Thank You Sir...May I have another....
posted by MNJ1193 at 12:43 PM on August 18, 2009
where's the picture of the girl?
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:16 PM on August 14, 2006
rcade, youre absolutely right, because here in florida we had a new law recently passed that states if you are in fear for your life and are in involved in a an incident such as the one described in the story, you have the right to shoot. If that had happened, and Taylor had been killed, then Mr. trailer park could feasibly gotten away with it.
posted by MNJ1193 at 09:16 AM on May 06, 2006
YEAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ive been waiting Nine long years for this....Congrats to the Seahawks, But I bleed Black and Gold so.......YES!
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:47 PM on January 22, 2006
isnt funny that everyone whines about all this stuff, but still go to the games? If you really want to make a statement to the owners, stay out of the stadium see how fast they cater to the "fans"
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:16 PM on January 16, 2006
I have a legit question..Where do the replays the refs see come from?> Are they the same as what the stations show? cause if they are....that ref was dumber than a box of rocks...and yes I bleed black and gold
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:10 PM on January 16, 2006
forget that, check out the toe on the Vikings Cheerleader!
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:51 PM on January 09, 2006
*note to self....forward definition of sarcasm memo to ying yang mafia
posted by MNJ1193 at 08:06 PM on December 30, 2005
one thing that i didn't see mentioned, but might have missed, was the practice of teams using draft pick positions as trading tools, wouldnt that deflate the monosopy a little? Anyway, i think i have a solution.... First, in regards to unsigned rookies, to free up money in the salary cap, and reward the athletes who actually prove themselves to be worthy of big dollars, the amount paid to rookies and 2nd year players should be a set amount ie-rookies get league minimum, 2nd year players get a 40% increase, but they should be able to receive performance based bonuses at the end of the season, this would give them incentives to do their best and put each prospect on a level playing field. In regards to the draft, they should have all the rookies coming into the league chosen by having their names put into a giant hat, worst team picks first, blindfolded of course, and has to stick with its pick for at least two years before the player can be traded. If the player doesnt like the team they were picked by, there's always the CFL, or NFL Europe.
posted by MNJ1193 at 03:15 PM on December 30, 2005
When did derek lowe get back into town?
posted by MNJ1193 at 07:48 PM on September 29, 2005
lil brown bat----Maybe they could do the dance thats in European Vacation---That would be funny as hell
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:44 AM on September 23, 2005
duh, anybody who shagged Brooke Shields has got to be better
posted by MNJ1193 at 07:17 PM on September 11, 2005
I nominate Miltonio Bradleyez to this list.
posted by MNJ1193 at 12:52 PM on August 26, 2005
I find burning the American Flag offensive, but that is a right protected under the Constitution, just like someone's right to wear a Yankees Suck shirt, it's a form of freedom of speech and although may not be in the best taste, is still their right to wear it. I think the Red sox organization is treading on the thin line of censorship. Being a Sox fan myself, I wouldn't personally wear the shirt, I'd rather just wear some Sox garb, that speaks volumes in itself. JMO....
posted by MNJ1193 at 12:35 AM on August 26, 2005
first of all, i think that parents put wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much emphasis on their kids' "athletic careers" It really bothers me that coaches have to "have proof" that junior sucks. This kid however should at least brought on the team as an alternative player because it sounds like he gets what it means to be competetive. Maybe with his size he should try out for goalie.. Just my thoughts
posted by MNJ1193 at 12:32 PM on August 23, 2005
i think we should put sharapova up against me.....
posted by MNJ1193 at 10:12 AM on August 23, 2005
Ok, TO is wrong wrong wrong. He obviously has alot of growing up to do, and the fact that a man(or someone who is supoposed to be a man) would act like that is disgusting. However, It would be disgusting if it was a janitor, or a cop, or a laborer. The amount of his paycheck doesnt matter. He's still a dick. AND Texan??? I kinda think you and T.O. would get along really well on a personal level.
posted by MNJ1193 at 07:19 PM on August 10, 2005
Tiger is like a wife. He was fantastic in the beginning, just couldnt take your eyes off what he could do. Five years later he's still doing it, but youre used to itt so it seems to have lost its luster. JMO
posted by MNJ1193 at 03:30 PM on August 10, 2005
Kudos to Podsednik's restrain. This could have easily escalated into a sheffieldesque situation.
posted by MNJ1193 at 01:16 PM on August 10, 2005
now if only the yankees would do that sans the net...(sorry couldn't resist being a Boston Fan) LOL
posted by MNJ1193 at 01:07 PM on August 10, 2005
I liked Dennis Miller.
posted by MNJ1193 at 08:56 AM on August 09, 2005
sure, rcade, the divorce rate is going down per 1000 people but what you aren't saying is that that is only because of gayism and the gay media turning people gay and making more gays who can't get gay marriages and have gay divorces. posted by gspm at 2:44 PM CST on August 4 HAHAHAHAHA Thst clip is freakin hilarious.
posted by MNJ1193 at 08:37 AM on August 05, 2005
right on Black Hand..
posted by MNJ1193 at 01:20 PM on August 04, 2005
lots of players playED for the Mariners the key is ED
posted by MNJ1193 at 08:03 AM on August 03, 2005
I think he'll get in, but I really am just posting to get a free Cadillac. Thanks Chico. (I think a silver one will be fine)
posted by MNJ1193 at 12:28 PM on July 27, 2005
Phillies Force Game 6 with 8-6 Squeaker