SpoFi EPL Fantasy League WEEK 31 Leader: StarFucker! [but that's all I know because they haven't updated the standings yet!]
posted by worldcup2002 to navel gazing at 01:44 PM - 39 comments
I believe I've dropped back to 8th place, dammit! The race is getting quite tight though, as it appears the 3-8 scores are very close: 3. 1748 4. 1734 5. 1721 6. 1713.47 7. 1713.27 8. 1710
posted by pfuller at 01:54 PM on March 19, 2003
Back in sixth it seems. I'm coming after you Worldcup.
posted by trox at 02:10 PM on March 19, 2003
Ah, dream on, trox. Besides, I'm too busy focusing on 2nd place. Watch out, FB!
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:38 PM on March 19, 2003
Just thought I'd peek in here and lob a hand grenade. Starfucker seems to beat the living piss out of you guys week in and week out. It's like the Lions and the Christians.
posted by vito90 at 02:44 PM on March 19, 2003
Not this week. SF got a beautiful 28.23 pts this week while most of us were scoring 70, 80, 100 pts. He's still got a mountain of a lead but he's not looking as tough to beat. There's still hope!
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:48 PM on March 19, 2003
btw, I should be #3 by next week. Why don't these yahoo!s get the job done right. If they don't get it fixed by tomorrow, I'll have to go into everybody's team page one by one and get the points. (Thanks, pfuller for getting that started. Hey, if you want to finish the job, you're welcome to it. Heh.)
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:53 PM on March 19, 2003
Disclaimer: Actual scores may be different than they appear. 1. StarFucker 2135.17 2. Fat Buddha 1849.82 3. corpse 1748.74 4. apt820 1734.01 5. worldcup2002 1721.50 6. Mossy 1713.47 (+1) 7. Trox 1713.27 (+1) 8. pfuller 1710.21 (-2) :( 9. jasonbondshow 1650.97 10. elsoltano 1534.19 11. Drood 1468.47 12. cory 1242.50 13. BigCalm 1206.51 14. eckeric 1173.28 15. etagloh 1023.77 (+1) 16. jipe 1004.82 (-1) 17. etrader9 877.05 Just tryin' to help worldcup.
posted by pfuller at 03:23 PM on March 19, 2003
I am incredibly bored at work today.
posted by pfuller at 03:25 PM on March 19, 2003
Ahhh, toss it. I've done it anyway. yahoo! is useless. Make sure you set us up for FoxSports next season, SF. 1. StarFucker 2135.17 [28.23] <-- lowest scorer of the week (:-p) 2. Fat Buddha 1849.82 [38.41] <-- on vacation 3. corpse 1748.74 [52.02] 4. apt820 1734.01 [80.73] 5. worldcup2002 1721.50 [71.91] <-- hanging on grimly 6. Mossy 1713.47 [80.97] (+1) <-- he and trox are this close 7. Trox 1713.27 [104.97] (+1) <-- top scorer of the week! well done. 8. pfuller 1710.21 [66.01] (-2) <-- boo hoo 9. jasonbondshow 1650.97 [62.25] 10. elsoltano 1534.19 [59.81] 11. Drood 1468.47 [29.85] 12. cory 1242.50 [53.85] 13. BigCalm 1206.51 [47.73] 14. eckeric 1173.28 [46.77] 15. etagloh 1023.77 [57.00] (+1) 16. jipe 1004.82 [31.05] (-1) 17. etrader9 877.05 [63.70]
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:30 PM on March 19, 2003
Argh, pfuller, me, too! I am a silly sod. But thanks for the effort anyway. Cheers.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:31 PM on March 19, 2003
he's not looking as tough to beat. There's still hope! HA!! I could not get points from now till the end of the season and i would STILL win!
posted by StarFucker at 03:35 PM on March 19, 2003
vito90...you are absolutely right. I kick their asses every week. Its quite boring really.
posted by StarFucker at 03:39 PM on March 19, 2003
Hey, why don't you do that? Just remove all your players and see if any of us can beat you. If you beat us, well, you'll look pretty smart. And, if we beat you, well, you were wrong. Go ahead, do it!
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:40 PM on March 19, 2003
Make sure you set us up for FoxSports next season, SF. You mean Soccernet?
posted by StarFucker at 03:41 PM on March 19, 2003
C'mon, it would definitely make this thing more interesting.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:41 PM on March 19, 2003
SF: Yes. Soccernet, whatever you think is best. You be the boss. And, remove all your players for the rest of this season. Let's see if we can beat you!
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:42 PM on March 19, 2003
Another week like I had last week, and I'll be right back in the thick of it. Looks like Starfucker had a week comparable to Arsenal's.
posted by trox at 03:48 PM on March 19, 2003
Haha. Good one, trox. But you will still me eating my dust next week.
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:06 PM on March 19, 2003
Not if I outscore you by 30 points again. I suppose that's the good part about not have many gunners on my team.
posted by trox at 04:45 PM on March 19, 2003
The only difference between you and me last weekend was Steven Gerrard. (He plays for Liverpool, btw.) This week, my team is even stronger. Mwahahaha.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:27 PM on March 19, 2003
Hey, SF! Looks like the BBC has the same fantasy league game that Soccernet is running. Except w/o the popups. Perhaps we should go to the Beeb instead!
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:44 PM on March 19, 2003
Can we do both? That is, Yahoo and the BEEB?
posted by StarFucker at 07:08 PM on March 19, 2003
Sure. Hmmm. I'm not sure I'll have the time or energy for both. Hmmm.
posted by worldcup2002 at 07:33 PM on March 19, 2003
Don't worry...i'll make it easy on all of you by winning by a large margin from day one so you all won't get your hopes up...
posted by StarFucker at 11:44 PM on March 19, 2003
I'm looking to get involved next season, but I certainly won't have enough time to be beaten badly in two separate competitions.
posted by squealy at 03:35 AM on March 20, 2003
Getting beaten badly in two competitions isn't any worse than being beaten badly in one... As long as you are deep seated in reality and understand that i will dominate and you have no chance of winning, you'll be fine.
posted by StarFucker at 10:47 AM on March 20, 2003
I think you've already got squealy whipped, the poor fellow. His capitulation was alarming, almost painful to watch. No need to continue humiliating him.
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:25 PM on March 20, 2003
Oh, I don't expect StarFucker to win, I was just trying to lull him into a false sense of security. He clearly knows fuck all about football. I won the last fantasy league thing I was in btw.
posted by squealy at 12:49 PM on March 20, 2003
Oh, now you're talking tough. Well, good. It'll be fun to have you in here. You and FB can commisserate on Birmingham's losses (or torture BigCalm during the derbies). And we'll have someone else trying to beat SF. Misery loves company.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:00 PM on March 20, 2003
It doesn't come naturally to us Brits to talk ourselves up. It is particularly difficult for a Blues fan like myself, as we have been shite for 125 years and counting. I'm just hoping we get the chance to play derby games against Villa in the Premiership next season.
posted by squealy at 01:04 PM on March 20, 2003
I really think Birmingham will be fine. I'd much rather see Leeds go down.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:16 PM on March 20, 2003
It doesn't come naturally to us Brits to talk ourselves up I think that goes for anyone from Europe... Whenever i see an interview with a football player from Europe and they ask him questions about his teams chances or his predictions, the guy always says that his opponents are superior, he is not that good, we are going to have to try real hard to win, they are a great side with a lot of talent, etc... You watch an interview with an american ballplayer from any sport and his usual response is, "We're Number One! I am the greatest! Suck me, all of you!" Its really embarrassing...
posted by StarFucker at 05:05 PM on March 20, 2003
This would seem self-evident from a country that has a Super Bowl or a World Series for a league that only encompasses teams from two countries. Whereas, when the world says World Cup, it actually means it. It still makes me wince to hear Super Cup. Also, I think the English habit of understatement is rather attractive.
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:05 PM on March 20, 2003
We aim to please. *tugs forelock to king dub*
posted by squealy at 06:34 PM on March 20, 2003
Of course, squealy. As you were.
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:54 PM on March 20, 2003
My weekend is shot. In a week when even Gallas scored, all the players I dropped scored, including Bellamy, Lampard, and Nistelrooy (a hattrick, no less!). And Freidel let in four goals. Curses!
posted by worldcup2002 at 02:39 PM on March 22, 2003
You poor sap...i have Van Nistelrooy!
posted by StarFucker at 05:05 PM on March 22, 2003
And Freidel let in five. Argh!
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:13 PM on March 22, 2003
It's been three days since the Sunday games were played, and they've only just updated our individual scores. But no change in the standings. It's safe to say that the top two haven't changed, but there are some interesting situations brewing. Oh yes.