I had no doubt Margarito would win in the late rounds, he has a chin made of Bedrock . And Cotto was headhunting in the begining instead of working the body .I hope for a rematch .
posted by trrron at 12:23 PM on July 30, 2008
2nd to last ! Good thing I do my eating outside while tailgating and my drinking out of my flask in my pocket ! How bout them A's
posted by trrron at 04:50 PM on May 14, 2008
RAAAAIIDDDERSSS. Oh yeah . I knew the Raiders would be on that list .
posted by trrron at 10:47 AM on March 12, 2008
Chuck Norris doesn't do push ups he does Earth downs .
posted by trrron at 10:31 AM on December 13, 2007
AKA (alt last name)Gary Saint Kitts
posted by trrron at 05:09 PM on January 18, 2007
pass the hash Ron sincerly, Björn Kiribati. ??? thats what was generated
posted by trrron at 05:08 PM on January 18, 2007
Is it friday yet ? Let the games begin!
posted by trrron at 10:51 AM on June 07, 2006
been buzy bud , almost 5 over here had to finish up some BS conf call , good talkin to you though. 100
posted by trrron at 06:26 PM on May 15, 2006
How long have they been in the league 1967 ? Quite a long time for 2 cups. Give us an extra 24 years and I am sure we will geta minimum of 2 cups.
posted by trrron at 06:13 PM on May 15, 2006
Hockey does rule ,but the Sharks are still in it . How bout them Flyers?
posted by trrron at 05:46 PM on May 15, 2006
Uncool. Embarrassed. Just goes to show hockey doesn't belong in San Jose. Sharks lose because their fans suck. excuse me buddy but we do not suck . we are one of the most loyal fans in hockey to our beloved TIBURONES and have been since they started out in 91 .Now i must aplogize to all my Canadian friends in Spofi about what happend last night . and "Sharks lose because their fans suck" STUPIDEST REMARK EVER!!!! DID YOU SEE ANY FANS ON THE ICE MORON? GET YOUR MIND CORRECT BEFORE MAKING IDIOTICT COMMENTS, IT ONLY SHOWS THE LACK OF THOUGH PROCESS YOU HAVE . SHARKS IN 7
posted by trrron at 05:21 PM on May 15, 2006
Hart - Joe Thorton Vezina - Mikka Kipprusoff Calder - Sidney Crosby Norris - Nicolas Lidstrom Adams - Peter Laviolette Selke - Rod Brind'amour Byng - Hatrick Marleau personal Thornton's got my vote ,but i am biased (GO SHARKS) ,but the east coast media will give it to Jagr
posted by trrron at 03:02 PM on May 04, 2006
As a earthquake fan (RIP) , I am happy to see the reception that Houston gave my dearly departed team . To bad our incompetent city council and mayor had there head stuck so far up there asses trying to get a ball park for the Athletics that they let this great team go. Kick ass and take numbers ! GO DYNAMO
posted by trrron at 06:28 PM on April 03, 2006
Murray is a dam good coach and its a shame they let him go. Personally i am a SHARKS fan and am elated at the way we have been playing . The reason why the kings are not doing as well as they should is the injures Bure and Flinn since last year and Demitra are big time losses .Better luck next year king fans
posted by trrron at 02:50 PM on March 22, 2006
The catch was bASS KICKING! Never in my wildest dreams did i think that i would see a bass that big !
posted by trrron at 05:06 PM on March 21, 2006
Why is this crap thread still here? DITTO
posted by trrron at 05:03 PM on March 17, 2006
and don't forget we welcomed Deion with open arms after he spent one year with that crappy outfit in the Bay, also causing havoc for the beloved home team Let me remind you that crappy team won the superbowl that year with Deion.
posted by trrron at 03:05 PM on March 17, 2006
This move was inevitable cutting your top receiver minutes after T.O. is released .Anyone could have seen this comin a mile away, expect another NFL team to implode thanks to the magic of T.O.
posted by trrron at 11:51 AM on March 17, 2006
Bradley and Thomas are just pieces of the puzzle to team that has been contending over the last 5 years .The ranking for the A's is perfect , deeep pitching rotation, top 5 short stop and top 3 closer in Houston Street.
posted by trrron at 10:21 AM on February 17, 2006
right on point arturo , ty law will return to the Patriots this season . In other NFL personnel shuffle news, the Minneapolis paper is reporting that the Vikes are shopping Daunte Culpepper around, looking for a second-round pick in return. There's a fall in status for you. im sure coach Shell will be shootin for Daunte and soon enough he will be a RAIDER !
posted by trrron at 11:12 AM on February 16, 2006
thanks 4 the info, I live in San Jose and will be going to this tournament only to see McEnroe and hopfully one of his famous blow-ups in person !
posted by trrron at 04:31 PM on February 15, 2006
The fact is, as has been demonstrated by the lackluster support of Chivas USA here in Los Angeles, many Mexican-American fans already support their favorite soccer teams - teams that play in Mexico - and don't much care about MLS anyway. venicemenace is on point with his comment how can yu compare chivas from Mexico (just celebrated 100 year anniv) to any MLS team being a fan from the earthquakes since the were 1st here (80's) i feel that this league will die off in about 5 years . Mexicans who live here dont care about MLS, I was wondering just how offended the Latino population would be by this. How relevant is it to the Houston Latino community? Are they, like the majority of Americans today, largely ignorant of history that predates MTV, or do they actually take a more active role in their heritage as it reflects the history between Mexico, Texas, and to a larger extent, America? I just got back from Mexico and people to this day talk about the president who sold all the western states to the US. Do you really think someone in there 20's here in the US would knows who KENNEDY is?
posted by trrron at 03:02 PM on February 15, 2006
worst coaching game by HOLMGREN ever !! and i have seen him since his oak grove ( h.s. ) days , back here in san jose . terrible clock managment !!
posted by trrron at 02:31 PM on February 14, 2006
"No good deed goes unpunished." - Judge Judy And that will be once the boy shows up to N.Y. and see's the rotten apple for all its true glory !
posted by trrron at 10:50 AM on February 14, 2006
when Cuban wins a 1st championship , he can speak . when he wins 8 rings . he can speak on Phil Jackson . till then Cuban is just a clown .
posted by trrron at 12:25 PM on February 09, 2006
i just thank the lord that other commentator from sun night football , paul ( the kicker) is not in the line up . he is a terrible commentator and really just likes to get theismann all riled up .
posted by trrron at 10:06 AM on February 08, 2006
I had the sound off and was busy in another room, but I saw bits and pieces of it. Could someone please explain what was going on there? Was that the introduction to the Super Bowl, or an advertisement? it was the intro to the game , instead of hank williams rockin , it had harrison ford doing a reading of a nursery ryhme , spoof of dr. suess
posted by trrron at 12:35 PM on February 06, 2006
"what the" you gotta get your facts straight b4 you start postin man , oakland has been in the bowl 5 times and have won 3 . yarrra mean?
posted by trrron at 06:38 PM on February 02, 2006
Too restricted on the requirements. There were many great teams in the 50's (the Browns, Lions, etc) that should be mentioned. It should be called the greatest teams of the Super Bowl era, not of all time. commander cody is right on the money this is the best superbowl teams not nfl teams , im a youg guy , but i read about those lion teams and the browns with otto graham giants ect ... , but were in the list is the mid 70's raider teams? #5 at least the 76 team
posted by trrron at 06:33 PM on February 02, 2006
Hell did everyone forget that Matt Hasselback sucks as a QB where was he a few years ago one of the worse QB's think he can hold up to Super Bowl Pressure? my guess is he won't. The Stupid TE Stevens. Forgot that the Steelers came the hardway to the SB knocking off a few of the Best teams in the NFL and have something to prove.. let me remind you 100+ rating last 5 games , dont count them out seams like the whole nation has , just cause the media has a big x east coast bias dont forget which team the league MVP plays for
posted by trrron at 12:52 PM on February 02, 2006
Govan is a fool for sending that forward accidentaly ? maybe it's just the curse of don nelson bittin the warriors organization in the ass again .They need to do an exorcism at the arena in Oakland asap!
posted by trrron at 12:19 PM on February 02, 2006
What happened to the old saying about the no"I" in team! but there is a M and an E
posted by trrron at 11:59 AM on February 02, 2006
everyone know Barry was one of if not the best running back of our time ,but he was also a class act. i had a chance to meet him at the superbowl in san diego a couple of years ago , and he was just a cool guy , he was jumpin in his limo with his date but still topped to shake a hand or to and just be a regular joe. so not only good player but good person .
posted by trrron at 11:55 AM on February 02, 2006
good guy , better mother
posted by trrron at 11:49 AM on January 31, 2006
live hard ,play hard ,party hard . that is a raider WAY OF LIFE . great superbowl memories
posted by trrron at 11:41 AM on January 31, 2006
dont feel so bad mkn , i am a shark fan and were in the same boat , and to think we were 1 game away from the stanley cup finals b4 the lockout , what a diffrence a year makes .
posted by trrron at 11:27 AM on January 31, 2006
Bull Gores Matador Through Mouth
wow , I seen Jose Tomas get gorred at the San Marcos feria about a month ago. Extremly dangerous sport but also very beautiful . Thanks for sharing.