Man U's Perfect Pitch.: Long Washington Post article (minor registration req'd) on the worldwide draw of the Manchester United brand.
posted by Mookieproof to soccer at 08:31 AM - 8 comments
You can hear an NPR puff piece on Beckham yesterday. I can't believe they give him so much credit for being able to bend a ball around a wall. I mean, nothing was said about all the South Americans who were doing this long before overpaid good-looking Euro boys who marry pop stars were doing it. Totally overblown.
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:14 AM on May 01, 2003
As a good-looking Euro boy, i find that comment offensive...
posted by StarFucker at 11:26 AM on May 01, 2003
Cracking article Mookie. Fecking Man U, it's all about money. Where's the romance? ;-) Beckham's the best crosser of the ball in the world. Nuff said.
posted by squealy at 12:10 PM on May 01, 2003
squealy actually likes Beckham? Man. OK, he's pretty good passer but the best? Hmmm.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:40 PM on May 01, 2003
Captain of England. Rogueishly good-looking. What isn't to like? I just reckon he puts the brilliant whipped crosses into the box, between goalie and defence, or the "corridor of uncertainty" to nick a phrase from cricket. Almost impossible to defend against. The boy's a star, hopefully he'll leave Man U and Posh Spice in the summer, and we can be together. ;-)
posted by squealy at 01:58 PM on May 01, 2003
posted by StarFucker at 02:10 PM on May 01, 2003
good luck with that squealy, I'll root for ya! but seriously, I don't think I've watched anyone else who can place a ball like Beckham can. And I don't necessarily mean free kicks, he is often at his best crossing the ball in from the right or releasing someone on a break. As for the article, after being an unabashed Man U fan for the last 10 years, I still hate the corporate aspect of sports, even if that is what allows me to see their games. Makes me feel unclean.
posted by pfuller at 02:25 PM on May 01, 2003
Great article Holmes!