posted by pfuller at 06:10 PM on May 27, 2003
1 ufez 1910 425 2 big perv 1705 395 3 37 Push Ups 1555 695 4 The Torn ACLs 1415 470 5 Bosiak Bashers 1380 285 6 Mad Rrhea 1315 205 7 The Scampi of Doom 1265 390 8 Trendelmaniacs 1185 535 9 Dangling Tits 1175 115 10 Atlanta Arsenal 1150 360 11 Zulu Army 1140 140 12 StarFookers 1135 330 13 BABG 1060 315 14 Spacemen 1015 360 15 Cash City Rockers 960 240 16 Turnip Surprise 945 145 17 hardtimes inwestpho 500 155 18 CF Gibson 495 370 19 Deez Nuts 455 335 20 Abuna FC 370 290 Sorry for the lack of a pretty table. I am currently attending my sister's graduation here and happened upon a wireless signal so I thought I would put it up relatively quickly as I will be on the road for the next few days. Corpse led the pack for the third week in a row, scoring 695 points. Jeez man, slow down! And Ufez slightly extended his lead over second place with another strong showing.
posted by pfuller at 11:50 AM on May 18, 2003
It's good to see you haven't lost it, SF. Congrats to both you and Fat Buddha for a exhilarating finish.
posted by pfuller at 01:59 PM on May 13, 2003
Umm... the full standings are not yet updated, but has anyone else looked at Fat Buddha's and StarFucker's team pages? :-p
posted by pfuller at 07:07 PM on May 12, 2003
Should we make the responsibilities of running the league and writing the weekly report the prize for first place?
posted by pfuller at 02:10 PM on May 12, 2003
1. Yes 2. worldcup2002 3. Only if we can't find another free league. 4. worldcup2002 (you don't even have to use a table) If anyone else volunteers, however, I will support them as well.
posted by pfuller at 01:07 PM on May 12, 2003
I've got 20 left. I made a couple of moves when I realized some guys weren't playing, but I'm mostly saving them for the same reason as Ufez.
posted by pfuller at 10:52 AM on May 12, 2003
ufez | Ufez Jones | ||||
big perv | pfuller | ||||
37 Push Ups | corpse | ||||
Bosiak Bashers | etrader9 | ||||
The Torn ACLs | jpoulos | ||||
Mad Rrhea | Paul | ||||
The Scampi of Doom | kafkaesque | ||||
Dangling Tits | worldcup2002 | ||||
Trendelmaniacs | ttrendel | ||||
StarFookers | StarFucker | ||||
Zulu Army | squealy | ||||
Atlanta Arsenal | trox | ||||
BABG | Andy | ||||
Spacemen | jasonspaceman | ||||
Turnip Surprise | BigCalm | ||||
Cash City Rockers | Fat Buddha | ||||
hardtimes inwestpho | eckeric | ||||
Deez Nutz | |||||
CF Gibson | |||||
Abuna FC | Abuna |
posted by pfuller at 09:46 AM on May 12, 2003
Yeah, it seems kind of weird to have the locker room thread fall into the archives without ever getting the standings. We should definitely change to a different league next year.
posted by pfuller at 11:06 AM on May 09, 2003
Each team plays 30 games (plus playoffs, which I don't think will count for the fantasy league), but I think the regular season lasts about 32-33 weeks because of teams having a week off and the All-Star game, which I think is a little over half-way through the season.
posted by pfuller at 02:44 PM on May 08, 2003
I agree with StarFucker. The warning makes it acceptable to me.
posted by pfuller at 10:58 AM on May 08, 2003
ufez | Ufez Jones | ||||
big perv | pfuller | ||||
Bosiak Bashers | etrader9 | ||||
The Torn ACLs | jpoulos | ||||
The Scampi of Doom | kafkaesque | ||||
Dangling Tits | worldcup2002 | ||||
37 Push Ups | corpse | ||||
Zulu Army | squealy | ||||
StarFookers | StarFucker | ||||
Mad Rrhea | Paul | ||||
Trendelmaniacs | ttrendel | ||||
Atlanta Arsenal | trox | ||||
Turnip Surprise | BigCalm | ||||
Spacemen | jasonspaceman | ||||
BABG | Andy | ||||
Cash City Rockers | Fat Buddha | ||||
hardtimes inwestpho | eckeric | ||||
CF Gibson | |||||
Deez Nutz | |||||
Abuna FC |
posted by pfuller at 10:49 AM on May 06, 2003
Holy Crap, I thought I might be heartless, but a freaking 18! You have a lower than average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding accordingly. Most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20. Stupid online tests, what do they know?
posted by pfuller at 03:24 PM on May 02, 2003
Just found it my ass, now your secret is out for next year. ;-)
posted by pfuller at 12:04 PM on May 01, 2003
I had the problem too, BigCalm, before corpse set me straight. You have to remove all carriage returns from the table so that it is all on one line. [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] - no gap [table] [tr] [td] [/td] [/tr] [/table] - gap of approximately five lines, one for each line break
posted by pfuller at 08:17 AM on May 01, 2003
Two new teams: Deez Nutz and CF Gibson. Hello, and who are ya? (info needed for the next super fancy table that hopefully renders correctly in all browsers. if it doesn't, everyone will just have to take the path of least resistance and switch. ;-)
posted by pfuller at 02:09 PM on April 30, 2003
My fault, worldcup, I mean NY Times Arts Section. I used bgcolor in the tr instead of the td on every other row, resulting in this on different browsers/platforms:
The student will learn from his mistakes. :-) *notes that Safari might not be the best browser to preview his html*
posted by pfuller at 09:37 PM on April 28, 2003
We have two new teams this week, so welcome to Cash City Rockers and Abuna FC (let me know who you are and I'll add your names later). StarFucker, have Paul and Andy joined SpoFi? It seems somewhat uncomfortable posting this thread while in the lead, so I will try to rectify that situation ASAP.
posted by pfuller at 04:59 PM on April 28, 2003
Rank | Team Name | SpoFi Name | Total Points | Last Week |
1 | big perv | pfuller | 1205 | 495 |
2 | Bosiak Bashers | etrader9 | 1070 | 365 |
3 | ufez | Ufez Jones | 1010 | 335 |
4 | The Torn ACLs | jpoulos | 935 | 460 |
5 | Dangling Tits | worldcup2002 | 925 | 275 |
6 | The Scampi of Doom | kafkaesque | 890 | 230 |
7 | Zulu Army | squealy | 800 | 200 |
8 | Mad Rrhea | SF's friend Paul | 790 | 200 |
9 | Turnip Surprise | BigCalm | 685 | 125 |
10 | Spacemen | jasonspaceman | 680 | 205 |
11 | Atlanta Arsenal | trox | 645 | 200 |
12 | StarFookers | StarFucker | 615 | 140 |
13 | Trendelmaniacs | ttrendel | 590 | 340 |
14 | 37 Push Ups | corpse | 490 | 180 |
15 | BABG | SF's friend Andy | 260 | 260 |
16 | hardtimes inwestpho | eckeric | 235 | 235 |
17 | Cash City Rockers | 205 | 205 | |
18 | Abuna FC | 0 | 0 |
posted by pfuller at 04:52 PM on April 28, 2003
I think last week's adjustments were just due to Jeff Agoos's assist being declared a non-assist I thought it had happened the week before and now realize that was just because games were on Sat & Sun. I'll have it up in a little bit, with shameless stealing of corpse's table format and in a locker room post all its own.
posted by pfuller at 03:53 PM on April 28, 2003
I'll do it, but should I do it now or wait for the stats to be updated?
posted by pfuller at 02:51 PM on April 28, 2003
corpse, when you previewed the table before posting was there a 2-3 inch gap of blank space above it? I tried to use a table for the MLS leagure report last week, but abandoned the idea because I didn't know how to get the gap to go away.
posted by pfuller at 10:55 AM on April 28, 2003
why not give it full prominence by posting it as another Locker Room thread? My bad, I saw you were doing the EPL and thought I would just add the MLS to this instead of two consecutive soccer fantasy league posts. If no one else wants it, I don't mind making the MLS league posts for at least a few weeks, but I will be AWOL for the month of June.
posted by pfuller at 01:49 PM on April 23, 2003
Mossy has led the league in points two weeks in a row and seems to have crushed me in the battle of three-week latecomers. In other soccer fantasy leagues... MLS Fantasy League Week 2: 1 pfuller - big perv 710 360 2 etrader9 - Bosiak Bashers 705 180 3 Ufez Jones - ufez 675 235 4 kafkaesque - The Scampi of Doom 660 185 5 worldcup2002 - Dangling Tits 650 290 6 squealy - Zulu Army 600 280 7 SF's friend Paul - Mad Rrhea 590 270 8 BigCalm - Turnip Surprise 560 280 9 jasonspaceman - Spacemen 475 150 9 jpoulos - The Torn ACLs 475 250 9 StarFucker - StarFookers 475 215 12 trox - Atlanta Arsenal 445 170 13 corpse - 37 Push Ups 310 310 14 ttrendel - Trendelmaniacs 250 250 15 eckeric - hardtimes inwestpho 0 0 15 SF's friend Andy - BABG 0 0 I think this is accurate, but they love to make changes.
posted by pfuller at 01:17 PM on April 23, 2003
I'm in first of the MLS league. Sorry Ufez, I stole the lead thanks to the vagaries of the MLS statisticians:
PLEASE NOTE: Per Major League Soccer, the following statistical changes have been made after thorough review of the one (1) MLS game over the weekend. Further statistical verification may be found at http://www.mlsnet.com/statistics/tmstats.html. Jeff Agoos (KC @ SJ) - NO ASSIST AWARDEDMy one week reign at the top shall be celebrated this weekend by making a drunken ass of myself at a friend's wedding. :-)
posted by pfuller at 12:36 PM on April 23, 2003
Nice link to a beautiful poem, Fat Buddha. So very apropos.
posted by pfuller at 12:22 PM on April 22, 2003
From the MLS fantasy league page: PLEASE NOTE: Per Major League Soccer, the following statistical changes have been made after thorough review of the five (5) MLS games over the weekend. Further statistical verification may be found at http://www.mlsnet.com/statistics/tmstats.html . B. West - 2nd Assist (CLB @ MET) NO ASSIST AWARDED L. Donovan - 2nd Assist (SJ @ COL) NO ASSIST AWARDED C. Talley - Assist (DC @ KC) NO ASSIST AWARDED B. Convey - 2nd Assist (DC @ KC) NO ASSIST AWARDED D. Fabbro - 2nd Assist (DC @ KC) NO ASSIST AWARDED R. Faria - Assist (NE @ CHI) NO ASSIST AWARDED A. Williams - 2nd Assist (NE @ CHI) NO ASSIST AWARDED I guess this explains the scoring changes.
posted by pfuller at 09:54 AM on April 19, 2003
For a second, I thought I had mispelled "friend" and ran over to dictionary.com where I stumbled upon this: Word History: A friend is a lover, literally. Not to say that this is what worldcup was laughing at, but maybe he was reading it literally.
posted by pfuller at 01:04 PM on April 14, 2003
I think these are correct, but if I'm wrong please let me know.
posted by pfuller at 10:23 AM on April 14, 2003
1 etrader9 - Bosiak Bashers 525 1 kafkaesque - The Scampi of Doom 525 3 worldcup2002 - Dangling Tits 460 4 Ufez Jones - ufez 440 5 pfuller - big perv 400 6 jasonspaceman - Spacemen 375 7 SF's friend Paul - Mad Rrhea 370 8 squealy - Zulu Army 320 9 StarFucker - StarFookers 310 10 BigCalm - Turnip Surprise 280 11 trox - Atlanta Arsenal 275 11 jpoulos - The Torn ACLs 275 13 corpse - 37 Push Ups 0 13 SF's friend Andy - BABG 0 13 ttrendel - Trendelmaniacs 0 13 eckeric - hardtimes inwestpho 0
posted by pfuller at 10:21 AM on April 14, 2003
I'm not sure how this is relevant, but Ouch! that must have hurt.
posted by pfuller at 09:23 AM on March 28, 2003
It worked for me when I first signed up, although I decided to wait to pick my team until I actually knew anything about the players outside of the US National Team or Dallas Burn.
posted by pfuller at 09:59 AM on March 27, 2003
I got this too, although I wouldn't have seen it without this post. StarFucker - hotmail automatically filtered it into the junk mail folder. Spam sucks.
posted by pfuller at 09:40 AM on March 27, 2003
*hugs worldcup, offers him a peacecake* On Preview: Talks about whatever ufez wrote so it shows that I not only push preview, I pay attention. (emoticon)
posted by pfuller at 03:29 PM on March 25, 2003
reference to previous users who announced their departure and returned with a different nick
posted by pfuller at 03:08 PM on March 25, 2003
Asks why worldcup is still here, points out that he pledged to leave.
posted by pfuller at 03:05 PM on March 25, 2003
Comment about the place being better off without the people who don't want to be here anyways.
posted by pfuller at 12:03 PM on March 25, 2003
Oh, and I have never posted under the influence of alcohol, but after reading what I just wrote, I might start.
posted by pfuller at 10:46 AM on March 21, 2003
I've considered this before too, grum, but I haven't yet figured out if it is a problem or not. The soccer contigent definitely seems to be the most vocal part of the site. For one thing almost half of the posts on my front page (5 days) are soccer (8 soccer posts out of 18 total). It also doesn't help that the last three posts have been about soccer, but that probably has more to do with people being preoccupied with things besides sports. Is soccer smothering the rest of the site, or has SpoFi's soccer base just grown more quickly than other areas? I can understand some concern about single game FPPs, but without worldcup pointing them out, I know I would miss some highly entertaining match commentary. The front page real estate doesn't seem as valuable (as other sites) because of the limited number of posts the site gets anyway. If other sports were represented as well as soccer, it would soon get out of hand. As the site grows, others may look back at those FPPs and think it is acceptable for single games in any sport, which might be a bad precedent to set. So, as much as I enjoy the single game posts, we may need to figure a way to make them less visible to the rest of the site, if that is what they want.
posted by pfuller at 10:42 AM on March 21, 2003
Disclaimer: Actual scores may be different than they appear. 1. StarFucker 2135.17 2. Fat Buddha 1849.82 3. corpse 1748.74 4. apt820 1734.01 5. worldcup2002 1721.50 6. Mossy 1713.47 (+1) 7. Trox 1713.27 (+1) 8. pfuller 1710.21 (-2) :( 9. jasonbondshow 1650.97 10. elsoltano 1534.19 11. Drood 1468.47 12. cory 1242.50 13. BigCalm 1206.51 14. eckeric 1173.28 15. etagloh 1023.77 (+1) 16. jipe 1004.82 (-1) 17. etrader9 877.05 Just tryin' to help worldcup.
posted by pfuller at 03:23 PM on March 19, 2003
I believe I've dropped back to 8th place, dammit! The race is getting quite tight though, as it appears the 3-8 scores are very close: 3. 1748 4. 1734 5. 1721 6. 1713.47 7. 1713.27 8. 1710
posted by pfuller at 01:54 PM on March 19, 2003
"Bring out your dead."