Did anyone REALLY think this wouldn't happen, somewhere down the line? Sad...
posted by Thumper at 12:43 AM on January 20, 2006
If he MUST set a record, let it be for the number of intentional walks he gets over however long he chooses to drag this joke on. Is he good? Yeah. Is he THAT good? Uhhh.....
posted by Thumper at 11:36 PM on January 17, 2006
You guys are BAGGIN' me! Georgie's been gone a month, and everyone's forgotten "the Best"? Look, he's not Pele, but Jesus, a month ago, the WORLD was shedding a tear. Today, you're crying about that bald headed monkey, Beckham. Bend THIS, Davey boy!!!
posted by Thumper at 10:26 PM on January 16, 2006
A story where the rich guy DOESN'T win? How droll- America
posted by Thumper at 10:02 AM on January 14, 2006
Gwyne, Rose, Boggs...TOTALLY different animals!I don't know... honestly, are performance enhancing drugs REALLY that big a deal? McGwire, Barry, Raffi, all "guilty" of the "juice", but really, homers are homers. McGwire hits a 550 instead of a 505, Barry goes Pond...Steroids enhance muscle mass and power, NOT hand-eye skills. McGwire's 70th barely cleared at 325, and nobody bitched. Greenies, speeders, 'roids...they've been around for a LONG time, in one form or another. Truthfully, hitters are banging CRAP pitching. Face it, with the exception of a handful of Clemens', Johnsons' and (as a Card fan) Carpenters',MLB has no legitimate answer to the dinger dilema, without exposing itself for what it is...an offensive-minded cash cow! If you insist on screaming "drug abuse", I still ask the unanswered question; Steroids are reported to aggressively attack the legs and hamstrings. Given his recent persistant leg problems, why hasn't Junior, the "next Babe", been mentioned in this witch-hunt? Just wondering...
posted by Thumper at 10:35 PM on January 12, 2006
Sport, hobby, recreation...WHATEVER!!! As is always the case, someone has to step up and declare HIS "love" is the only real thing, and everybody else's ain't squat. I've played baseball, football, basketball, soccer, been hunting, thrown darts, been to NASCAR and played poker. Enjoyed it ALL! Get over this macho crap and let people just enjoy themselves, WHATEVER their "game"! JESUS!
posted by Thumper at 09:04 PM on January 03, 2006
This Rams fan bids farewell to "The biggest SCHMO on turf"! Hoping to see Mike Tice in town for at least an interview. Yeah, he's got some baggage, but the organization seems, at times, to be owned by Samsonite, from "the Queen bee" on down. Don't wait too long on this one. You've had PLENTY of time to get a short list together. Hmmm...I wonder if Rich Brooks isn't sitting by the phone...
posted by Thumper at 12:56 PM on January 02, 2006
Stephen Jackson can't carry Faulk's jock OR cup. He thinks 1000 yards (a 16 game average of 63 yards) is a major accomplishment! St. Louis fans cheer what the young pups call, "the old dude", when he hits the field. "Dude" gives 105%, doesn't bitch when he only gets 8-10 touches(primarily passes) and STILL adds class AND integrity to a program run by the people whom employed the "greatest schmo on turf", Mike Martz. Faulk may not be Brown, Simpson, Sanders or Smith, but he's STILL someone to worry about EVERY time he gets a touch...
posted by Thumper at 08:12 PM on December 29, 2005
Points taken, rcade. I guess I sometimes get rackled when "the usuals" go after everyone, no matter the problem. To all offended, my bad.
posted by Thumper at 11:09 PM on December 27, 2005
It's two days after Christmas, and we're ALREADY talking baseball. Jesus, I love you guys! It's only fifty-something days 'til pitcher and catchers. Happy New Year, y'all!!!
posted by Thumper at 09:40 PM on December 27, 2005
I'm reminded of something the old man used to say; "That's fine, young pup, YOUR day's coming...". Family loss, drug reactions, irrational thought patterns... and now, smart assed comments by pups who haven't been around long enough to catch the whole game. THIS GUY WAS SQUEAKY CLEAN!!! Stuff happens EVERY day. I'm sure that when EACH ONE OF YOU SMART GUYS messes up, YOU will be the first to tell ALL OF US about it, WON"T YOU? Jeffer, don't know ya, bud, but I'M in your corner, and hope the courts are a bit more forgiving than the heartless bastards who throw funny shit under assumed names! Peace.
posted by Thumper at 08:47 PM on December 27, 2005
Ciao, Danderoo, we hardly knew ye...
posted by Thumper at 09:32 PM on December 26, 2005
The U.S. is PROHIBITING Cuba from sending a team to the WORLD games? What, did Cheney tap a Miami phone and find out who they were gonna get? And we wonder why we're viewed as the world's bullies. This administration has run more flea-flickers and misdirection plays than a high school team, in getting their way on EVERYTHING! And now, THIS... Simply, stay the hell out of sports and get back to the IMPORTANT matters...your next unannounced pay raise, you farging bastids!
posted by Thumper at 11:33 AM on December 26, 2005
STUD...no BS about it. Could probably kick most of the asses in MLB right now! Look for "Moe" Selig and Congress to ponder metamucil as a performance enhancing powder.
posted by Thumper at 10:18 PM on December 09, 2005
NOBODY seems to realize just how much the game has been Americanized. Europeans are being hit with a six dollar non-refundable fee for the right to BUY tix. And THEY'RE pissed? Try paying the $12 "handling fee" to see the Stones, mate! Think they'd be interested in buying Marlins season tickets? "Come see the East Toenail Goobers at MLB prices! Sorry, no refunds or discounts." The old man used to say, "There's a one letter difference between "champ" and "chump". YOU better learn it!"
posted by Thumper at 10:09 PM on December 09, 2005
At least, y'all got something to talk about. Cardinal Nation gets to grouse about arbitration for "Matty Schmo". Think my pants are at the ankles waiting for a .500 "pitcher" to lob that three-run, sixth inning BP bang he'll give up to Milwawkee on a meaningless July Wednesday night? Giants fans, you have NO IDEA what you're missing! Essentially EIGHT MILLION reasons to check out TNT reruns of "Law and Order", baby! My kid would say, "Poopski, Dad"!
posted by Thumper at 10:40 PM on December 08, 2005
"The man who fixed the BCS". THAT'S what I want on my tombstone! Three words define the entire situation...billion dollar industry. With that kind of money, SOMEBODY had to check things out. Fix my social security worries, you idiot, and leave football, and all sports, for that matter, to the common man! JESUS!!!
posted by Thumper at 09:55 AM on December 03, 2005
To ALL of today's "million dollar babies", be they footballers, or hardballers in general, I suppose this passing should be a reminder to all of us...a good looking corpse will NEVER be a suitable finish from "living fast and dying young". The smokes, the drinks, the birds...all great fun, but now, the boot kicks no more. Rest in peace, Georgie B. I'll be looking forward to marking you, somewhere down the pitch...
posted by Thumper at 11:53 AM on November 26, 2005
This, on the Feast of St. Albert... As a St. Louisan, I get to watch AP every night. How do scouts miss guys like this? Too much time at the College World Series, I guess. My fear was that, with the re-emergence of Bonds, and the many rising names in the league, Albert's only moment in the sun would come with his HOF nomination. Lee and Jones are flat out studs, and are true MVP candidates. The Cubs WERE contenders: no Sammylove and a question mark for a bull-pen, yet Lee TORE US UP each time we saw him. The Braves have a good young club, one that may grab many more Division flags, led by Jones, who has altered, not only his swing but, his approach to the game. Give Pujols his moment. Forget the stats and the comparisons to Ruth, Williams and Mantle. You won't see his name in the tabs, punching out a drunk Mets fan at an after hours bar. He shows up early, gets his cuts (good or bad), goes home to the family and comes back tomorrow, looking to a new day. You'll see no contract renegotiation disputes, tirades with management or shouting matches with the media. He may be surly at times, but media types need to understand...sometimes, there just isn't anything to say. To Albert Pujols...Long may you run!
posted by Thumper at 10:00 PM on November 15, 2005
Does this mean the mighty Bud "Moe" Selig has struck out? HIS third strike was the All-Star game fiasco. And what of poor Rose, Jr....ANOTHER B-teamer down to TWO strikes! Y'know, this may anger some M's and Reds fans, but after seeing the anti-steroids commercial on TV, the one that describe the body as it breaks down the legs, I can't help but wonder why Griffey Jr, the King of the Hamstring, has NEVER been questioned. With all that hammer, his lanky ass was gonna be THE NEXT BAMBINO!!! As Mama would ask, "Whaaa happened"? Just a thought...
posted by Thumper at 09:15 PM on November 15, 2005
Gang... A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the Cy Young Award was won for one reason...guts. Drysdale, Koufax, Gibson, Marichal, Seaver...they all had it. THREE HUNDRED INNINGS and TWENTY-FIVE WINS were the benchmark of success. In today's world of six-inning "superstars", Chris Carpenter is an exception to the rule. No, he doesn't have Donnie's fancy leg kick or pretty smile, nor Clemmens' rep or legendary scowl. Carpenter brings to mind a word seldom associated with today's pitchers...STOPPER. With the exception of that two game "post-clinch" slump, check out Chris' stats following a Cardinal loss. And let's not forget that ten-inning, 100 degree afternoon win over the "Rocket". Guts... I would NOT have been devastated had Donnie won; his numbers were there. Even Oswalt has it going. And don't get me wrong, I'm A BIG fan of the Rajah, but he plays in a different world. While Carp, Donnie and the "O" face a 162 game grind, Clemens stays home, and if he gets lit up in the third, showers, dresses and takes the limo to the palace. Guts? Let's congratulate a man who, two years ago, probably looked at a junior college coaching job and, today lifts a once damaged arm in victory, as a Cy Young winner, instead of pissing like the dreamers we are.
posted by Thumper at 10:27 PM on November 10, 2005
St. Louis lands the Anti-Martz.
Caught his press conference and a couple of the local one-on-ones. He seems to be likeable, funny and just what the St. Louis media clamors over...a good interview. But, I watch Jay Leno every night. Linehan will only be front and center on game day, post-games and the Monday afternoon Ram Park press update. Let's see how jovial and friendly he is after a twenty point loss to Texas... Anyway, good luck, Scott. With this front office, you might need it!