Bobby Hamilton, 49, dies after battle with neck cancer: Bobby Hamilton found Victory Lane in all three of NASCAR's top series, but couldn't outrace cancer.
posted by wingnut4life to auto racing at 11:08 AM - 10 comments
Seen the article this morning. Never heard of him before but I've only been watching Nascar for three years now. May he rest in peace.
posted by texasred at 12:31 PM on January 08, 2007
I wasn't aware he had cancer, either. I assume he wanted to keep it a private matter. Very sad. I also heard Benny Parsons is back in the hospital, it sounds like he may have had a relapse in his battle with lung cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with BP and the Hamilton family.
posted by eccsport78 at 03:10 PM on January 08, 2007
My son and I met Bobby a few years back at Atlanta Motor Speedway. He signed shirts, a hat, and took the time to talk to my son who had a million questions about NASCAR. He gave us about 20 minutes out of his busy schedule. He came across as a very nice guy who appreciated his fans. Condolences to his family on their loss. May he rest in peace. Yes, Benny Parsons is back in Intensive Care in Charlotte, I believe. My prayers are with you, Benny.
posted by steelergirl at 03:32 PM on January 08, 2007
Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise considering that, on the 21st of December, this story on made it seem like he was doing quite well.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 03:41 PM on January 08, 2007
Because it was neck cancer, I wondered whether Hamilton was a smoker or chewed tobacco. His truck team has a small tobacco company, Bailey's, as a sponsor, but a story on his cancer treatment by a health magazine says he didn't smoke or chew.
posted by rcade at 04:24 PM on January 08, 2007
One more good person gone to a better place. Prayers for his family. RIP Bobby.........we'll miss ya!
posted by brbcca at 05:17 PM on January 08, 2007
One of the ol' school NASCAR drivers. He knew the fans were his weekly paycheck and took the time to show his appreciation to them. He was liked by all and knew how to build and race cars and trucks. Too bad some of the young guns aren't taking lessons from people like him and Benny.
posted by coach at 10:56 PM on January 08, 2007
Given he's a racer and the noxious fumes that surround many a pitlane, the fact he didn't smoke is irrelevant really. I hate to be cynical, but I already knew the ending of this story in March when he announced he had it. It always seems the most vehement people who say "I'll beat cancer!" invariably don't. I liked his style.
posted by Drood at 12:19 PM on January 09, 2007
RIP Bobby.
posted by LA_Dude at 07:37 PM on January 14, 2007
Shocking! I never even knew that he had cancer, and it was all so sudden. He'll be missed.