Diving - I don't think this would work very well for men as the slightest mistake might have very painful consequences. Then again, it might make for interesting television.
posted by pfuller at 01:13 PM on May 12, 2003
Nice analysis Hal, especially: we disregarded Palmeiro for so long, and took his own words to heart, that he was just another hitter, another player. Palmeiro has never sought out to be highly regarded. His no nonsense work ethic and everyman personality are both very respectable traits. I have some bias (lifelong Rangers fan) but I think he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.
posted by pfuller at 12:01 PM on May 12, 2003
I was confused at first, but then I clicked on the forum: WELCOME If you don't like it, just fuck off. Coming on here to slag strangers off is pathetic. No one forced you here. Only ignorant cunts can be so judgmental. Whatever you think this site's about, whoever you think it's for, show some fucking respect. Some angry gents over there? Thanks for the link, FB, it definitely makes for interesting reading.
posted by pfuller at 01:55 PM on May 09, 2003
and thanks, squealy. I'll shut up now.
posted by pfuller at 12:15 PM on May 09, 2003
What else is there really to do? Why NOT feel passionate about the game to the point of violence? At least you feel alive... Okay, now I'm scared.
posted by pfuller at 12:13 PM on May 09, 2003
I couldn't really tell if the people who attacked him last night and those who threatened him last summer are supporters of the teams he is/was on. If so, harming your own football team's chances of winning is a surefire way to relegate yourself to the warm division in God's eyes. ...and what the Fooker said.
posted by pfuller at 11:54 AM on May 09, 2003
He will most likely draw good ratings and there are a lot of people (the Clones) who like him. I think his radio show does pretty well (financially and ratings-wise) and he definitely has outspoken opinions that will generate enough controversy to keep other people (outside his core audience) interested. /parentheses
posted by pfuller at 10:58 AM on May 02, 2003
He's whiny and colossally judgmental on the scale of Rush Limbaugh. I just got a mental image of Rome's "Clones" battling Limbaugh's "Dittoheads" for misinformed, bombastic radio supremacy. It's probably a little unfair to Jim to compare him to Rush, but maybe it isn't.
posted by pfuller at 10:15 AM on May 02, 2003
If anyone is still in here,
Iowa State University officials, seeking to short-circuit brutal national publicity, moved Wednesday to dismiss men's basketball coach Larry Eustachy in the wake of reports that he drank and partied with students after games at the University of Missouri and Kansas State University.
posted by pfuller at 03:51 PM on May 01, 2003
good luck with that squealy, I'll root for ya! but seriously, I don't think I've watched anyone else who can place a ball like Beckham can. And I don't necessarily mean free kicks, he is often at his best crossing the ball in from the right or releasing someone on a break. As for the article, after being an unabashed Man U fan for the last 10 years, I still hate the corporate aspect of sports, even if that is what allows me to see their games. Makes me feel unclean.
posted by pfuller at 02:25 PM on May 01, 2003
Does anyone know if rumors about his possibly being let go after the season had any truth to them? Someone on the radio mentioned that he might have inadvertently saved his own job. Would the Blazers let him go after this? But wow, just read the article again and got chills for the second time. Twas a mighty grand act.
posted by pfuller at 03:24 PM on April 30, 2003
I can understand the MLS wanting to retain big-name players to help the league grow, but it must be a slippery slope to walk as this stifles the best players. The US National Team will (most likely) never be a top international squad until top US players gain experience abroad starting at an early age (18-22). Donovan and Beasley should already be in Europe, maybe Mathis and a few others as well. Just look at Jon O'Brien who has been one of our best National Team players the past couple of years after having played in the Dutch League since 1999. FB: Yes, from what I remember Canada is a suburb of Toronto, which is in the U.S. as evidenced by them having several professional sporting teams. [/runon sentences]
posted by pfuller at 02:57 PM on April 24, 2003
I agree with Brettski, good game to watch, but after that first goal it took all of my fanatical optimism to pretend like United still had much of a chance of advancing. I've started disliking Silvestre in the left center back more and more. They should have lined up the way they did in the second half at the beginning of the game.
posted by pfuller at 10:28 AM on April 24, 2003
Donald Sterling might qualify for a longer villains list. His treatment of the Clippers is pretty deplorable.
posted by pfuller at 09:58 AM on April 24, 2003
Hey, whenever you have kidzworld and (like right on his willy) on the same page you don't question what you're doing. You just bookmark!
posted by pfuller at 02:38 PM on April 23, 2003
From here:
The Penis Bite This is one celebration which will hopefully not become a tradition. Sevilla soccer player, Francisco Gallardo, bit his teammate on the penis (like right on his willy) after a goal on November 28, 2001.I know a lot of you may have heard about this, but I wonder why it is described at a site called kidzworld? And even though it is at kidzworld do they have to throw in (like right on his willy)?
posted by pfuller at 02:25 PM on April 23, 2003
I would agree that Beckham is a bit overrated, but he does have fantastic touch on the ball and sometimes his energy level seems quite remarkable. With Keane, however, I have to disagree with your assessment. Before his surgery this year I thought he consistently played as well as any central midfielder in the Premiership. He may not have the flash and dribbling skills of some players, but he more than makes up for it in toughness and desire.
posted by pfuller at 10:05 AM on April 16, 2003
I hope Man U plays like they did against Newcastle as opposed to how they played against Real Madrid. I agree with it being a "tense, tight contest" although I hope that both sides don't bunker down in an effort to prevent goals. Keane, Giggs, and O'Shea are all questionable, with at least one of the three expected to start. Keane is probably Man Utd's most important leader, but I have not been impressed with his play lately. If he is deemed fit, I wouldn't mind seeing him at center back instead of midfield. And how are going to be following the game? I have to watch the replay after work so I'll have to avoid lurking around here after the game starts.
posted by pfuller at 08:50 AM on April 16, 2003
400.1 - What a way to kill a Friday afternoon, thanks FB.
posted by pfuller at 03:26 PM on April 11, 2003
That sounds like Veteran's. I thought there was another course in Arlington that was better, but it isn't listed there. My roommate used to play a lot, I'll have to drag him out to Research Park.
posted by pfuller at 02:56 PM on March 27, 2003
Good link, Ufez, thanks! I have played a few times, all at Veteran's Park in Arlington. Probably only 30-40 minutes away from you (but I don't know how good the course is).
posted by pfuller at 02:04 PM on March 27, 2003
Guardian coverage of FA Cup Replay for those at work: Arsenal 2 Chelsea 0 after 39 min.
posted by pfuller at 02:30 PM on March 25, 2003
When We Were Kings is a great documentary about the "Rumble in the Jungle" which I highly recommend. And hell, BMX is a sport right. The single movie I watched more than any other from age 9-12: Rad. Also, if anyone has Greatest Goals Of World Cup USA 94, you can see me right after this goal.
posted by pfuller at 03:42 PM on March 21, 2003
Thanks for your emails, and please accept my apologies for our system dying midway through the second half. It lasted a damn sight longer than Liverpool, I can tell you that for nothing. This seems to have happened a few times now. I wonder what is going on over there. On preview: I wonder if I meant the Guardian or Liverpool?
posted by pfuller at 04:38 PM on March 20, 2003
If the defenders in the wall jump (which they do very often), they try to time their jump with the arrival of the ball. Since they are only ten yards away, they usually leap as soon as the ball is struck. So, if a player wants to try to squeeze a shot under the wall, they just kick it on the ground and hope the opposing players jump.
posted by pfuller at 03:17 PM on March 20, 2003
Did you send this in, StarFucker?:
"Since, as David O'Connell pointed out in the first half, Massive Attack had to de-warify their name during the last Gulf war, shouldn't Arsenal also shorten their name to sound a little less militaristic this time round?" says David Omerod, who may or may not be related to Southampton striker Brett. "Dropping three letters should do it."hehe
posted by pfuller at 03:31 PM on March 19, 2003
Can I change one word? Personally, I can think of little that is more demeaning than spitting at your opponent. Although there may be other things more unsportsmanlike, spitting is definitely near the top of the list. It may not physically injure (which makes it less serious than the things you mentioned worldcup), but it is usually intended to humiliate and it should have no place in sports. [embarrassing personal story] In high school while playing club soccer, I was engaged in a fierce physical battle with the opposing center midfielder. As I was jogging toward the sidelines to position myself for a throw-in, I heard him spit, followed one second later by a light touch on the back of my shirt. I immediately turned and spat directly into the face of the opposing player and began to step towards him. His cries of "Ref, ref!" slowed me however, and when the referee reached us, I explained that I had spat in the other player's face in retaliation. After showing him the back of my shirt, the referee looked at me blankly and said there was nothing that he could see, followed by a warning to both of us to cool our tempers. I should have been issued an immediate red card, but was left instead with simply a red face. [/embarrassing personal story]
posted by pfuller at 03:29 PM on March 18, 2003
And I'll never forget John Kruk's response when he was admonished by a woman for drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette:
"I'm not an athlete, I'm a professional baseball player."I'm not sure how this adds to the discussion, but whenever I think of it I smile. :)
posted by pfuller at 04:00 PM on March 17, 2003
I think that Aberdeen acted honorably in standing behind Paterson, but he also deserves some respect for being upfront about the reason for his absence instead of making excuses. Mickey Mantle immediately sprang to mind when thinking of athletes and booze:
"There is no doubt in my mind that alcohol hurt my career terribly. In the end, all you really have are the memories and the numbers on paper. The numbers are important because baseball is built on them, and this is the way you are measured. And the point is, I played in more than 2,400 games, more than any Yankee player in history, and I hit 536 home runs, and I shouldn’t be griping about my career. But I know it should have been so much better, and the big reason it wasn’t is the lifestyle I chose, the late nights and too many empty glasses."- Mickey Mantle as he was quoted in 'Mickey Mantle: America's Prodigal Son' And Billy Martin was a baseball manager quite notorious for his love of the drink:
In 1969, Billy became the manager for the Minnesota Twins. The pattern that would become his hallmark emerged. He would lead the team to a better finishing record than they had the previous season. But then Martin would be involved in a well-publicized fight, usually involving alcohol, his reputation--as well as the reputation of the club-- would be marred and he would get fired. The pattern repeated itself during one season in Minnesota, three in Detroit, two in Texas, and three in Oakland.from here (scroll down)
posted by pfuller at 03:14 PM on March 17, 2003
This story somewhat reminds me of Michael Jordan's attempts to complete triple doubles in games in which he was close to doing so. From what I remember, Phil Jackson had to ask the scorer's table to not respond to Jordan's in-game requests for his current stats.
posted by pfuller at 12:14 PM on March 17, 2003
FYI: the live soccer links worldcup2002 often posts are usually in the same vein. Maybe not as funny throughout as the cricket report, but there are always remarks that make me laugh out loud.
posted by pfuller at 09:57 AM on March 14, 2003
I wasn't able to see it either. Are you also using a mac worldcup?
posted by pfuller at 09:42 AM on March 13, 2003
Good article, squealy, and it does mention that Fredua is his younger brother. You never know, maybe someday we Fredua here.
posted by pfuller at 08:21 AM on March 13, 2003
I agree with the thing about Shirley. It's way out of line vito90.
posted by pfuller at 04:33 PM on March 12, 2003
From the article: Some observers have suggested staging a Ryder Cup of pro basketball, with U.S. stars battling a team of their international colleagues, perhaps in place of the traditional East-West All Star matchup, as the National Hockey League now does. I would think this would be fun to watch, but not as a replacement to the all-star game and I don't know how realistic it is, especially since the NHL switched back.
posted by pfuller at 09:36 AM on March 11, 2003
Texas Rangers: "D.A.R.E. To Keep Juan Gonzalez Off The DL." Although not necessarily hilarious, it is completely true.
posted by pfuller at 03:42 PM on March 07, 2003
squealy - if you mouse over the time at the bottom of that entry, the status bar shows this: http://fatbuddha.blogspot.com/archive/2003_03_01_fatbuddha_archive.html#90121830 and it looks like BigCalm cut it down to this: http://fatbuddha.blogspot.com#90121830 since it is still on the front page and it would be unnecessary to go the archives. On preview: Looks like BigCalm got it better than me.
posted by pfuller at 03:30 PM on March 07, 2003
A little late, but, Man Utd defeats Leeds on a late goal by Silvestre, but they lost Keane for at least a couple of weeks, along with some other nicks and scrapes.
posted by pfuller at 08:27 AM on March 07, 2003
I respectfully disagree with your first paragraph, wfrazerjr, although I think that most pro athletes would share your point of view. Most athletes would also take performance enhancing drugs if they knew they could get away with it and it would win them a championship or medal. Somebody that does anything to gain an advantage is usually breaking the rules and creating an unbalanced playing field. I'm as competitive as anyone I know and I absolutely hate to lose, but if there is anything I hate more than losing, it's cheating. And for me, diving is cheating.
posted by pfuller at 08:20 PM on March 04, 2003
I know, Ufez, I just like to pretend that all professional athletes are also good sports (it is true, isn't it?). Diving in order to get someone else a card, or gain yourself a penalty shot or a man advantage, is against the spirit of competitive sport, imho.
posted by pfuller at 02:03 PM on March 04, 2003
I know that FIFA has been trying to crack down on diving, especially in last years World Cup. It is still a much bigger problem than it should be. I could never understand a dive because it seemed to make more sense to fight through any physical play to show your toughness.
posted by pfuller at 12:35 PM on March 04, 2003
With thanks to Samsonov14 We're gonna win the cup, We're gonna win the cup, And now you're gonna believe us, And now you're gonna believe us, And now you're gonna believe us, We're gonna win the cup.
posted by pfuller at 02:19 PM on February 28, 2003
Thanks, now I can sing along on Sunday. The site seems to immediately and continuously refresh on loading in Safari.
posted by pfuller at 01:30 PM on February 28, 2003
More here. I liked Man Utd's look on Tuesday, with Keane playing center back with Ferdinand. With Silvestre and possibly Brown back that probably won't happen. Although they played a little lackadaisical (having needed a tie against a sick team to ensure advancement), I hope they can carry over some of the success they had.
posted by pfuller at 01:20 PM on February 28, 2003
Man U
posted by pfuller at 01:01 PM on February 28, 2003
I will miss Emmitt being a Cowboy. The guy is quite a class act. The way the press conference was handled yesterday was proof of that. I also thought it quite strange that Parcells was not at the press conference, except in an effort to make clear that the decision was just between Jerry and Emmitt. Like rcade said, No freaking way.
posted by pfuller at 12:57 PM on February 28, 2003
The Klan simply wants to use this protest to increase their exposure. I agree that it could hurt Augusta National's cause, I just hope that enough people have learned to ignore this ridiculous organization's propaganda (although they did get ESPN to write a story about it).
posted by pfuller at 09:10 AM on February 28, 2003
posted by pfuller at 09:27 AM on February 25, 2003
I think jmd82 got the wrong thread. Just wanted to clarify that I do not think that the EPL should be reduced in size either. Would clubs in several competitions ever consider dropping the FA Cup or UEFA Cup/Champions League at the expense of the other?
posted by pfuller at 01:57 PM on February 20, 2003
I agree with you too, StarFucker, but perhaps that comes from growing up in a country where the highest soccer league is a few years old.
posted by pfuller at 09:24 AM on February 20, 2003
I thought almost the exact same thing as Samsonov14. I would tend to lean toward Japan being worried about an attack, although it seems to make more sense as a protest. I hope more information will be provided. StarFucker's comment makes the most sense of all.
posted by pfuller at 04:32 PM on February 18, 2003
corpse: I don't know if this is what you are referring to, but I just found it and I like it much better than their new or old front page.
posted by pfuller at 02:58 PM on February 18, 2003
Soccer is good, but there are other sports that are fun too. :) I don't really see their EXPN site to be a huge change from their current home page, although it does have less clutter. Sometimes pages like ESPN, MSN, and Yahoo give me tired head.
posted by pfuller at 12:06 PM on February 14, 2003
jacknose - I tried to email you, but it was returned undeliverable, so here it is: In an effort to keep the thread more on-topic, I figured I'd email you with my mozilla (or general mac browser) thoughts. I am also using a powerbook G4, just so you know. Yerfatma is right about mozilla being a memory hog, it loads at about the same speed as netscape, or slightly (YMMV) slower than IE. The ability to block pop-ups is probably my favorite benefit, although the option to block images from individual servers is also cool. (I don't really know much about using host files to keep the adservers at bay.) I haven't had yerfatma's experience with espn.com pages not looking good, but I have noticed this in other websites (especially microsoft sites, go figure). Chimera is a really fast browser, but I rarely use it because it lacks the extended features of mozilla. Although I'm sure you've probably seen it, there is some discussion of mozilla and others in this metatalk thread.
posted by pfuller at 01:06 PM on December 13, 2002
Bernreuther: Pop-Up Zapper works o.k. and you can try it out for a few days before you have to register. I agree with yerfatma though, I started using Mozilla a few months ago and now live pop-up free. (sorry off-topic)
posted by pfuller at 12:38 PM on December 12, 2002
I feel bad for my Sportsfilter brethren, but I relish the impending Man U victory all the same. Basel 1-3 Man U.
posted by pfuller at 03:14 PM on November 26, 2002
Veron hasn't played a decent game since Man U signed him. Off with his head!
posted by pfuller at 02:00 PM on November 26, 2002
go Man U
posted by pfuller at 01:39 PM on November 26, 2002
Nice job, jmpeterson (and all the beat posters so far). The Feherty link is pretty good and it reminds me of a story he retold shortly after Rich Beem won the PGA. If you are interested, most of Feherty's columns are pretty good, imho.
posted by pfuller at 01:47 PM on November 19, 2002
Good for Vino
btw, the jersey issue is explained a little more in depth here.