Hidden: The Vick Indictment: has been made public record. Here is the document in its entirety. It seems that Vick was not only aware of the operation, but the major force behind it. He founded, funded and participated in the entire operation. How will the NFL react?
posted by urall cloolis to football at 03:46 PM - 20 comments
Goodbye, cruel post.
posted by yerfatma at 04:11 PM on July 18, 2007
Gotta love those Vick brothers, they have got a gift for turning diamonds into shit. Can't say this comes as any surprise. You just can't make a correlation between athletic ability and brains, ethics, responsibility, or being a respectable member of society. Money doesn't change everything. I am sure many want to say until proven guilty he is innocent, so be it. But to me there seems to be a family pattern developing, and I think I am getting a pretty good picture of the Vicks.
posted by Atheist at 04:20 PM on July 18, 2007
Thanks for starting this post as a workaround to the administrator closing the last Vick thread. I was getting tired of scrolling all the way through that one anyway. Bishop, why don't you get the jump on this one and tell us that this whole Vick thing is just another example of persecution of innocent blsck men?
posted by 1959Giants at 04:23 PM on July 18, 2007
Does anyone else hear that train?
posted by THX-1138 at 04:35 PM on July 18, 2007
The light at the end of the tunnel is actually the headlight of an onrushing locomotive.
posted by tommybiden at 04:37 PM on July 18, 2007
After reading the indictment, and seeing how much money was involved, it just makes Vick look even sicker. Let's face it, with a salary like his, he wasn't in it for the money. He just must really be into watching torture. Nice guy, when a lot of players are donating their spare time to worthy causes, this guy is torturing and killing animals. It's all pretty creepy. The Falcons should drop him. It's a public relations nightmare, and its not like he was ever going to lead them to a championship anyway. I have nothing against pit bulls. I rescued a puppy 14 years ago and still have her. She is the smartest, most loving and affectionate dog with people and children I have ever had. There is a dilema involved with pitbulls, they are such great dogs and unfortunately, much of their greatness, their willingness to do anything for their owner, their courage, athleticism, toughness, determination, loyalty and willingness to fight to the death for nothing other than the affection of their owners, is a result of this fighting history.
posted by Atheist at 04:45 PM on July 18, 2007
What's interesting is the absence of Davon Boddie from the indictment. It's probably because he's one of the four "cooperating witnesses" mentioned in the indictment. He's probably singing his heart out for a reduced sentence or immunity. He'd better be in hiding or in the witness protection program. These aren't nice people.
posted by Toad8572 at 04:51 PM on July 18, 2007
1959giants: Thanks for starting this post as a workaround to the administrator closing the last Vick thread... Bishop, why don't you get the jump on this one and tell us that this whole Vick thing is just another example of persecution of innocent blsck men? Uhhhhh.... Look. Anyone who doesn't see why this FPP is wrong, and why your taunting of Bishop is wrong, really needs to go read the user guidelines. Capisce? If you want to be a user of this site, go read the damn user guidelines already!!! Shit-stirring is not okay here, so cut it out. Ignorance is no excuse particularly when people keep pointing your noses at the damn guidelines. (and forfucksake, cloolis, if you're bound and determined to keep beating...um...this horse, at least learn what the word 'indictment' means. sheesh almighty!)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:58 PM on July 18, 2007
Ron Burgundy: Let's go to Brian Fantana who's live on the scene with a Channel 4 News exclusive. Brian? Brian Fantana: Panda Watch. The mood is tense; I have been on some serious, serious reports but nothing quite like this. I uh... Ching... King is inside right now. I tried to get an interview with him, but they said no, you can't do that he's a live bear, he will literally rip your face off.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:04 PM on July 18, 2007
Folks, if the money is followed in this whole thing, I think we're really going to get an idea of why a certain someone is called Mad Dog after all. Coincidence that he-whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken happened to be pitching in Atlanta at the time Vick first rolled into town? I think not.
posted by holden at 05:09 PM on July 18, 2007
posted by Mr Bismarck at 05:11 PM on July 18, 2007
I just hope the sick idiot & his cohorts get everything they desaerve to get-AND MORE!!!!
posted by LadyGen at 05:11 PM on July 18, 2007
(and forfucksake, cloolis, if you're bound and determined to keep beating...um...this horse, at least learn what the word 'indictment' means. sheesh almighty!) Sorry LBB, you are so damn condescending it is amazing. I know what the word indictment means (A written statement charging a party with the commission of a crime or other offense, drawn up by a prosecuting attorney and found and presented by a grand jury) what is your point? Oh sorry, I forgot you are the only one on SpoFi allowed to make the personal attacks that you try to shun everyone else for. A bit hypocritical wouldn't you say?
posted by urall cloolis at 05:18 PM on July 18, 2007
If found guilty he should get "LIFETIME" ban!!
posted by packerfan4ever at 05:36 PM on July 18, 2007
to make the personal attacks that you try to shun everyone else for Geez, cloolis, if you're bound and determined to call LBB out for being condescending, at least learn what the word "shun" means. Sheesh.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 06:00 PM on July 18, 2007
Crafty- I walked right into that one. Maybe "shun" was the wrong choice of words. Point taken. Thanks for not saying fofucksake first. I can take the constructive criticism and a differing viewpoint than my own. I even respect differing opinions. However LBB should follow the rules that she points out to others in a large amount of her posts.
posted by urall cloolis at 06:18 PM on July 18, 2007
The whole phenomena of dog fighting is tied to the male ego. I know plenty of guys whose masculinity is all tied up in having the hottest wife, the fastest horse, the coolest car or, sadly, the meanest dog. You'd think an NFL quaterback wouldn't need that kind of affirmation. Another thing I haven't heard many people mention is that this is big time illegal gambling with people who do not play. I know Vick has millions, but what about staying out of jail? "Just don't win by more than 10 points and my lips are sealed. It's not like I'm telling you to lose." Not yet anyway. An NFL quarterback just being around this crowd seriously compromises the integrity of the game. Vick has to go. If convicted I think a lifetime ban is in order.
posted by gradioc at 06:35 PM on July 18, 2007
gradioc- great point about the gambling. I didn't realize it but the whole illegal gambling part of dogfighting definitely does come into play. I agree that if Vick is convicted a lifetime ban should be imposed. The illegal activity of dogfighting, the gambling aspect and lying to the commissioner about involvement does not bode well for Vick.
posted by urall cloolis at 06:43 PM on July 18, 2007
Can we lock/close this thread instead of just removing it from the frontpage?
posted by jerseygirl at 09:08 AM on July 19, 2007
And The Whole World Has To Answer Right Now Just To Tell You Once Again, Who's Bad? There's a link to the indictment in the closed thread.