I Can't Grip My Balls!: Another league complaining about new balls? Yep, this time it's the NFL.
posted by The_Black_Hand to football at 05:29 AM - 20 comments
Tagliabue had better bumps on his balls.
posted by louisville_slugger at 08:35 AM on December 27, 2006
Well, his signature was longer, so there was a better chance of getting a fingerpad in one of his consonants, if you know what I mean.
posted by chicobangs at 09:18 AM on December 27, 2006
At first glance, I thought this post was about old and arthritic football players, but I guess slick footballs are a serious concern too.
posted by forrestv at 09:21 AM on December 27, 2006
Completion % up, fumbles down, dropped passes down. Much ado about nothing. It does provide TO with a convenient excuse, however...
posted by mjkredliner at 09:46 AM on December 27, 2006
Great title TBH. From what I read this problem should go away next year, and since it doesn't seem to have affected player performance it doesn't seem to be as big of an issue as the NBA ball situation.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 10:15 AM on December 27, 2006
When the rule allowing QBs to select the balls to be used by their offense in the game was first passed, I saw the unfortunate headline "Quarterbacks May Bring Their Balls To Games" in a local newspaper. Now that we know that QBs have balls, the QBs are complaining that they can't hold them? If I were a QB, I don't think I'd want some wide receiver or running back grabbing my balls. Well, maybe a tight end once in a while...
posted by Howard_T at 10:36 AM on December 27, 2006
TBH look what you've created!
posted by louisville_slugger at 11:19 AM on December 27, 2006
At least he didn't title it "New commissioner forces QB's to play with his new slippery balls."
posted by apoch at 11:24 AM on December 27, 2006
This reminds me of the "you wouldn't make it in pro football" commerical.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 11:26 AM on December 27, 2006
Garcia, while complaining, has managed to play better with the new commish's balls better than Donavon did.
posted by louisville_slugger at 12:13 PM on December 27, 2006
ls, are you trying to say that TO was right back in his 49er days?
posted by apoch at 12:20 PM on December 27, 2006
Can't grip the football? This is an obvious excuse offered by Michael Vick the Bobby Douglas of this generation.
posted by BlindAlvin at 12:32 PM on December 27, 2006
Garcia doesn't need to grip his balls, as long as Carmella's around. But don't forget to protect the balls, she (allegedly) packs a mean kick.
posted by SummersEve at 12:45 PM on December 27, 2006
I've always liked garcia, but he is 1 ugly sob. Playmates fighting over him?
posted by louisville_slugger at 01:06 PM on December 27, 2006
"There's nothing worse than stepping into a game with a ball that doesn't feel good in your hand ..." I've been saying that for years.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 01:37 PM on December 27, 2006
TBH look what you've created! My work here is done.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:36 PM on December 27, 2006
Oh my god, those balls are as smooth as eggs!
posted by tron7 at 05:15 PM on December 27, 2006
Lets hope T.O. doesn't hear about this story.He can't catch a ball now.This will really give him another excuse why he can't catch a football.
posted by Ghastly1 at 08:17 PM on December 27, 2006
No one can resist my shweaty balls.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:33 PM on December 27, 2006
This seems to be like a problem that couldn't be helped. It seems reasonable to play the season with the actual commissioner's name on the ball. So, it is unfortunate that the didn't pick a new commissioner sooner, but next year the balls will be back to their old standard. I didn't know that the weather had such a huge impact on the quality of the balls that are made.