Cotto-Margarito: It Was That Good : Yes, it was that good. Going into the welterweight showdown between WBA champion Miguel Cotto and challenger Antonio Margarito boxing fans were salivating over a match up that guaranteed fireworks.
What? Margarito won? Where is the spoiler alert? I'm joking! I'm joking!
posted by govtdrone at 07:43 AM on July 30, 2008
A truly classic fight. I was for Cotto at first, but I give all props to Margarito. He obviously has a good chin to take the shots he did early on. I could feel the fight turning as he began to take control. This was worth every penny and I would love to see them fight again.
posted by Mickster at 10:19 AM on July 30, 2008
I had no doubt Margarito would win in the late rounds, he has a chin made of Bedrock . And Cotto was headhunting in the begining instead of working the body .I hope for a rematch .
posted by trrron at 12:23 PM on July 30, 2008
You are right on target trron. If Cotto would've went to the body more on Margarito, it may have been a totally different fight. Either way, I still believe this was a helluva bout. Many great fighters have been ducking Margarito for quite some time and despite the loss, Cotto proved that he is willing to fight anybody, anywhere at or lose. He has shown to have a heart of a lion and the intelligence of a scholar since he knew that no matter what he threw at the Tijuana Tornado, Margarito would just keep coming and pressure Cotto even more. Cotto was out of gas and definately should have gone to the body in the early rounds.
posted by BornIcon at 01:04 PM on July 30, 2008
Sorry for the late post guys. I actually just came back from Vegas last night after going over there this weekend to watch this fight and it was a classic. I was pulling for Cotto the whole night but wasn't too upset to see Margarito come out with the victory in the 11th. This was one of the best fights that I've seen in quite a while and am surprised to see that no one has already posted something about this fight. Overall, I can't wait to see these two lock horns once again.