Mr Mutombo you sir are a calss act, I'm beyond impressed and keep up the good work. As for the owners and their 700k (Don Sterling put up nothing) fuck off you greedy bastard and get sick soon!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 12:26 PM on August 19, 2006
bring in Wilbon and then I'll give two squats. Joe T sucks arse.
posted by Big Dookie at 01:42 PM on August 15, 2006
Its a shame that these two guys do nothing for me. There is no way in hell I am going to watch. A martian could land on the grass court and I would't even change the channel to look.
posted by Big Dookie at 11:48 AM on July 08, 2006
Thierry Henry!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guys is so underrated all hes scored is like 3 goals in the cup so far. That is more than ourr shitty US team for three games.
posted by Big Dookie at 12:38 AM on July 03, 2006
I hate the dipshit media like the next guy, but talk about beating a dead horse.
posted by Big Dookie at 01:35 AM on May 22, 2006
Ruth played at at iime of no relief pitchers and inferior competition. If he had to compete against black, latino, and asian players like they do now! He'd be about as good as Jim Thome.:)
posted by Big Dookie at 11:51 AM on May 05, 2006
LMFAO!!!! "Taylor drove after the truck, calling 911 in the process, after it fled but lost site of the vehicle inside a trailer park" You see folks this is what happens when brother and sister have sex!!! Just look at the kids mugshot, you can't tell me that kid ain't inbred. LOL!!!!!!!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 11:46 AM on May 05, 2006
Puxatawney Phil will choke again. Is it me or does his fat ass just get winded while walking 36holes??
posted by Big Dookie at 01:39 PM on April 05, 2006
fans are losers and our society is a joke. We now rival the europeans in classless behavior at sporting events.
posted by Big Dookie at 12:17 PM on April 04, 2006
Redick offically is the most overhyped person on the planet!! Hell, even more so than "im going to cry in the car" Morrison. Neither of them could clutch it through in the end.
posted by Big Dookie at 08:09 AM on March 24, 2006
OJ is what whites now use to show equality. Since he is of the ever so exclusive " money bought me out of prison" club. It's only good if your wealthy though.
posted by Big Dookie at 03:14 PM on March 02, 2006
I'm glad to know racism doesn't exist Atheist, I'll call the Univ of Michigan students complaining about Affirmative Action. LOL!!!! reverse racism counts right??!
posted by Big Dookie at 03:05 PM on March 02, 2006
Saying the "race card" means I don't understand this since i'm white.??
posted by Big Dookie at 02:49 PM on March 02, 2006, check it out. This guy is what's wrong with the kids of my generation. "Mommy said it is okay to come in last as long as I had fun." BULLSHIT!!!! This country was founded with a win at all cost principle, and it is what will continue to make it successful!!
posted by Big Dookie at 05:22 PM on February 25, 2006
Ames got PWNED!!! go Tigger
posted by Big Dookie at 10:58 AM on February 24, 2006
The Winter Olympics are about as relevant as the X Games!!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 09:56 AM on February 17, 2006
Nash has always had great players around him. He scores and so does the guy he is covering. I could run down the court with the studs he has!!! Give it to chauncy since he'll have the ring to show for it.
posted by Big Dookie at 03:30 PM on February 16, 2006
I'm from IU and hate the school even more than I did before. The fans are morons, and the admin isn't much better. Worst fans in the Big 10 hands down!!! Mike Davis is right they want one of their own, and they will never ever get is. LOL!!!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 03:26 PM on February 16, 2006
I actually like the sixers in all black.
posted by Big Dookie at 02:45 PM on October 31, 2005
LMAO I like that one BCB!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 03:13 PM on October 27, 2005
we have bigger dongs too!!! LOL!!! just kidding, uh wait no im not.
posted by Big Dookie at 03:51 PM on October 26, 2005
Listen Detroit fans you're QB is gay,and he is soft that combo alone equals NO PLAYOFFS!!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 03:33 PM on October 18, 2005
Let's not forget Babe Ruth played against inferior pitching (no middle relievers or closers) and he was never walked as much as bonds. Let's be honest here, the guy played against all white people. If he would have had to face Latin,Black, and Asian players his stats would have faltered drastically. I don't respect any players that did not play against everyone. Not to say it's his fault, but those different cultures bring a different type of game and this makes it that much harder. Babe Ruth was just another fatass who could only hit home runs he could not steal bases nor could her score from second. Hell take your lazy asses to any public park and you'll see what I mean. There will be a big lard ass at bat and he'll hit the ball a country mile or stike out. Doest that at bat ring a bell?
posted by Big Dookie at 01:21 AM on September 14, 2005
There is no way statistically that moron can name better players than Bonds. He's as dumb and ignorant as the reporters he confides in.
posted by Big Dookie at 02:56 PM on September 13, 2005
IT"S MICHAEL FINLEY you dopes!!!! Steve is a pitcher!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 10:49 AM on September 01, 2005
The funniest of many for me was. 'Number of CDs I own: A GABILLION " rolmfao!! This kid is gonna be a clown out there next yeat. congrats L.A. you have a 12 yr old on your team. LOL!!!
posted by Big Dookie at 12:59 PM on July 01, 2005
Yeah, Karma is clearly an idiot, if America would have given two shits about people of color they would have neve done the "black fist" protest in the first place. American as I said before embarrased itself.
posted by Big Dookie at 10:21 AM on July 01, 2005
Watched the replay on HBO and OMG did Gotti get his arse kicked. I think Gotti should be forced into retirement. He like most "great white hype's" are just there to sell tickets. He showed his inferiority during this match.
posted by Big Dookie at 09:38 PM on June 30, 2005
One of the earlier posters is a complete moron. "Smith and Carlos accomplished nothing more than embarrassing themselves and their country for very little return" What a stupid statement, in that time in our history the U.S.A had alot to be embarrased about all on it's own! This country was a joke and a very significant amount of white folks had alot of blood on their hands!!
posted by Big Dookie at 09:35 PM on June 30, 2005
Ben Roethlisberger Action Figure
Does it throw multiple pics as well???