I smell a cry of racism coming next...what a joke this guy is.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 08:11 PM on August 13, 2006
You're a fool if you think boxing is on a downhill slide.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:05 AM on August 12, 2006
He was so great. He should have called it quits a few years back. Hopefully someone or something will interject to save his life.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:50 PM on August 11, 2006
Why is this even being discussed? This is a very lame attempt at making something from nothing.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 09:16 PM on August 03, 2006
Margarito is a played up media joke! Mayweather would pick him apart, Mosley would knock him out, and Wright would beat him to a pulp. No one is ducking Margarito! He is overrated, wake up!
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:24 PM on July 27, 2006
That last one was for you WFRAZERJR! Live in the now!
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 05:21 PM on July 25, 2006
Warner led the Rams to a Super Bowl over 7 years ago. We're talking about the 2006-2007 season, not 1999. Wake up, he's not the same quarterback. He sux now, especially behind that line. The Hawks will sweep the Cards and the Cards will split with the rest of the division.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 05:19 PM on July 25, 2006
Is this a joke? Cards finish 8-8 this year at best. With no O-line they will go nowhere, Warner sux under pressure. Plus they play the Seahawks twice so thats a garaunteed two losses. Go Hawks!
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 08:22 PM on July 24, 2006
Mcgwire is a doper...anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Keep him, Palmeiro, Bonds, Sosa, etc. out of Cooperstown. Don't be naive....Mcgwire is a "nice guy" but nice guys shoot the shi! too.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 10:03 PM on July 23, 2006
You could be right about Babalu. He's kicking a$$ right now.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:30 AM on July 15, 2006
Tito is back! He would beat Chuck if they were to fight in the near future. But instead Silva will beat Chuck in the near future. And maybe on the same card we could see Fedor shut that mouth of Tim Sylvia's.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 06:46 PM on July 14, 2006
UFC 61 sucked. But Tito still is an ass kicker and I can't wait to see Wanderlei Silva beat up on Chuck Liddell.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 05:31 PM on July 14, 2006
Kirby Puckett was THE MAN.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 06:13 PM on July 03, 2006
The preseason poles are ALWAYS wrong! Whats new?
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:05 PM on June 15, 2006
Matt Hughes is the most annoying champ in UFC history and I hope Gracie folds his arm in two.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 06:14 PM on May 26, 2006
What a bunch of sisters! Can't be hurting peoples feelings out there in Connecticut. What a weak state.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 08:28 PM on May 25, 2006
Ogrady hit it right on the button
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 11:02 PM on May 24, 2006
Barretts a bitch
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 01:04 PM on May 21, 2006
Go Twins!
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 01:00 PM on May 21, 2006
Bush is fragile and overrated. He will be shut down running behind whatever weak offensive line he will be running behind. As for that queer Leinhart, he will crack under the pressure of an NFL blitz and be the next Ryan Leaf.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 12:09 PM on April 29, 2006
the seahawks are a lock. weak schedule plus great team equals home field advantage.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 01:40 PM on April 23, 2006
The Giants will be good, but...they still have no chance of making it to the super bowl as long as the seahawks are around.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 07:29 PM on April 22, 2006
I'm a Twins fan and I think they have a good chance to make the playoffs. But I think the Mets will be the team to beat out of the National league this season .
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 06:38 PM on April 15, 2006
Seahawks will dominate on their way to SuperBowl 41.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 10:55 AM on April 08, 2006
Baseball players can be heroes just like anyone else can. To say otherwise is ignorant.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 03:09 PM on April 02, 2006
but tarver won't hit hopkins clean. tarvers whole career is fueled by a pair of wins against an aged and somewhat overrated roy jones. tarver has lost to eric harding and glen johnson, who the hell are those guys. hopkins knocked glen johnson out when they fought.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 06:07 PM on March 30, 2006
toney lost to jones over ten years ago dipshit pop3y3. and by the way i'm garaunteeing hopkins is going to pick the highly overrated tarver apart this summer when they fight.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 05:33 PM on March 30, 2006
Quit while you're ahead baby joe. you suck just like the rest of the division (except of course james toney who is the fuckin man).
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 04:15 PM on March 30, 2006
The SEAHAWKS will win, it is just there time.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 01:42 AM on February 05, 2006
To say a coach was or wasn't hired based on race is a cop-out. Football is about winning, for those who don't win there will always be excuses. And if you use race as an excuse than the media will be all over it.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 09:04 PM on February 04, 2006
He has done it again
Even with the horrible state of the heavyweight division Evander won't even come close to being champ again. His skills are deteriorated beyond even the 2nd tier fighters in the division.