yerfatma, they pick last in all the rounds anyway so the Steelers can trade their non compensatory picks and still pick in about the same place.
posted by jbou at 12:27 PM on April 30, 2006
Yes, Walter, I think there is a hidden message here. It's "FUCK YOU, WALTER, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Yeah, I'll see you at practice on Wednesday.
posted by jbou at 06:11 PM on December 06, 2004
I am king for a day, my hitting is too inconsistant to be king for longer.
posted by jbou at 10:14 AM on June 18, 2004
corpse, your streak is over, I'm in first place, for now.
posted by jbou at 10:19 AM on June 13, 2004
My hitters have collectivly decided that they don't want to hit, and when they decide to hit again my pitchers will turn on me.
posted by jbou at 10:22 AM on May 21, 2004
My pitching has been kicking ass as of late, and it's nice to have knocked jersey out of the lead.
posted by jbou at 07:53 AM on May 07, 2004
You mean to tell me you Sox fans are going to be all in one place just asking to be toyed with? That's just too easy, besides it's Sopranos and poker night, you all have fun.
posted by jbou at 04:57 PM on May 02, 2004
They were hardly papercuts, you all over at mefi take yourselves way too seriously, but I got my membership revoked,and then reinstated, no biggie. As for my attitude in the threads here, it's just general ball busting, some people take ball busting better then others. If it came across as surprised then I should have thrown the sarcasm tags around it, because I was being sarcastic, I know you all didn't think I was a "good" Yankee fan. Besides, isn't being a "good" Yankee fan an oxymoron? it's like being a good storm trooper. You know jersey, it was never personal during the fantasy baseball league last year, I'm just ultra competitive at times, and like I said, I like to bust balls.
posted by jbou at 12:12 AM on April 17, 2004
My spare time is spent reading, swimming, and surfing the net. I really don't have much spare time, when you are dating more then one woman your time is well spent.
posted by jbou at 09:57 AM on April 16, 2004
uh, hello, Kerry did rake in the money today, 10 million in nyc alone. But on to the Sox, they look good this year, but hell, they looked good last year, and they added Schilling, and Foulke. I think the Sox, and Yanks will beat the crap out of each other this year, and the O's will sneak in and win the division, but the survivor of the Sox yanks battle will get into the World Series, and win it.
posted by jbou at 05:52 PM on April 15, 2004
I got hooked on the Yankees in 1977, how could I not they were the best that year plus wpix 11 covered the Yankees and they had a cooler intro song then the Mets did on channel 9, I was 8, so give me a break. So I was a diehard Yankee fan through the 80's, and that was no fun , the host of horrible moves, the bad free agent signings, everything was wrong. I started gambling a lot in 1990, and I stopped caring about the teams I rooted for, and worried about point spreads, injuries, and all that crap. After losing lots of money I got cynical, and didn't give a rats ass who won or lost. I do take a sick pleasure in watching the die hard sox fans suffer, I can't explain it, i just do. I watch baseball now a days because it's fun, i have a couple of fantasy teams, and yeah, I sort of root for the Yankees, but my cynical side shines through, and I don't get too invested.
posted by jbou at 12:27 AM on April 15, 2004
goddam, jersey could swing from them, but she's engaged iirc? Now that'd be passionate, a yankee fan dating a red sox fan.
posted by jbou at 09:45 PM on April 14, 2004
I played linebacker. Women: I live in a college town, and I work at a place that employs a lot of college aged women, so I've ended up dating quite a few. I've never been married, no little jbous, the only trouble is that I like dating more then one at a time, and I have brown hair, blue eyes, I get complimented on my eyes and smile all the time.
posted by jbou at 09:24 PM on April 14, 2004
this could be the quickest interview ever). You caught me home sick from work, so I'm bored till South Park comes on, so keep the questions rolling.
posted by jbou at 08:45 PM on April 14, 2004
The OC? I guess we all need our guilty pleasures. I was born and raised in CT, I moved to cow country as you call it, funny, no cows but plenty of Bison, in 1994. I'm 33 going to be 34 in September.
posted by jbou at 08:31 PM on April 14, 2004
Yes, I have spent a few overnights in a jail for various reasons, but I've never been convicted of anything. My life took some twists in my late teens and early 20's that got me into some trouble, I was kicked out of Syracuse University, I was their to play football, but got hurt, stopped going to class, and got booted. I returned to my parents house where things weren't good, and they kicked me out, so there I was young, dumb, and full of shit, so I got a job at a bar, got involved in drug dealing, collecting money for a bookie, and other various criminal activities. I did this for a few years till I was nearly shot, so then I took off to Amherst MA where I settled down into a nice peaceful boring existence. The only thing that gets me in trouble now a days is women.
posted by jbou at 08:07 PM on April 14, 2004
Music: Tom Waits, the blues in general. Led Zep, and a lot of classic rock. I like rap music, the greatest rap song ever is "Shook ones part 2" by Mobb Deep, the greatest rap album is "Liquid Swoards" by the Gza. My mp3 collection is all over the place, it begins with A Perfect Circle, and ends with ZZTop, in between there are 2500 songs. Movies: older flicks, I like Stalag 17, On the Waterfront, Treasure of the Sieara Madre, the 70's had some of my favorites of all time, Cool Hand Luke, Cukoos nest, Chinatown, The Sting, too many to name, the 80's, when I was a teenager, I liked the Breakfast Club, I was a cross between the jock and the criminal in high school, Say Anything, and Fast Times. My favorite sports movies, Bull Durham, Any Given Sunday, Slapshot, Major League. TV: That's easy, The shield, The Sopranos, The Wire, NYPD Blue, South Park, the Chappelle Show, the Daily Show, and lots of C Span. Books: I just finished Richard Clarke's "Against All Eneimies", it was good, but I'd like to see it fact checked. I just started "A People's History of The Supreme Court", surprisingly it's not written by Howard Zinn, it's by Peter Irons. Andrea, I don't consider you a "wuss", a mascicist yes, a wuss no.
posted by jbou at 06:49 PM on April 14, 2004
dusted, I used to be security, in my younger years I was the doorman at Toads Place in New Haven. I usually am the guy breaking up the fights, but like I said this guy, and I didn't mesh. he was a lttle rat.
posted by jbou at 03:56 PM on April 14, 2004
Jugwine, I'd have to root for the Yankees quietly if I was going to run for office, or I could always go back home to new haven ct and run for office down their.
posted by jbou at 03:50 PM on April 14, 2004
garfield, he was the type of guy the teacher left in charge of the class when she left the room, and I was the kid always getting in trouble, our personalities didn't mesh. He thought I was going to thrash him because I'm 6'4 220, and I glared at him, he had security remove me from the building. and yes, he was a wuss.
posted by jbou at 03:48 PM on April 14, 2004
yes grum, as a liberal I really shouldn't be rooting for the evil Yankees.
posted by jbou at 03:35 PM on April 14, 2004
I got into the work after getting the boot from Citicorp, something about calling the VP of marketing a little wuss, and him thinking I was going to thrash him, but that's old news, now, I started at the bottom calling folks and asking them to pledge, but now I write scripts for the callers, help plan events, I'm what you'd call an all purpose back, whatever you need I can get it done. I've been lining up the big dollar folks from the other campaigns, Dean's Edwards, and getting them to give to Kerry, so I still call, but only the big dollar folks who need smoozing. My favorite job is lining up the celebrities, they want their butts kissed, and face time with the candidate. My dream job is chief of staff for a President, but I've got a ways to go before I am a 20,000 dollar a month consultant who is considered for a job like that. I've considered running for congress in my district, but my congressman John Olver has no plans to retire anytime soon.
posted by jbou at 03:33 PM on April 14, 2004
My title is professional fundraiser. I work for the consulting firm Dewey Square. I've raised money for lots of Democratic candidates, Howard Dean, John Edwards, Hillary, Al Gore, and I am currently working on the Kerry campaign.
posted by jbou at 03:05 PM on April 14, 2004
jersey, I'm ready when you are. rcade, overall a fun interview.
posted by jbou at 10:26 AM on April 14, 2004
you all really need to interview me, at the least I can regail you all with my stories about playing football at Syracuse, this talking about D+D is shameful.
posted by jbou at 12:38 AM on April 09, 2004
fucking T-Mac, and Quentin Richardson are costing me my victory!
posted by jbou at 11:33 AM on April 01, 2004
I can't believe you all think I'm not a good Yankee fan, Is it because I have a two posters in my living room that sit under the carved number 1918, one poster is of Babe Ruth in a sox uniform, and the other is Babe in a Yankee uniform? Is it because I have my Bucky fucking Dent bat, poster, and ball on display for all Red Sox fans who enter my home in Massachusetts to see? All because the Sox can't make you proud don't hate on me, fuck it, hate on me, it beats you all being deppressed.
posted by jbou at 11:42 PM on March 23, 2004
two DL's is preferred by moi, and yes, we had it last year, jersey. DJacobs, you aren't even a blip on my radar, you are like the Tigers and I'm like the Yankees, you will never beat me!!!! lol
posted by jbou at 01:09 PM on March 01, 2004
I think it's good, and I'd like to join, my email is jbou at yahoo. I like the league settings the way they are now, but no daily scoring?
posted by jbou at 09:59 AM on February 19, 2004
late night weekdays, someone suggested 10pm EST, i'm cool with that, might i suggest a Wensday.
posted by jbou at 05:02 PM on February 18, 2004
i'm still voting for yahoo here. Corpse i'd be interested in your league too, i'm a fantasy baseball junkie, i really should get help. ok, someone start a league or i'm going to do it, and jersey will freakout and no one will be happy, lol.
posted by jbou at 01:11 PM on February 18, 2004
ok, so let's do yahoo, we have some first timers and they'll find yahoo easy to use. my vote is now for yahooooooooo!
posted by jbou at 10:30 AM on February 18, 2004
ok, no prize money, and i'll play in either league, yahoo, or sportsline.
posted by jbou at 09:28 PM on February 17, 2004
sweet, sign us up frazier, and give us an address to send you the cash, how about we all give 10 or 20 bucks and then we can have prize money?
posted by jbou at 02:05 PM on February 17, 2004
I like the 20 team league, you gotta work a little to win. Corpse I'd be open to using a paid league.
posted by jbou at 12:38 PM on February 17, 2004
it didn't go three hours, it takes about an hour and a half.
posted by jbou at 08:28 PM on February 16, 2004
corpse said he'd do it and i'm ok with that. As soon as yahoo says we can sign up we should, i'm all for a midweek late night live draft.
posted by jbou at 05:08 PM on February 16, 2004
oh, and I vote for a live draft, you folks who don't want that, just set your rankings ahead of time, and you'll be all set.
posted by jbou at 09:57 PM on February 10, 2004
one league 20 teams, let's roll, and bring it on, jersey.
posted by jbou at 09:56 PM on February 10, 2004
I'm in, and I'd love to be commish again, lol, just kidding, don't you all get crazy, but I would join the league, and I'm gunning for jersey this year.
posted by jbou at 10:32 PM on February 04, 2004
As a former college football player with bad knees I swim, it's great cardio, and it's easy on the joints, just some food for thought.
posted by jbou at 11:48 PM on February 02, 2004
In Dusty's world he needs to get a player not hurt for a guy who is hurt, and curse you if you think otherwise, I hope you noticed Dusty that Q is back and playing well. In case you missed the FPP Dirk is running out of gas this year because he played during the off season, so your sillyness saved me from making a mistake, thanks.
posted by jbou at 04:40 PM on January 27, 2004
jersey, you really need to get over the fantasy baseball league, you won, do you need to keep bringing up the bullshit. I could go into how you are a manipulative person who thinks she's all innocent,"who me? I'd never do that", but the damn thing is over so I resolve to let bygones be bygones and never bring that up again.
posted by jbou at 02:29 PM on December 31, 2003
wtf? The person put the bulk of the links inside the story so I don't see a problem. Please don't bring the bullshit whining from Metafilter here.
posted by jbou at 06:41 PM on November 11, 2003
I started great, T-Mac, Cassell, Shareef abdul raheem, but then my screen froze and when i came back i had Raef and Keon Clark, and then for some unexplainable reason I started drafting Clippers and I just couldn't stop. btw dusted Stackhouse is hurt too he had surgery a few days ago, and Miles and Odom are royal pains in the ass, I swear they smoked blunts together last year and plotted to foil my fantasy team, and don't get me started on VC.
posted by jbou at 12:21 AM on October 22, 2003
you don't remember correctly, Maddox got six points that week and Lewis got 26.
posted by jbou at 11:31 AM on September 23, 2003
oh goody goody, I'm so glad you'll play the fantasy football league. Next time you take the five minutes it takes to setup a fantasy league and then you'll not have any problems. Two times I had problems with unbalanced trades, I vetoed one, and stated my opinion about the other. After hearing out why the Bernie for Delgado trade was fair(that worked out great), and the Halliday mess was worked out the trades went through, the only reason I had a problem with the trades was I wanted to see the league have some competitive balance. Jeresy doesn't like having to defend her unbalanced trades, and gets very defensive, and acts like a whiny child. I put through a few trades quickly I figured people would be happy, and yes I could have been more consistant, I'm human I made a mistake. This last trade threatened her chance at winning the league so she whined to all of you to block the trade, and it worked. I've been fair, and I've listened to what all of you have to say, but I'm getting sick of jeresy and her whining so I said what I said, maybe I was a bit harsh with my language, but when grown folks act like little kids because they don't get their way it irks me a bit.
posted by jbou at 11:26 PM on August 12, 2003