Big Success for Little United: When Tampa Bay Buccaneers owner Malcolm Glazer bought Manchester United last May, he sparked a phenomenon that could never happen in American sports: Disgusted fans began their own team, FC United, which is breaking its league's attendance records and drawing 3,000 fans a game, more than some clubs five levels higher in British soccer. "At best it would take seven years for the club to progress into the Football League," reports the Guardian, "so few at Old Trafford will be quaking in their boots yet, though the impetus is inescapable."
Unfortunately in American sports this can't really happen. There is of course no minor leagues in NFL really unless you count the colleges and Arena. MLB minor leagues can basically not compete with the contracted farm systems. The NBA has a lock on the DNBA. About the only place this could happen would be in NASCAR but that is not city specific. English football and the way it is organized is just so totally different. But it is pretty cool that they have done this.
posted by scottypup at 09:07 AM on January 14, 2006
After passing up a chance to buy stock in the Packers because I couldn't support a rival of the Cowboys, I've been eager to buy into one of these team ownership deals. I'm tempted to join the Dons Trust, the fans' group that runs AFC Wimbledon, and support FC United, though the site doesn't make it clear how to establish membership.
posted by rcade at 09:31 AM on January 14, 2006
A story where the rich guy DOESN'T win? How droll- America
posted by Thumper at 10:02 AM on January 14, 2006
The possibilities, Chicago BlackHawks are forced out of the NHL for impersonating an NHL Team and replaced by the Chicago Wolves of the AHL . It's not unheard of for the Wolves to out draw the pathetic Bhawks. Anyway I guy can dream of the possibilities. Thanks rcade you've fired up my imagination. Good for them the founders of FC United and bully for the fan support their recieving.
posted by skydivedad at 10:40 AM on January 14, 2006
rcade: They'd see you as another American trying to buy their club and have to start yet another club ;) I think promotion/relegation is excellent, and would love to see it work here in the States. Won't happen, but I can dream. Good on FC United. I look forward to the day they play ManU in the FA Cup.
posted by scully at 11:56 AM on January 14, 2006
I like the rules governing the club, but they do state that they will always remain a nonprofit (which is cool). Very much like a coop, especially wwith the one person, one vote rules. Don't know if they payout dividends or anything, but here's the donation page in case anyone is interested. I may send them a tenner.
posted by scully at 01:11 PM on January 14, 2006
well played! take that, glazer's weird beard. call me a commie, but this is one of the best things about the packers as well.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:12 PM on January 14, 2006
Man City deserved the win. Man U has been playing sorry defense as of late, not to mention mediocre offense. the hell is happening with the reds?
posted by LA man at 01:28 PM on January 14, 2006
Off subject but yea, City deserved it. I hope this FC United story continues to grow and get attention. They seem to be re-writing The Little Engine That Could.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 01:42 PM on January 14, 2006
I'm thrilled that stuff like this can still happen somewhere. I'm looking at maybe picking something up from the shop.
posted by chicobangs at 03:16 PM on January 14, 2006
Thanks rcade, I was just about to post the same story myself. I've been following the reports on FC United this season, and it's also good that the other teams in the league will benefit from their presence through extra gate money. But at current rate of progress it looks like they'll only spend a season in each division before moving up! Something that's been bugging me for many years - if the game doesn't exist for the fans, then who is it for?
posted by owlhouse at 03:26 PM on January 14, 2006
Great post, rcade.
posted by scully at 03:51 PM on January 14, 2006
Moore & Co Construction Solicitors' North West Counties League Division Two, how much more English could a name be? I have mixed thoughts on the whole anti-Glazer campaign, no need to go into that again, but it's interesting that this little outfit has turned into the Red Devils Chelsea of the lowest level. By which I mean they're spending much more money, relatively speaking, to get results.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:41 PM on January 14, 2006
...and, significantly, getting them.
posted by chicobangs at 05:07 PM on January 14, 2006
I can't get this thread out of my head. All together now... Couple of questions: How does a set-up like FC United keep from being bought out by Anyone Moneybags? Is it just down to a simple vote from the membership with all members idealistically thinking they won't sell out? Can anyone see a reason why this set-up wouldn't work stateside, say, in this league?
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 06:21 PM on January 14, 2006
Hi, I've just come across this page from some RSS feeds and its great to see that our club is generating so much interest on this side of the pond - i don't think that it is purely an English thing, nor is it a purely soccer thing, but more and more people are being disenfranchised with the game they love. Texan_lost_in_NY FC United of Manchester is set up on a one member, one vote basis, the only way this can change is if we, the members, were to vote for it (and the phrase, "turkeys voting for Chirstmas" springs to mind there) - it is a little more complicated in that provisions are set up to ensure that memebership cannot be rigged by third parties. For those that are interested in pressreports is a resource that has collected together most of the media reports on our club since its beginnings last June. There are 2 short tlelevision programmes here for those who don't like to read too much ;) Granada Soccer Night short clip from 3 days ago very interesintg Half-hour doc covering the whole set-up and interviews with many concerend at 'big' united as well as FC United
posted by toast at 02:27 AM on January 15, 2006
Hello, toast! Welcome. Hope you find occasion to stop by every once in a while. Thanks for the links, too. Sounds like United is making the extra effort to do this right, and as you can see, it seems a lot of fans of other clubs in other sports are jealous of what FCUM has already accomplished and what their future might hold. Good on you.
posted by chicobangs at 05:32 AM on January 15, 2006
toast Hey Thanks for the insights and the video. How do I get one of FCUM shirts?
posted by skydivedad at 08:53 AM on January 15, 2006
Hello all - just back from.... Accrington (who?....exxxxactly*) after watching a 1-3 victory for FC United over Nelson and another great day out skydivedad you can order replica shirts here - this year they have no sponsorship, so look particularly good - whether they will never have sponsorshiop is something that remains to be seen - can we be like barcelona and never have it? i would like to think so.... *little joke there for any english viewers....
posted by toast at 11:02 AM on January 15, 2006
Texan, USL have an expansion club this season already, in Miami, which seems to have pushed Richmond down to the Second Division, but otherwise I don't see evidence of promotion/relegation. Though given the crappy website I can't really say for sure.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:29 PM on January 15, 2006
My father grew up in south Manchester and was a United supporter all his life (1926-84). We've stood on the Stretford End together. One of the shirts worn by his grandson would be a fitting tribute, as he would have been vociferously opposed to how Old Trafford is being run these days. I particularly like the Vasco da Gama look of the away kit.
posted by owlhouse at 03:22 PM on January 15, 2006
Nice joke toast. Welcome to SpoFi.
posted by squealy at 04:56 PM on January 15, 2006
Welcome, Toast. I hope you stick around here. We need more Europeans to counter the US-centric nature of this site! FC United have done the impossible. They've made me feel all warm and fuzzy about Manchester United fans. :-)
posted by salmacis at 01:43 AM on January 16, 2006
Welcome toast and thanks for the information/links! I admit to being a United fan...still after 35 years...but I'm even a bigger fan of sports played for the right reasons and teams run by the right people, the fans. toast, it looks like I'm not the only one on this messageboard who admires what you're doing. Don't be surprised to see membership and shirt sales rise slightly (1 sized fat bastard for me, please.)
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 02:32 PM on January 16, 2006
I think there's something stuck in my throat.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 07:15 PM on January 16, 2006
This is a story that will sail completely over the heads of most American sports fans, which is a shame because if they knew about promotion and relegation, they'd love it. Imagine disgusted Detroit Lions fans forming a rival football team that could -- if it played well in a succession of minor leagues -- one day reach the NFL and steal fans from the Lions.